Alexander A.Shpilman ( )
Perpetual Motion Machine?
Are known and even are patented set
of variants of designs of "perpetuums mobile" which inventors have run
into error, having face with a paradox which they could not distinguish and
Other class of "perpetuums
mobile" is constructed cleanly on instinctively. With a support on
mythical ideas such as "Free energy", "Over unity
machines", "Energy of a Zero Point", "torsion fields",
a different sort of whirlwinds, etc. Thus inventors base more on belief, rather
than on precise engineering calculation. And if, suppose, they almost to guess
able to work the design and thus rather small probability of that it will work
as in absence of understanding it is impossible to debug and correctly to
adjust this design.
In this article, on the basis of new
observation and ideas, we shall try to offer a variant of translation of an
intuitive guess in engineering calculation. And so:
In article "Probable
Axion Detection via Consistent Radiographic Findings after Exposure to a
Shpilman Axion Generator", Sue Benford describes experiment in
which presumably she to find out the Axion traces. But this observation can be
interpreted and in another way. For example, found out light-striking a x-ray
film the energy allocated at conversion DSS of elements (see "Time - OVERTIME")
in usual Mg, Al and S which atoms have been found out in this film. And by
traces on a film, this energy considerable. Energy of such flash can be tried
to catch in usual photo-electric (semi-conductor, solar batteries) or thermal
cells. DSS elements are scattered in surrounding us to environment, but here is
how them to concentrate, induce their disintegration and how them to operate?
Some ways of concentration and
storage DSS of elements are described in ""M-state"
Elements Concentrators", "The Simple "M-state" Elements
" Shielding packing". Examples of artificial generation of
DSS elements are described in "The High-Voltage
Generator of the "Axion Field" And of DS-state Elements" and " The Imitator of a "Place Power " IPP-2".
Now we have a question: how to operate properties
of the DSS elements and to use their internal energy.
From article "Separation
Axion (Spin) Field"
follows that at a difference of electric potentials more than 90 volt,
pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative components of the DSS elements, can be
split in space. Presumably, the size of one an DSS element in air is approximately equal 0.1
millimeter, and split DSS elements can be built in a chain in 10 elements on 1
millimeter of length in air, for example, as it is shown on fig. 4, in article
"Cold nuclear fusion?". For this purpose voltage U=10*90V = 900V is necessary. It on the
verge of a breaking-down voltage of a spark in air, approximately equal 1000V
on 1 millimeter. The breaking-down voltage of dielectric is higher, but in them
size DSS of elements less and is required more high tensions of an electric
field for formation of their chain. Chains of DSS elements are necessary for
operating by them in macro-scales of our designs and uses of their some phase
In a chain from DSS elements,
pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges (see "Physical properties of axion (spin) fields") move in one direction - from
a negative electrode to a positive electrode. Attack of these phases a
component will be equal:
where |
P0 – is an initial impulse of an electron; |
This phase taper will be
opposite for pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges. We shall not have
their phase resonance.
But if we shall level
the phase taper we can have a phase resonance, we can have strong interaction
between components of chain DSS of elements. We can have a coherent stream
pseudo charges.
It is possible to reach
if to use vector potential A ( B=rot(A) ), thus phase
taper will for the component will be equal:
(P0-SQRT(q*U(x)*m)– q*A(x))*dx
If we shall do little
change A we can reach small positive or negative phase taper between a
component of chain of DSS elements. Chains of DSS elements it will be
compressed or be stretched. Thus, we shall be valid, which will be compressed
or be stretched electric electrodes. Certainly, if the ends of chain of DSS
elements will have good connection with charges (see figure) these
electrodes. And the last is not obvious.
We can use this effect
for transformation of internal energy of DSS elements to mechanical or electric
For example, we can make the device similar "The Testatika Free Energy Machine" which is similar the electrostatic machine. Or "Searl-Effect Generator", experiments with a design similar to it are described by V.V.Roschin, S.M.Godinym in article "Experimental Research of the Magnetic-Gravity Effects". And also we can operate movement of ions at the electric arc discharge. In this variant vector potential of a spark:
~ µ*I
Where |
µ - magnetic permeability of
environment. |
Therefore, value of
vector potential will be higher, if we shall do spark in the ferrite tube.
In a spark should be:
q*A(x) = const ~ 0
I.e. should be U~A2 or
U ~ I2. It should be on the big
time interval. Thus U should be to variables, for achieve efficiency
> 1.
The necessary
nonlinearity it is possible to achieve using nonlinearity of a hysteresis loop
magnetization reversal ferrite or ferrite-baric magnets. (It is probable; the reader already
met the description of similar designs.)
Thus it is necessary to take into
account the following: At equality of lengths of quantum-mechanical waves of
pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges a component of a chain from DSS
elements, will appear zero beat of their wave functions.
If lengths of waves will
differ a little these of zero
beat will run with a speed:
V= c*(1-λ1/ λ2)
If this speed will be
close equal to speed electrons or ions a spark the exchange of energy between
them and DSS elements is possible.
DSS elements can take
away energy at a spark, or give the energy to a spark, depending on a ratio of speed of ions and speed
of run zero beat wave functions DSS of
And still, zero beat can
arise on harmonics - 1*f, 2*f, 3*f, …, 100*f, at value of vector potential A,
A/2, A/3, …, A/100, from optimum value.
The more number of a
harmonic, the the big length of a spark interval should be.
In strings 1, 2, and 4 (see fig.),
connecting DSS elements, pseudo-charges move on the left or right-hand spiral
trajectory (see "Physical properties of axion (spin) fields"), therefore on their phase
characteristics some influence will render a magnetic field directed along
chain of DSS elements. This influence will be opposite for the left and right
spiral of movement of pseudo-charges (polarization). Therefore, for management
of phase characteristics of chain of DSS elements, using a magnetic field, it
is necessary preliminary to segregate
DSS elements on their polarization. It can be reached, using gyroscopic
properties DSS of elements. For example, in " The
Testatika Free Energy Machine", on their polarization, the disks
rotating in the opposite direction can execute a role of separation of DSS
The design created on this principle
can be a new energy source, and also can be used as the device of measurement
of concentration of DSS elements.