Alexander A. Shpilman( )


Chromium-Silver-Tin Source Axion (Spin) Field

In the almanac "Free Search" N3/95, N5/95 and N2/96, the sources axion fields using in the design magnetic fields and vectorial potential of a spiral structure were described. But to generate axion field it is possible and without their application. So, as a source of an anisotropy it is possible to use something like "molecular" fields connected to a gradient of concentration on borders of the unit of environments: the chromium-air-silver-air-tin (given combination is offered O.V.Pankova).

In figure the source axion fields consisting of the reflector 2 (design shown in N5/95) and hollow of cylinders 4, 5 and 6 is represented. Hollow the cylinder 4 is made from chromium, cylinder 5 is silver, and the cylinder 6 is tin. The cylinders 4 and 5 are carried to set in rotary motion in the opposite direction concerning an axis of symmetry 1. (See also patent of Republic of Kazakhstan N5077 G01N23/00 Bull. N3, 15.08.97)

In main, axion field is generated by surface of cylinders on depth of 3 mm for chromium, on 1.5 mm for silver and 4 mm for tin. It is necessary accordingly to choose thickness of walls of cylinders. Naturally, the gap between cylinders is necessary for choosing minimum, but to contact thus they do not owe.

The intensity of axion field, created by the given design, is not less intensity created by generators, described earlier, at the same sizes.

If in rotation to result only internal cylinder, the generation of axion field also will be, but with smaller power.

It is necessary to observe caution, using the generator, as its radiation renders strong biological effect. A first attribute of effect of the given generator on the man, generally, is the nausea, vomit and headache. For decreasing negative effect on the man it is meaningful to equip the given device with the filter 7, made from thin film bismuth or its powder.

The final remarks

It is possible to try to describe the gear of activity in the same way, as in N3/95, by explaining observable effect by preliminary orientation of elements of substance of cylinders, by "molecular forces" on radius of cylinders with the subsequent orientation spin along an axis of cylinders. Alas. First, as a matter of fact, it is not clear - that there is such - "molecular forces". In second, other combinations of materials of cylinders (for example are known to the author: zinc-nickel - are offered O.A.Savitskaya), but law in their combination is not unequivocally established. Presumably, the selection of optimum combinations is connected to presence electron d and f of envelopes shells.

Translation carrying-out by T.M.Shpilman

Continuation of the given theme in the article "Magnet-dynamic the generator axion field"

(see N3/95 , N5/95 , N2/96 , N2/97 , N1/98 , N2/98 , N1/99 , N2/99)


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