Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


Time - Overtime

We have already spoken about this subject in N1/98 and N2/98.
And in this article we shall try to dwell this subject widely.



We wake in the morning and go around the flat. Then we go on business (from a point A in a Fig.1) in the city.
We can draw a trajectory of our movement in the city during a day (red line on the map). We are only at one point in the city in a moment of the day. But our location throughout the day is a continuous line. A line is in the map and defined by connecting all the coordinates X, Y. But we live in a three-dimensional world, and third coordinate ("height") we shall call - Z.
We can thus draw a trajectory of our movement in time (Fig.2). This trajectory is named "a global line".
So, we have three spatial coordinates - X, Y, Z, and coordinate of time - T. Or it is - space-time (3,1).


We can move freely along coordinates X, Y, Z and we can also change the speed of the movement along them (but not more than the speed of light). But we cannot change direction/trend and "speed" of the movement along coordinate of time T.
So here is the problem. Is "the global line" simply a trajectory of movement of our body, a copy route of our movement (Fig.1)?...
Or "the global line" a continuous material thread projected along the coordinate of time T, and we are moving to the future, at a constant rate, like a train on rails?...

In each moment we perceive ourselves (and body) only at one concrete point on "a global line". In a moment of time t1 we are in a point A (Fig. 3), in a moment of time t2 we are at a point B, in a moment of time t3 we are in a point C.
We are looking around at people, we are also sure like our friend who is also (perceives himself) in the same moment, as we (point D, E and F).



Why do we tie ourselves to only one moment of time? Why do we accept only one, "narrow" one dimensional moment of time?

We shall deviate from our subject and we shall try to represent, what would be, if the attraction of the Earth was magnified 10 times.
The megascopic gravitation will more align/flatten a surface of the Earth. The mountains become lower. Animals and plants will diminish their sizes (they must distribute their increased weight). Humans beings will also diminish in sizes.
And if gravitation will increase further, biological life will degenerate into thin films (kind of like lichen) as a slick over the ground. All their life will flow past in limits of a plane and all perception of a World (sense) will be concentrated in limits of this plane. In perception they become two-dimensional entities. If, for any reason, one being will float in a mixture of water and gases, for others it will vanish from their World of existence.

We are similar to these bivariate beings in narrow frames "now".
Probably, our world (is not less than) four-dimensional, but we accept by our sense organs only three-dimensional world immediately.


It is possible to suspect, that in the Cosmos are distributed a similarity of powerful gravity waves. Let's named them " waves of time ".
These waves are similar to deep holes (potential holes - the fig. 4) for us, at the bottom which one we live (point - m).

It is possible to tell, that the wavefront is a line (one-dimensional) for usual waves on a surface of water. The wavefront is a plane (two-dimensional) for electromagnetic waves in free space. The wavefront is a volume (three-dimensional) for "of waves of time". Or, it is possible to tell, that it is a three-dimensional plane for four-dimensional space.

Stop! The coordinate T has turn in one of usual coordinates of four-dimensional space for us, which one differs by that along this discharged direction "the waves of time " are distributed. But if we speak about movement, we already mean concept of time (how perceive this concept).
Thus, we involuntarily resort to concept of time more high level, to concept "OVERTIME" - O. While we are clipped in narrow "now" for us T and O are identical (like identical time and distance for the passengers of a train moving with constant speed), but, if we get out for limits "now", we shall begin to operate "with global lines" in "overtime", in space - (4,1).

Simultaneously exist - past, present and futurein in the space (4.1). But it is naive to repute, that our global lines will be constant in "overtime", static. It is probably some changes descend permanently, and our memories about past will not correspond completely to "the present past". And, likely, we can change the future, change a trajectory by ours "of a global line" as a matter of principle. But how does find out its current position, and what laws of nature do ours "global lines" obey?
It is not so simple trajectories at such treatment of "overtime" ours "global lines". Ours "the global lines" are material and are dovetailed in composite structure of Cosmos.



