
Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )

The Converter-U

Article beginning in 1N12, 1N13 , 1N14


The circuit shown in Fig.5 in the article 1N14 has a drawback such that due to the unbalanced capacitive coupling between the windings, getting stronger interaction of two resonant circuits together. That will require a hard drive to their electrical oscillations phase-shifted by 90 degrees.

This shortage is deprived of the circuit shown in Fig.1:




Where the windings I, II and III, IV twisted together in pairs. There are two types of ferrite cores transflyuktor T1 and T2.

T1.x.1 and T1.x.2 - this winding in two different windows transflyuktor T1.

T2.x.1 and T2.x.2 - this winding in two different windows transflyuktor T2.

Sections may be arbitrarily many. That allows consistently enhance cleavage component DSS elements due to the rising of the electric potential at each subsequent section.


Wires in the circuit a lot. Connect them easy to get confused. A simplified version in Fig.2.





Photo 1


Photo 2


Transflyuktors composed of two pairs of ferrite tubes (see Photo 1). The coils are wound wire twisted as shown in Photo 2. External sheath of the windings I, III transflyuktor T1, and coil II, IV transflyuktor T2. A core winding is I, III transflyuktor T2, and windings II, IV transflyuktor T1. In the last positive voltage (U1) relative the braid (U2).

Bias winding and excitation (the red wire on Photo.1) oscillations in the resonant circuit are not shown. Bias winding on Photo.1 covered with green insulation tape.

To improve the efficiency bias coils, inside the ferrite tubes inserted iron tube. This can significantly increase the value of the magnetic vector potential along the axis of the ferrite tubes.

At work the device, formed two opposite to the direction of the beam along the axis of the ferrite tubes.

When applying a negative voltage on the bias winding on the wire relative to the sheath Photo.2, ray density increases. This means that the design of the wire harness shown in Photo.2 not provide adequate emptive "acceleration" pseudo-negative component of "axion field" beam.


To increase the effectiveness of "acceleration" pseudo-negative component of "axion field" beam in the equipotential (the variable component) points to the open circuit windings are connected capacitors C, and current sources I1, I2, through chokes Dr (see Fig.3). Thus, in the bundles of the windings is given a counter current, the changing nature of the bundle of pseudo-negative and pseudo-positive component of "axion field" as shown in Fig.4 (see Converter).










Photo 3


By specifying the required ratio of the currents I1, I2, can eliminate the use of the bias winding. That gives a lot of opportunities. In particular, in the construction shown in Photo.3 can replace the solid wire for a coaxial cable with the sheath and commutate central conductor cable according to the scheme shown in Fig.3. Instead of the coaxial cable may be a strip line. What makes a tempting option to make the entire circuit on a single substrate "PCB."

In principle, this design idea does not exclude an additional use magnetizing coils and / or permanent magnets, with the same purpose.


The design shown in Photo.1 creates in the environment are two of the beam of the "axion field". This reduces the density of "axion field" in the active zone. Naturally the desire to try to concentrate the entire field in the active zone of the generator. Reduced to the minimum possible dispersion of the "axion field" in the surrounding space. To do this replace the ferrite tube on ferrite cups, both in design on Photo.4. Ferrite cups orient them so that the magnetic field of the bias currents formed in the iron rod of bolt that tightens the cup in a single cylinder.


At work the device inside of its center, formed a ball of "axion field". By increasing the bias currents, its density increases. The density of the ball increases and an increase in the magnetization of the iron rod external permanent magnet. In addition to the ball, along the axis of the device is formed by two bottlenecks dense beam of the "axion field". On the likeness of the image shown in Fig.5 of the neutron star.

Probably formed the "axion field" type 5 (see Ring Structures of "Axion Fields"). And probably we have a close analogy with a neutron star. Because the device increases the energy / mass of pseudo-negative components of the proton (d quark?) DSS elements. And pulls together "axion field" into a dense ball and rays a kind of the nuclear strong force.



Photo 4




The device surrounds the ball less dense "axion field". The density gradually decreases with increasing distance. At large distances (compared with the size of the device), the spherical shape is transformed into a toroid, on the similarity shown in Fig.6. Feels the slow rotation of the toroid field around the tool axis, wherein for the human, the field itself does not cause negative sensations.


In particular, the likely effectiveness of the device has a dependency:


P ~ UV*UP = UV2 * n



UV - interturn coil voltage

UP - the amplitude of the AC voltage between windings

n - the number of turns in the coil.


At small sizes characteristic of DSS elements are likely to become an important self-inductance of the electric field:


EV = UV / D



D - average diameter of the turns of the coils.


Then we have:


P ~ UV2 * n / D


Consequently, primarily plays the major role coiled coil EMF. It increases by increasing the cross section of the ferrite core and increasing the frequency (up to a certain limit). But this leads to intense heating of the core, so important is the heat removal. Moreover, the electric wire coil is also heated.

Thus, the design of the device is shown in Photo.4 transformed into the design of the device shown in Photo 5-6 and Fig.7.








Photo 5



Fig.7 in the ferrite cups 1, coils 2 are connected by the scheme Fig.3. Iron bolts 3 and the plate 4 closes the circuit of the magnetic field of the permanent magnet 7 as shown by arrows blue. This provides necessary value and direction of the magnetic vector potential.

In operation, the device is formed by three beam "axion field" 8 emanating along the axis of the bolts 3. Part of the radiation merges into one central. This results in a distribution of the picture of the "axion field" like Fig.6. The only aluminum plate 6, significantly limits the downward radiation drawing/unit. Aluminum plate 5 provides heat removal from the ferrite cups 1 and at the same time transferred a considerable part of radiation in the horizontal plane.





Photo 6





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