Alexander A. Shpilman( )

Russian | Italiano

The author of the data of lines has done a bit of travelling on much to open spaces of former Soviet Union, met and meets the people engaging "non-traditional" sciences. Unfortunately, at many from them on soil mania of greatness and hidden of fears to remain with anything, the illness of secrecy was showed, though if attentively to consider, that they have, it is possible to reach in a conclusion, that contents do not cost and not worth twopence or anyway that they have is small grain of knowledge, on the basis of which in the single anything will not achieve. This illness results in self-isolation, to loss of creative activity and at the end results in apathy.

The way of knowledge is infinite. The creative person always will be than to gift of ambient, and at the fruitless man and that is present, will not give sprout.

Ferrite-magnetic the Reflector Axion (Spin) of Radiation

The ways are known of change of a direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves with the help of mirrors constructed on effect of reflection from border of the unit of environments of a type dielectric-dielectric and a dielectric-conductor at the expense of a difference of parameters of refraction, interference and diffraction on a regular structure of a crystal lattice for x-ray, gamma, beta and other kinds of radiation. But they can not be applied for reflection axion of radiation (spin waves), since it is direct with a crystal lattice (known materials) practically does not cooperate.

As axion of a field and the radiation cooperate, in basic, only with spin of electrons and nucleuses of atoms, it is meaningful to try to change a direction of propagation axion radiation at the expense of orientation these spins. That is, the change of a direction of propagation of energy axion radiation is possible to achieve by the reflector with the induced or internal anisotropy focused perpendicularly to a direction of propagation of radiation of a source, with deviation from perpendicularity on a angle which is not exceeding of a angle "precessions" of spin of active elements of the reflector, rather this anisotropy.

Generally, the axion radiation, penetrating in any material and cooperating with backs of its making elements, orientates them on a direction of an axis of radiation. In result the spin channel is formed, along which there is a propagation of energy axion of radiation. If of elements of a material are already guided perpendicularly to direction axion of a field, there is absorption of energy axion of radiation and re-emission take place in a direction of orientation of interacting a spin (in our case within the limits of a cone of precession a spin). The average change of a direction of propagation of energy axion radiation makes 90 degrees at such reflection.

In the device described in N3/95 axion the radiation occurs along rotation axis in both directions (two rays of opposite polarization).

The device (Reflector) shown on figure generates unidirectional axion radiation (See also patent of Republic of Kazakhstan N5365 G01N23/00, bull. N4, 15.10.97).

In which, hollow the cylinder 2 is made from a ferromagnetic material with built-in constants by magnets (see N3/95). A cone of the reflector 3 with a covering ring 4, are made of silver or cadmium, with thickness of walls of 1 mm (the large thickness is not meaningful, as works in a main surface) both angle between an axis and forming of a cone equality to 30 degrees.

The offered design as follows works:

The return ray of axion radiation 5 hollow of the cylinder 2 radiators, dropping on a surface of a reflecting cone 3 under a angle to it, equal to precession angle spin of electrons and nucleuses of atoms of a cone concerning an axis of an anisotropy called by a gradient of concentration on border of the unit of environments (for example metal - oxide-air), cooperates with last, therefore energy of axion radiation of a ray 5 re-emit on a direction of the data spin. Thus, is formed axion radiation (reflected) as a ray 6, which as a result of spatial interaction with a direct ray 7, forms in space closed axion a field in the form of the extended ellipsoid of rotation with a main axis conterminous to an axis of the device (Reflector), in result density of axion radiation in a near zone considerably grows

At use of the offered reflector axion the radiation 5 drops on a surface of metal under a angle to it of 30 degrees and is reflected concerning it on the average under a angle in 60 degrees (reflected ray 6), so the full angle of change of trajectory of motion of axion a ray makes 90 degrees.

At use of the offered reflector the drive of the radiator can be located along an axis of the radiator 1, inside a cone of the reflector 3 with appropriate electromagnetic protective.

It is necessary to note, that the processes, occurring in the given design, are considerably more complex than the adduced description, and it is natural, demand the further study.

Translation carrying-out by T.M.Shpilman

(see N3/95 , N2/96 , N3/96 , N2/97 , N1/98 , N2/98 , N1/99 , N2/99)


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