Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


Time - Overtime

(Continuation, beginning in N2/00)


It is possible to suspect that some kind of powerful gravity waves are distributed in the Cosmos. Let's name them "waves of time".
These waves are similar for us to deep holes (potential holes of Magnitude of Energy U - see Fig.1), we live at the bottom of them (point - m). The wave-front is a volume (three-dimensional) for "waves of time". Another viewpoint is that it is a three-dimensional plane for four-dimensional space in "OVERTIME" - O or in the space and time coordinates (4,1) (3 normal dimensions, normal time T and OVERTIME). The point m moves in space (4,1) along its "global lines" together with "waves of time". Probably a substance of "global lines" has components moving from past into the future and from the future into past- (see Fig.2).


It is not a simply flow of matter/energy. It is wave process with complex spectral structure in a greatly nonlinear environment (at large density of energy) - "the physical vacuum". The counter flows interfere each other forming "standing waves" of density of the matter.

In our common world of reality the basic peak of density of matter D of a "global line" coincides with a potential hole U of "waves of time" in OVERTIME, as it is shown in Fig. 3. (The hole is in the upper graph, the density peak is shown in the lower graph).

Probably there is an influence of a "standing" wave of density of the matter on the shape of a potential hole U of "waves of time" in places of a "large" congestion of matter (planet and star). As a result the local "depressions" on the forward and back front of a "wave of time" are formed. There is a trough, peaks and secondary troughs (local depressions/lobes on either side of the potential hole).

These "depressions" are above the bottom level of a potential hole U of "waves of time", therefore it is necessary to expect superlight speeds of interaction in these areas of peaks of a "standing" wave of density of a matter.
Probably the strong and weak interactions between elementary particles in many cases are caused by interaction in the field of these "depressions", that causes their integrity as particles.

Probably interference ring strats of the "axion field" sort 5 (see "The Generator of the "Axion Field " Sort 5") are also attached to these "depressions". Probably the existence of the "thin Worlds" is also caused by existence of "depressions". So the "depressions" themselves are the field of the "thin Worlds" and paranormal.




If we change a ratio of the pulses' moments of movement of matter along coordinate T, altering its fundamental vibratory state, then, probably, the form of a "standing" wave of density of the matter of a "global line" will change (see Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). Thus there will be decreasing of displaying of the matter on a "global line" at the bottom level of a potential hole U. It will show itself at other moments of time T, and its properties will strongly differ from common for us properties. It is the matter in " the Deformed Spectral condition " (DS-state). Probably the matter in such condition is the m-state matter itself (see ""M-state" Elements Concentrators").

For example, the DS-state matter will be less influenced by gravitational forces. It will be capable to move with speed above the speed of light (in its basic condition). Also it will be capable to pass freely through walls of usual/normal matter, because the DS-state matter is shown at other moments of time T. Probably the DS-state matter will interact with normal matter through spatial-temporary resonance.


Probably the work of the "axion field" generators consists of changing a ratio of the pulses' moments of movement of matter (changing its fundamental vibratory state) along coordinate T. It also consists of changing the ratio of the pulses' movements of wave process of flows of pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges (see "Physical properties of axion (spin) fields"). In particular, transforming the DS-state   matter in its usual condition, we transform it on an lower energy level. This process can be used for getting energy for our needs and for fill up our mineral resources. Besides, steady flows of DS-state material are probably exist and they are like winds. And they come not from somewhere above, from space onto the Earth, for example, but from one Universe to another. It is necessary to adjust the sail (windmill/energy absorber) only and you can start...


At an increase of concentration of the DS-state matter the essential deformation of "waves of time" (see Fig.6) is possible. It can be in such degree that in this "area" of space the DS-state matter will be on nadir (lowest point) energy level. But the condition of this matter, which is common to us, will be unstable. Thus the "tendency" of transition of a usual/normal matter in the DS-state matter will be observed.
I.e. if some part of matter of a space ship transform into the DS-state matter, the rest of the matter will make the same transformation.

