Alexander A.Shpilman ( )

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"M-state" Elements Concentrators

The research on the design of different types "axion field" generators has shown that only very small quantity of generator’s working matter actually participate in "axion field" generation and that it is the quality (or degree) of working matter activation that varies. For the observer, it may look like every material would possess very much the same quantity of some kind of micro-impurity substance that actively participates in "axion field" generation.

Let's call this impurity "‘m-state’ element". Usually, the quantity of this micro-impurity is proportional to the density of the working matter.

Apparently, "m-state" element is an unknown chemical element or an isotope that has unusual (exited) states of nucleus in its atoms. These atoms can not be found by conventional physical-chemical methods. Obviously, to develop some methods for "m-state" element detection one would need to have them in large concentration. This would lead us to the question: How can we concentrate "m-state" element?

( For related ideas look at and )

Assuming that "m-state" elements actively participate in "axion field" generation, it would make sense to work with both "m-state" elements and "axion field", see "m-state" element concentrator shown at figure 1.



Where 1 - constant magnet, 2 - thin iron washers, 3 - substance accumulating "m-state" elements, 4 - central core of a magnet 1.
5 – liquid’s flow direction in a tube 6 (non-magnetic material).

In the internal cavity of the magnet 1, there is a vector potential locked around the magnet central core 4. The thin iron washers 2 with radial slit, partially lock on themselves diffused magnetic field of the magnet 1 thus creating vector potential gradient on the magnet cavity height. The maximal value of vector potential will be in zone 3.

Suppose that "m-state" elements will be pushed out from the liquid substance 5 into the internal cavity of a magnet with magnetic field, and drift to the area with the greatest value of vector potential, i.e. into zone 3.

Let’s place some ferrite material or fibre optic cable into zone 3. These materials can be used later in "axion field" generators as working body. (for example, in the generator The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Feld" - "COMFORT" ). We can also put purified water into zone 3 and try to accumulate "m-state" elements in it.

This water can be used later in biological experiments or in physical-chemical experiments on detection and study of "m-state" element properties.

The wall of test tubes is not the obstacle for "m-state" element. Apparently we’ll not find any "m-state" element in the sediment if we evaporate the water but we can try chemically bond "m-state" elements of heavy nucleuses (gold, platinum etc.) with sodium or oxygen (O6) as they try in .

Suggested design would have the magnet assembled from sections, this would allow us retrieve "m-state" element accumulating substance (3) from the device without crossing magnetic field of the magnet.

Constant flow of substance in tube 6 would supply the device with new "m-state" elements. This substance can be a water, petroleum, an air or moving aluminium wire.

The concentrator collects "m-state" elements not only from the liquid substance that flowing through the magnet but also from the environment. Therefore, it is unknown, what would be consequences for biological objects that stay near the concentrator for a long period of time.

High concentration of "m-state" elements can be observed in mountains, in points of the increased intensity of the "geo-field", along high-voltage powerlines and electricity distribution stations, near power station heat furnace and, in particular, around nuclear reactors and radioactive waste storehouses.

To collect disseminated "m-state" elements in such zones we can use the design similar to one that is shown on Fig.1. The difference is that there is no horizontal slit in the tube 6 (the magnet with complete magnetic field shortcut) but there are four radial narrow vertical slits through the thickness of the wall.

For "m-state" element accumulation, such construction can be merely submerged into the river or sea currents.

It is estimated that for "m-state" element extraction it is necessary to apply more than 10 keV of energy per one atom nucleus.


Good candidates for "m-state" element manufacturing would be cathode-ray tub (CRT) of modern colour TV sets and computer monitors. Jets of "m-state" element that flow from TV tub are basically observed along CRT shadow mask plane (along TV screen surface). The amount of jets and their directions are determined by CRT and housing geometry.

The design developed especially for "m-state" element accumulation from TV’s CRT shown on Fig.2 (in a section)

Where 1 and 3 - ferrite tube with low electrical conductivity, 2 - ferrite where "m-state" elements concentrate), 4 - graphite disk, 5 and 6 - external and internal copper electrodes.

Before final construction assembly both external and internal surfaces of ferrite tubes 1, 3 should be covered with graphite and electrodes 5, 6 pressed tightly against them (or these electrodes can be made electrolytic precipitation copper on graphite).

Electrical current applied to toroidal coils through wires 11,12 and 13,14 thus creating opposite direction magnetic field in ferrite tubes 1, 3. Note that potential vector inside tubes also has an opposite orientation. Potential vectors in tubes 1 and 3 sum their radial components in a zone of ferrite ring 2.

Magnetic field created by the coils should be close to magnetic saturation of ferrite tube 1, 3. The design will be simpler, if low electrical conductivity constant magnets were used instead of ferrite tubes.

Opposite sign voltage applied to the coils wires 7,8 and 9,8; electrodes 5 and 6 of corresponding tubes 1 and 3, so that in both ferrite tubes perpendicular magnetic and electrical fields being formed with a Poyting vector directed upwards.

There are two working factors in this design:

- "m-state" elements concentration in a zone with maximum value of vector potential (zone of the ring 2), by concentrating "axion field" of "m-state" elements in this zone;

- "m-state" elements concentration by concentrating "axion field" of type 3 (Fig.3 in article "The optical generator of "Axion (Spin) Field" with cross by EM-fields"), with the use of a Poyting vector .

(Analogy, the iron sawdust is draw in area of the greatest intensity of a magnetic field, it is supposed, that the "m-state" elements are draw in area of greatest density of a "axion field ".)

The efficiency of "axion field" generation significantly increased when materials saturated by "m-state" elements used as a working body in "axion field" generators (for example, generator "COMFORT").

So far the limit of such "m-state" elements saturation has not yet discovered.

There is an assumption, that some critical level of "m-state" elements concentration exists, the object that reaches it becomes "the magic object" and should demonstrate some unusual effects (for example, imitation poltergeist).


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