It is possible to make of these reasonings set of interesting outputs, for example:
The availability of movement of material things in our three-dimensional world along coordinates X, Y, Z is natural for us..., but component of a substance of "global lines", probably, are also moving from past in the future and from the future in past.
Let's have a look in the article "Physical properties of axion (spin) fields". In it is written:
" Is similar, the proton (P) consists of three spirals (threads), having different combination of polarization. For a proton two spirals have positive electrical pseudo charge, third - negative. The analogy a THREADS - quark is possible. All three spirals retinues in one “MOUSTACHE”.
. Along a thread the speed of motion of energy is nearly to speed of light.
6. For a proton, for positively charged spirals, the motion of energy is directed from periphery to centre of a proton. For negatively charged - from centre to periphery.

..... The positive pseudo-charges occur from anywhere (The fig.5) and moving to centre of a proton (P), augment the mass and fade at centre of a proton in anywhere...... The negative pseudo-charges occur from anywhere at centre of a proton and moving from centre of a proton in outside of, diminishing the mass and fading in anywhere.

It is possible to suspect, that positive pseudo-charges moving from the future in past (orange line), gradually showing itself in our split "now", and, fading on a back edge " waves of time ". And negative pseudo-charges moving from past in the future (cyan line), showing itself in our split "now" and fading out on a leading edge "waves of time", leaving in the future.

It is possible to suspect the speed of passing of physical processes is decelerated a hundred times in our "split" of time, in a gravitation hole "waves of time". The light moves inside this three-dimensional "plane" like inside a fiber optic light-guide with an index of refraction of a glass, equal 100 (for a glass usually does not exceed 2), and practically can not leave for its limits.
Energy flow (mass) in "of a global line" spoting-on in "a wave of time", decrease speed of the movement in 100 times (to our speed of light). And density of their energy (mass) increases thus 10000 times. The energy flow again restores the former parameters when it get out the limits "waves of time". Thus, main energy (mass) "of global lines" is concentrated in "split" "waves of time". So it is difficult for us to detect manifestation of physical properties "of global line" from "split" of time.
Number p is 3.14... inside of "waves of time" (because of strong distîrtion of space - time), but in macro - scales (outside of " waves of time ") and possible in a microcosmos the number p will be=4 (How will it be mirrored in our accounts?).

Probably, it is possible to change a moment of movement of a substance not only along coordinates X, Y, Z, but probably to change a moment of movement of a substance lengthways coordinate T, lengthways "of a global line".
What will be in this case?

If we shall enlarge a moment of movement of a substance lengthways coordinate T, that, probably, its density will be diminished in our "split" of time , its temporary "split" will be wider. Its quantum-mechanical properties will vary. The feasibility of its interaction with a "usual" substance will be diminished. Probably, it will be picked up speed weeps of physical processes, and the maximum speed of its movement along coordinates X, Y, Z, will be much higher (more our speed of light).
Probably, it is translation of a usual substance in a status teleportation. Probably, the chemical elements in such status are those, that we call m-state elements (N1/00).

What do "axion generators" do?
Do they speed up a substance along coordinate T?
Or do they enlarge the internal moment of movement m-state of elements along coordinates X, Y, Z, thereby enlarge manifestation of m-state elements in our "split" of time?

If there is an flow energy/mass along global lines across front "waves of time", probably, there is some exchange of a moment of movement between this flow energy/mass and wave.
Thus, positive pseudo-charges (The fig.5) moving from the future in past, will be provoke deformation of front "of waves of time" and, supervention, it will appearance of a gravitational field (N2/98).
In that case, negative pseudo-charges moving from past in the future,they will provoke a boomerang effect. And if we shall enlarge energy/mass of the component negative pseudo-charges of proton, probably, we shall receive antigravitation effect.

Probably, it is possible to use a unbalance of flow energy/mass between future and past for receipt energy for our needs.

Psychology, World Outlook, Person

Probably, plenty of waves of time are superimposed on our "global line". And in each wave on our "global line" there are reflections of ourselves. There are reflections of ourselves in the future and in the past.

Since between future and past there is an energy flow (mass) along a global line, then information exchange between future and past is possible also. But is this exchange actually of the biological sort?

Probably, there is no special necessity to know the present past, when we already have our memory of our actual past.
Some interest represents our future, but if we find out the present future, then we shall change our behavior. And when this future, when it becomes the present, will already be a little bit different, and our knowledge can hinder us to orient correctly towards the coming situation. The powerful mind is needed for realizing the perception of such main information. We don’t have such minds yet. It maybe that, as a rule, we are limited in foreknowledge.
And if the interval between "waves of time" will be 20 years of our life, then the value of the information from the future will be equal to zero for the majority of biological kinds. And such perception will not evolve.