Probably the flow of matter/energy along coordinate T is wave process with complex spectral structure. Manipulating spectra of components of a "global line" we can get "standing" waves of density of a matter on a "global line" of any form (for example, see Fig.7) and freely transfer ourselves to "real" past and future! We would be able freely move in space (4,1) between the parallel Universes.


It will be the spectral physics of the "global lines" and the physical vacuum.

Probably the various sites of space have a various configurations of "depressions" in a "wave of time" (see Fig.8), i.e. they have a various spectrum of fluctuations of physical vacuum in OVERTIME.
Reconstructing a spectrum of own frequencies of the matter of "global line", changing the form of "standing" waves of density of a matter, being adjusted to space by a necessary configuration of "depressions" on a "wave of time", probably, the moving (on a wave of a resonance) of the matter from one site of space into another is possible. And, probably, this moving will be like free fall and there will be no sensation of acceleration.

A "World Line" and a "Global Line "

I think, it is necessary to give definitions and to enter distinction of concepts a "World line" and a "Global line". It is offered to name a continuous string of a matter in OVERTIME as a "Global line".
But a trajectory of movement of a separate material point of a "Global line" in OVERTIME we shall name as a "World line".
Let's present such an analogy: many people walk along the suspension (rope) bridge. The bridge is being swung by a wind and movement of the people. The suspension bridge is an analogue of a "Global line" matters (body of a man). The "World line" is a trajectory of movement of a certain man in space along the suspension bridge. It is obviously, that a "World line" and a "Global line" are connected among themselves, but they are not identical.

Waves of Time


It is possible to assume, that the "waves of time" are "flat" three-dimensional waves in space (4,1) or spherical it is shown in Fig.9.

But it is possible to assume that the "waves of time" are "helical" three-dimensional waves in space (4,1).

In such case, probably astronomers can see "reflections" of our Sun in the past and future on its "global line". But it is very difficult for an observer to identify such "reflections". Except the difference in time lengthways the "global line" the delay for propagation of a light signal lengthways "spirals of a wave of time" is imposed. However "reflections" of exotic astronomical objects which are far from us can be probably observed. We speak about the distances which are comparable with "perimeter" of one coil of "spirals of a wave of time".

If red shift of a spectrum of radiation of stars and Habbl constant (H=50-100 km / (second*Megaparsec)) are the result of increasing of radius of our coil of a spiral of "the waves of time", then its radius is equal to R~4*104 Megaparsec ~1012 of light years.

Probably the "wave of time" is the cross-wave of strong deformation of physical vacuum like shift-torsion.
Probably a "spiral wave of time" is the cause of occurrence a spin at electron and proton.
Probably electron and protons have no spin. It's strongly contorted our space has a spin. And for its reason all matter "is stratified" on small particles - atoms, protons, electrons etc.

The "Linear Global Lines " of Matters


It look like that all elementary particles have a spin, spiral structure in limits of "wave of time" (see +e and -e in a Fig.10).
But what is occurring at annihilation of electron-positron pairs (particle - antiparticle)?
Are "The Global lines" of the electron and positron disappearing?
Or are their "global lines" passing into another condition, into other quality?

Probably at annihilation of electron-positron pairs the complexes of "linear global lines" are formed (see +el and -el in a Fig. 10) which have no spiral structure. And easy, weakly interacting particles are formed in our "split" of time. They have no spin and gyroscopic properties.

If our space is already strongly tortiled (in our "split" of time) that we shall perceive the "linear global lines" as formed in a spiral. But, apparently, these "global lines" will not have gyroscopic properties.


Let's name "linear global lines" as the L-state condition of a matter.
Probably the L-state condition is one of a version of the DS-state condition of the matter. But atoms and elementary particles would hardly exist in such a condition. Probably this is certain similarity of the prequarks, which can show themselves as virtual electron-positron pairs.

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