Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


The physical properties of "axion (spin) fields"

Let's try to present an expanded version of the article N1/98.


If we could have a microscope that allows us to see objects smaller than 10-15 meters, we could probably see interlacing of spiral structures (filaments and films) in the place of electrons and protons.

At the same time, the electrons and protons are composed of spiral structures, and it is probably difficult to separate the interlacing of spiral structures, which refers to the electron, and that to the proton.

Most likely, the spiral structures in the atom are immobile. And their multiple twist (spiral into a spiral) creates the whole set of quantum mechanical values of the states of the atom.

1. There is a flow of energy (mass) of high density along the NEEDLE of the spirals. It has a pseudo-charge creating a magnetic field. Perhaps this is a longitudinal-transverse unipolar electromagnetic wave.

2. The STREETS have a very large energy density and a large non-linearity of the vacuum. This nonlinear nature violates the principle of superposition of electromagnetic fields - the "electric charge" begins to interact with the electromagnetic field. The properties of the vacuum vary greatly along the thread of the spiral (The electromagnetic wave resistance of the vacuum for an electron increases by a factor of 137/2.) N3/96).

3. It seems that the electron consists of two threads, twisted in a spiral, converging at one point (the center of the electron), and having left and right polarization.

4. It seems that the proton consists of three spirals (strands) with different combinations of polarization. In the case of a proton: positive electrical pseudo-charges form two spirals, and negative electrical pseudo-charges form the third (Fig.2, blue spiral 3). It is possible, here is analogy of the thread-quark. All three spirals twist of one "Moustache".

a) But, in fact, there is actually only one spiral 1 (Fig.1) of positive electric pseudo-charges (one quark is a positive charge and one quark is a negative electric charge). Positive pseudo-charges, moving to the proton, do not immediately fall into the center of the proton. They form a loop 2, skipping the center of the proton. Or it is possible is version of the "inverted stocking" 2 in Fig.2. Probably this loop is the second quark with a positive charge.



5. The speed of energy movement is close to the speed of light along the string (in our "gap" of time).




6. For a proton, for a positively charged spiral 1, the energy movement is directed from the periphery to the center of the proton. For a negatively charged 3 the energy is directed from the center to the periphery. But they rotate in one direction moving in a spiral, forming spirals with left and right polarization.

a/)    Positive pseudo-charges appear from nowhere (see Fig.3). They move to the center of the proton (P), increase their mass and disappear in the center of the proton to nowhere. ..... Negative pseudo-charges appear from nowhere in the center of the proton. They move from the center of the proton to the outside, reducing its mass and disappearing into nowhere. It can be assumed that positive pseudo-charges move from the future into the past (the orange line), gradually manifesting itself in our time gap - "now", and disappearing on the trailing front of the "wave of time". And negative pseudo-charges move from the past to the future (the blue line), manifesting itself in our gap "now" and gradually disappearing on the leading front of the "wave of time", leaving for the future (see Time - Overtime).

b/)   It is possible, basically the spiral structure is stretched along the time coordinate T in the space (4,1) - see Time - Overtime. And in our "gap" of time, this spiral is manifested in the form of a torus (ring) of large concentration of energy. If we proceed model I.M.Matora, (I.M.Matora, "Model of the structure of an electron and a muon," Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, February 4, 1981, calculations were performed for a ring structure.) for an electron, the diameter of the ring thread Is 1.4 * 10-106 meters, the magnetic field strength is ~ 10100Gs, the diameter of the revolution is equal to 3.9*10-13 meters. It is probable interference rings are formed around the main ring (interference "reflections" of the main ring), similar to that shown in Fig.4.

c/)    The spiral structure can appear in our "gap" of time: during the motion of a proton (electron); in potential fields and their gradients; and in the state of spectral deformation - DS-state elements (see Time - Overtime). Interferential spiral structures (interference "reflections" of the main spiral structure) are formed around the main spiral structure.


7. The speed of spread a dither along the spiral (in our "gap" of time) is much less than the speed of light and it is determined by the longitudinal moment of the pulse and by the parameters of the environment (the density of the spiral coiling changes).

8. The material manifestation of these spirals is the so-called "axion field".

9. An "axion field" with unidirectional motion only positive pseudo-charges is called an "axion field" of type 1 (see "Ring structures "axion of fields""). The "axion field" of type 1 is oriented in the direction of negative charges to meet the vector potential and vector of the Poiting

10. An "axion field" with unidirectional motion only negative pseudo-charges will be called an "axion field" of type 2. An "axion field" of type 2 is oriented in the direction of positive charges to meet the vector potential and in the direction vector of the Poiting.

11. An "axion field" of counter motion opposite pseudo-charges will be called an "axion field" of type 3. An "axion field" of type 3 is oriented in the direction of negative charges to meet the vector potential and the vector of the Poiting.

12. An "axion field" with a unidirectional motion of dissimilar pseudo-charges is called an "axion field" of type 4. An "axion field" of type 4 is oriented to meeting vector of the Poiting (if the source of the field is considered to be a proton).

13. Interference copies of lower density are formed around the main spirals of motion of pseudo-charges. They are especially strong for a "field" of type 4. Interference ring strata (rings ... -2, -2,1,2 ... ) are formed by closing the "axion field" of type 4 in the ring. (Ring 0 in Fig.5) A chain of interference ring strata is called an "axion field" of type 5.
It is probable, it is possible to propagate the field perturbation with a velocity exceeding the speed of light along the "axion field" of type 5 (the propagation of perturbations along the phase surface of the wave function).

Fig. 4 has executed Motorin Oleg
Translation of Irina Lis

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