
A.A.Spilman (

Interesting ratioes

It is well-known, that the energy of a photon is equal:


E= h*c/l



h - Plank constant;
c - speed of light (c=1/SQRT(
l - wavelength of a photon.

But why just such strange relation? Not clearly.

Let's assume, that the basic part of energy of a photon is concentrated cubed lxlxl as a magnetic field H, then it is possible to write:


h*c/l » m *H2*l *l *l



m - magnetic permeability of vacuum.

Let's execute the subsequent transformations:


h*c » m *H2*l4 » (m *H*l2) 2/m » ff 2/m

From here magnetic flow is equal:


ff » SQRT(h*c*m)=SQRT(h*SQRT(m/e))=SQRT(h*r)=5*10-16 Weber



SQRT() - function of extraction of a square root;
e - dielectric constant of vacuum;
r - wave resistance of vacuum (r=SQRT(m/e)=376.7 ohm).

Is received, that for all energy (lengths of waves) photon, its mean magnetic flow size a constant. That is, we have deduced approximate value of a quantum of a magnetic flow for a photon. It in 4 times is less classical f 0=2*10-15 Weber, that is possible to explain by replacement of integration on all volume on volume cube by the size lxlxl.

Same "spells" can be tried to repeat, by suppose, that all energy of a photon is concentrated in its electrical field:


h*c/l » e *E 2*l *l *l


h*c » e E2l4 » (e *E*l 2) 2/e » y 2/e » qf 2/e



y - flow of an electrical induction;
f - electrical charge,
f » SQRT(h*c*e )= SQRT(h*SQRT(e /m ))=SQRT(h/r )=1.3*10-18 coulomb

Is received, that for all energy (lengths of waves) photon, its electrical charge size a constant, in 8.3 times more classical charge of an electron q0=1.6*10-19 coulomb, that would be possible to explained by replacement of integration on all volume on volume by cube by the size lxlxl. But Only here this error for q and f is received in the opposite direction...?

Also it is not all. It is known, that the return size of a constant of a thin structure is equal


1/a= 2h/(m *c*q02)=2h/(r * q02)=2*qf 2/q02»137

Most interesting from spent "spells" that we have received the following relations:


qf 2» h/r

ff 2 » h*r

2*qf 2/q02=1/a»137

The rather last ratio that is possible to assume that for a photon and for an electron - the vacuum has different wave resistance:


re/rf »137/2

Here is above what to think.