
A.A.Shpilman (

Physical properties of axion (spin) fields

In previous numbers of the almanac (see N3/95 , N5/95 , N2/96 , N3/96 , N2/97) the properties of axion (spin) fields were already described. In this article we shall try to generalize them.

If we had a microscope which were powerful enough to allow us to see objects of less than 10-15 meters in size a world consisting of visible electrons and protons, we would probably see many complex forms of interlacing spiral structures.

Because of this complexity of interwoven spiral forms, it would be difficult to separate them out from each other in order to determine which spiral belonged to which electron or proton.

Most probably, the spiral structures in atom are motionless. These repeated swirling (spiral within spiral) forms are the originating source of all of the properties of the atom.

1. Along THREADS of spirals there is a flow of energy (of weight) of large density having a pseudo charge, creating a magnetic field. The THREAD is probably a longitudinal-transversal single polarity electromagnetic wave. If to proceed from model of I.M.Matora, (I.M.Matora, "Model of a structure of an electron and muon" Integrated Institute of Nuclear Researches, Dubna, February 4, 1981). The calculations were spent for a ring-type structure. For an electron diameter of a thread is equal 1.4*10-106 of meters, intensity of the magnetic field ~ 10100Gs, diameter of an orbit is equal 3.9*10-13 of meters.

2. THREADS have very high energy density and exhibit large vacuum nonlinearities, which causes violation of a principle of a superposition of electromagnetic fields, i.e. " the electrical charge " begins to cooperate with an electromagnetic field. The properties of the vacuum change greatly along the THREAD of a spiral (for an electron is it electromagnetic wave resistance of vacuum strongly vary grows in 137/2 times. See N3/96).

3. Is similar, the electron consists of two THREADS, waved in the spiral converging in one point (centre of an electron), both having left-hand and with the right of polarization.

4. Is similar, the proton consists of three spirals (threads), having different combination of polarization. For a proton two spirals have positive electrical pseudo charge, third - negative. The analogy a THREADS - quark is possible. All three spirals retinues in one “MOUSTACHE”.

5. Along a thread the speed of motion of energy is nearly to speed of light.

6. For a proton, for positively charged spirals, the motion of energy is directed from periphery to centre of a proton. For negatively charged - from centre to periphery.

7. The speed of propagation of a disturbance along a spiral is significant less than speed of light and is determined by a longitudinal moment of a impulse, and parameters of an environment (to change density of winding a spiral). For axion of a field created by the device, described in N3/95, the longitudinal momentum of impulse is equal to the impulse of a proton with energy 300 electron-volt in air and 3 electron-volt in ferrite.

8. The spirals are very sensitive to size and direction of vectorial potential. The spirals are guided along a direction of vectorial potential, but not to direction of a magnetic field! (Pay attention to a design of the device in N3/95).

9. Axion fields of protons are guided towards to vector of Poyting (see "Solar spin (axion) a field").

10. Is similar, space between THREADS of spirals is sated with particles (Quon), similar neutrino, with energy of rest in some of electron-volt and less. Quon are generated from closed THREAD-like of structures with different mass of rest, topology, characteristic sizes and spectrum of resonant frequencies.

11. It is possible, the rules of gas dynamics are applied to set Quon outside of fields.


I express gratitude Robert Neil Boyd for the help.

(see N3/95 , N5/95 , N2/96 , N3/96 , N2/97 , N2/98 , N1/99 , N2/99)


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