
A.A.Spilman (

Separation Axion (Spin) Field



In the article: "Physical properties of axion (spin) fields" (Almanac N1/98) were already mentioned components axion field. For study of their properties separately it is possible them to separate to an attribute of the attitude to an electrical field with the using of the device represented on Fig.1. The electrodes 3 and 4 are made from a set of leaden plates forming in the area of 5 electrical capacitors with firm dielectric (for example: from a celluloid film). The beam axion field 5 from the generator 1 is directed to an end face of this capacitor. On an electrode 3 negative voltage move and on an electrode 4 positive.

The lead, in the given design, in relation to axion field executes a role similar to a role of an optical quartz fibre (lightguide) for light (idea P.M.Miacshin). The toroidal coils with the iron core 6 and 7, interfere with a premature output of components axion field through lateral surfaces of leaden electrodes 3 and 4.

When on electrodes 3 and 4 voltage are equal to zero two a beam axion field on an output of the device "are drawn" and leave on large distance oscillate of a rather mean position, generally, are torque in a spiral (see. Fig.2).







At a difference of voltage between electrodes 3 and 4 in ~ 20 volts, occur something reminding (counter) "short circuit" axion beams (see. Fig.3). Apparently, it also is a moment of a beginning of separation axion field on a fraction in an electrical field.

In space, ambient the device, there are places of concentration of intensity axion field under the form reminding volumetric interference bands of the difficult form, which strongly complicate the further observations. These bands continuously change the form and sizes at the further increase of a difference of voltage.

It can mean that, at separation into a fraction, the components axion field change the internal energy differently.

At increase of voltage up to 180 volts, "arch" axion field "curtsey" (see. Fig.4) and at 190 volts is closed practically on direct (see. Fig.5).

At the further increase of voltage down to 260 - 300 volts occur appearance stratification and increase of their definition (thus "the electric arc" of interference bands continuously fall downwards). Then there is a sharp gap of short circuit of beams and neatly show two divergent beams (see are shown. Fig.6).

The further increase of voltage results in increase of mutual repulsion beams, their bending, and at voltage ~ of 600 volts there is their short circuit on a source axion field (see. Fig.7).

It can mean that, interaction between components axion field, in many respects, resonant.

Naturally, adduced number of a difference of voltage on electrodes relative. As they strongly depend on the used materials and design of the device, and also, strongly depend on a source axion field.

To reproduce necessary effect it is possible and not resorting to for external sources of voltage. It is possible to pick up a combination of used materials so, that, effect decreasing of a longitudinal moment of a impulse axion field in dense substance and contact difference of voltage will execute necessary action.


For finding-out, how the components axion field interact with itself similar, are possible are to manufacture the device represented on Fig.8. It is made from a V-figurative leaden plate with shoulders 1,3 to which are attached of a leaden plate 2 and 4, so the plate 2 forms with a shoulder 1 capacitor in the zone of 5, and plate 4 in the zone of 6 (with opposite the side). A plate 2 and 4 are bent so, that, the similarity four side of a pyramid is formed. On a V-figurative plate positive potential, and on a plate 2 and 4 negative moves.

If on an edge of a pyramid to direct a beam axion field (as well as on Fig.1) that, on an output of the device, at zero voltage, we can receive four beams interacting among themselves similarly represented on Fig.2.

At supply of sufficient voltage (~ 20 volts) occur formation of "arch" axion field between electrodes 1 - 2 and 3 - 4. Thus between electrodes 2 - 3 and 1 - 4 "arches" do not arise, even if we shall push together their upper ends practically closely.

It can mean that, though we and have separated axion field into components with the assistance of an electrical field, interaction between them it not interaction of electrical charges.

The experiments, describing in next time to put in updating of representations about functioning generators of axion field.

In realized experiments active assist of G.P.Ivanov.


The additional remarks


Probably, in single nuclear superconductors at low temperatures between atoms arise bridge of axion field (Fig.2), which cause appearance of an electron superconductivity.

At increase of temperature, the difference energy of nucleuses of atoms is increased and there is a break "bridge axion field" (Fig.6).

Probably, in high-temperature ceramic superconductors, at low temperatures arise "bridge axion field" similar on quality axion to "short circuit" represented on Fig.4.

At increase of temperature, also, the difference energy of nucleuses of atoms is increased and there is a break "bridge axion field" (Fig.6).


(see N3/95 , N5/95 , N2/96 , N3/96 , N2/97 , N1/98 , N2/98 , N2/99)


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