In such a situation, perhaps, there is no special necessity for an exchange of knowledge for long-lived biological types. But the exchange of skills will be actual. It is the skill to correctly orient in the situation (to perceive), and to act correctly.
And if we have a dream about forthcoming events, it does not mean, that all will be so. It means, that we have a need to understand the situation and to find the strategy of behavior. And we need to decide- whether this situation is necessary for us?

If there is an exchange of skills between future and past, then our individual work above feel deeply and perceive of past events will concentrate by experience with all our "selves" on a "of global line". That will allow our "global line" to take a position "of a happy global line" in Cosmos
And if the concept of transformation of ourselves is correct, probably in any moment all reflections ours of ourselves can collect into ones self living in overtime, living in space (4,1) outside of rigid dependence on our time.

But if we penalize ourselves for the sins in past... - then, probably, this fight between future and past will not add to us either health, nor happiness. (It is necessary to convert the sins into experience.)

If between reflections we have an exchange of skills, the distance between a level of development of reflections of ourselves, distance in a level of development between reflections of our civilization, probably, will be less physical distance in time.

The situation can be even more complex:

All these are past, present, future – in overtime they exist simultaneously. We are a part of the global, multivariate network of an interlacing of "global lines". And our "silent" internal work on perfecting ourselves is a perfecting of all the Cosmos. Our help to a strange person is a help to ourselves. (Would you help save yourself from dependence and poverty?)

Maybe the biggest nonsense is to divide the people on national, racial or ethnic origin by birth. It is a Big nonsense to speak about heritage of grandparents (heritable illness). Our heritage is all the Cosmos!

The Parallel Cosmoses



What is a source "of waves of time" we can only to guess. But is there only one such source?

Probably, "the global lines" will aspire to be oriented along of trend "of waves of time".
If a source of waves is one, then "global lines" the substances will be perpendicular to front "waves of time" practically.
If sources of waves are two and more (The fig. 6, here I1, I2 - sources of waves), then it will be derivated an interference figure in space (4,1), it is similar wave interference on a surface of water. The waves, being intersected, in places of an intersection will derivate of a current antinode - deeper "gravitation holes", which one will move along red lines M1..., M9. They are exhibited on a Fig.6. Our " global lines " will be drawn out along these lines. But they already will be " the global lines " of the Cosmoses, in one of which has mislaid shred thread "of a global line" of our Galaxy.
May be it is probably to learn to displace not only between present, past and future, but it is possible to learn to displace and between the Cosmoses.

The germing "of global lines" descends in a zone ZZ according to Fig. 6a , which ones then miss up and downwards . What is there intervene? And is there a germing? May be the germing " of global lines " descends in sources " of waves of time ", and trajectory " of global lines " a little bit other... And may be, the source " of waves of time " is substance " of global lines "...

Probably, there are a lot of sources "of waves of time" of miscellaneous intensity . They are disposed on miscellaneous distances and radiat waves of different frequency. In that case, all these will create a composite pattern of an interference figure in space (4,1).
The interference of "powerful" waves will create (to orient) the Cosmoses, and the small-sized ripple will create "small-sized" discontinuities in the Cosmoses (such as galaxies, and congestion of galaxies in honeycomb structures). And it is quite possible, that this "ripple" can facilitate transition between the Cosmoses. And may be, this "ripple" already creates transitions between the Cosmoses in "our" revolutionary instants on divarications of a development of civilizations (a little bit idealistic approach), isn't it? But we do not remark it...

Probably, there are sources "of waves of time" of miscellaneous quality or there are sources " of waves of time " in miscellaneous spacelike dimensions. May be our world is not four- dimensional, but five- dimensional, six- dimensional, etc. (space - (5,1), (6,1), etc.). Our world is doubly, triply, etc. degenerate in looking by us three-dimensional space because of an interference "of waves of time" of diferent quality.

There are plenty of versions . And I think our future will not be boring!

Translation by Irina S.Lis

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