Alexander A.Shpilman ( )



The High-Voltage Generator of the "Axion Field"
And of DS-state Elements

Was already spoken about DS-state elements (see "Time - Overtime") as about the basic radiant of the "axion field". The concentration of DS-state (m-state) elements in many respects determines density of the "axion field" of generators. For attainment of appreciable physical effects the attainment of major density of the "axion field" is necessary. But greatest density of "field" is reached immediately in a place of concentration of DS-state elements, therefore it is reasonable, to try to reache appreciable physical effects, immediately sating by DS-state elements object of experiment. The concentration of DS-state elements from natural sources is unsufficient for this purpose. It is necessary will learn is artificial them to synthesize.

Presumably, for synthesis of DS-state elements it is necessary to spend energy not less than 10000 eV on one convertion a proton. Interest to electric fields of a high voltage therefore is natural.
MOUSTACHE of a proton (see "Physical properties of axion (spin) fields") is partly oriented on a direction of an electric field, twisting in a secondary spiral, but thus, usually there is no necessary quantity of deformation of its spectrum. Probably, parent in phase auto tuning of pseudo-negative and pseudo-positive THREADS of the "global line" of a proton.


This problem is solved if separate in space pseudo-negative 2 and pseudo-positive 1 THREADS (see Fig.1), for example, as it was described in article "Separation Axion (Spin) Field".

In the simplified variant the similar construction is shown in a Fig.2. Where on a polyethylene bobbin 4 the one-layer reel by the double enameled copper wire (wire 2 and 3 diameter of 0.1 mm and more thin) is densely reeled the coil to a coil. Inside of a bobbin the copper wire 1 is inserted. On wires 2 and 3 the difference of a voltage 100-150V (wire among themselves not closed-loop). Concerning these wires, on a wire 1 the pulsatory high voltage not less than 20 kV moves, approximate shape of a pulsation as in a Fig.5.




The split in space of pseudo-negative and pseudo-positive THREADS of a proton (material of a wire 1) occurs in a gap between wires 2 and 3. And the pulsatory high voltage deepens it of split of a MOUSTACHE of a proton. This action similarly to unfastening of the lock for clothes - "lightning".


The described construction already is a source of the "axion field" and of DS-state elements. If a polyethylene bobbin 4 (with windings) to make in length in some meters and to wind it in a dense coil, we shall have not directional source of DS-state elements. If to formed a package from the parallelly combined bobbins with windings, we shall have a directional stream of DS-state elements.

For generation of the "axion field" and of DS-state elements of required quality it is necessary by an exterior a construction to set a new configuration of interaction of pseudo-negative and pseudo-positive THREADS (to clasp the lock "lightning"). For example, as it is shown in a Fig.3. Where 5 and 6, accordingly left-hand and right spiral (are shown in a profile) reeled by a thick conductor with a different step. On one spiral moves approximately -60V concerning a negative wire of the reel 2-3, and on other spiral moves +60V concerning a positive wire of the reel 2-3. A sign of electrical potential on spirals, direction of winding (left-hand or right), step of a spiral and relation of a step of winding of spirals set quality of a generated field and stream of DS-state elements. The arcuation of 7 lower ends of spirals sets a preferred orientation generated of the "axion field" (upwards in a Fig.3).


For split of a MOUSTACHE of a proton it is possible to use a great gradient of an electric field in a neighbourhood of a thin conductor (2 in a Fig.4). For example, in a construction shown on a Fig.4 the unary reel 2 reeled by a thin wire with a great step is used. This construction is easier than a construction in a Fig.2, but is less effective and is critical to quality of a dielectric of a bobbin 4.

Using this principle it is possible to transform a construction shown on a Fig.4, for example, to a construction figured on a Fig.6. Where on a polymeric dielectric strip 1 double wire, with a step, reels the reel. Then the windings are cover a dielectric coat. Between wires 2 and 3 the high pulsate voltage form similar figured on a Fig.5 moves. Naturally, the polymeric film 1 and polymeric coat should maintain a high voltage, excepting an electrical breakdown between wires 2 and 3. The strip with the reel can be turned in a roll. Thus volume will be more effective to be used.

Taking into account a principle of split of a MOUSTACHE of a proton the gradient of an electric field, in a new perceives idea "a lusters of Chigevski". On negative charged needles "a luster's of Chigevski" occurs not only ionization of air, but also synthesis of DS-state oxygen and nitrogen. This effect is possible will strengthen using a negative pulsate voltage by the shape similar shown on a Fig.5.


The construction of a Fig.2 can be "simplified" using composite a dielectric. For example, as a dielectric it is possible to choose a resin (colophony) in which the powder 1/10 from a weight of a dielectric consisting from carbonyl of iron and carbonic copper in the ratio 2:1 on a weight is added.
Between grains copper and iron natural electrochemical potential is formed. This potential small, but the MOUSTACHE of a proton, transiting set of gap between grains, accumulates a phase displacement between its pseudo-negative and pseudo-positive THREADS necessary for split of a MOUSTACHE.
In result the construction becomes simpler up to a usual parallel-plate capacitor (see Fig.7). Where 1 resin with a filling compound, 2 and 3 lead plates. On a plate 3 positive moves high pulsate voltage (see Fig. 5) concerning a plate 2.

The described construction creates radiation perpendicularly planes of the condenser and along a plane of the condenser. In all three directions the quality of radiation differs.


It is supposed, that in this construction are generated DS-state elements at which pseudo-negative and the pseudo-positive THREADS are close in the eight of a field sort 4 (see Fig.8).

Carbonyl the iron and carbonic copper can be exchanged by sand from a crystalline quartz. Thus the positive lead plate 3 is exchanged with a plate from a bismuth or cadmium. In result the intensity of radiations decreases, but their quality becomes more favorable for the man.



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