

Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )

The Converter

Article beginning in 1N11


The converter can be made independently. We will state some trifles. We will begin with wire twisting in a twisted strip.



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Photo 1


1)                 We take some thin soft wire (inclosed in rigid elastic) in varnish isolation in diameter of 0.1-0.12 mm. Varnish isolation it is chosen plastic, light tones. Such what in hands is pleasant for holding.

2)                 We Find a place (corridor) where it is possible to stretch a wire for the length 5-15 metres.

3)                 On the one hand a corridor it is clung a soft long spring (for tension stabilization of wound a twisted strip). To a spring the wire hook is clung.

4)                 To a hook we tie the end of a wire and we pull it in other end of a corridor. We pass it in a wire loop (diameter of a wire of 0.3-0.5 mm), fixed in a grip of the small electric motor, and we pull a wire back to a spring, tie it to a spring hook.

5)                 Thus, moving the electric motor we can change a wire tension. And as the wire is combined by a loop half-and-half the tension in its both halves is levelled.

6)                 At twisting of a twisted strip, a place of fastening of a wire loop have the big loading and can easily break. For loading easing on the loop ends we intertwine with a wire of the same diameter for the length in 3-5 centimeter.

7)                 Switch on the electric motor with a grip, we twist wires in a twisted strip. It is not necessary aspires to set the big turns to a motor as on the big turns it is possible to tear quickly a twisted strip (and if to use an electro drill it besides heavy and to trace a tension more difficultly).

8)                 The twisted strip is twist until then while coils will not rise under 30-45 degrees to a twisted strip axis.

9)                 Upon termination of twisting, keeping a plait tension, we take up it on the coil. Here the main thing not to give a weak point, differently a twisted strip it will quickly be braided in loops and will untangle them not simply. For reduction of this problem, after the termination twisting, it is possible to give for some time a backspacing to the electric motor.

10)             Now it is possible to relax.


Now actually Converter manufacturing.


1)                 The Turned out a twisted strip it is possible to reel up the single-layered coil, for example, on a cardboard glass, and then to impregnate this coil with rosin dissolved in spirit. Naturally, the twisted strip ends are necessary for fixing that the coil was not unwound. On the same glass it is possible to paste textolitea lath with four contact platforms to which to solder four ends of a twisted strip.

2)                 From a contact lath to make tap of four conductor a cable (for example, telephone).

3)                   We take two cheap the charging unit for players and cellular telephones (see BP1 and BP2 Fig.2). We estimate what voltage to provide in wires of our plait a current to 150 mA (on one power unit on one shoulder of a plait) is necessary. If it is enough voltage, we put tuning resistors (R2 and R3 on Fig.2) for current adjustment in shoulders. If it is not enough voltage, in power units it is changed in stabilizers stabilitrons for necessary face value.

4)                 Usually, in cheap the charging unit , in the network rectifier there is one diode (D1 and D2 on Fig.2). In one of BP we rearrange the diode in other shoulder of the condenser of the network filter and it is connected BP to a network plug so the rectifier diodes and filter condensers have formed a voltage doubler (D1, C1 and D2, C2 on Fig.2). So we will receive voltage of 560-600 V.

5)                 Having taken advantage of the varistor on 350V (R7 on Fig.2) and setting a current of stabilisation by the resistor we will receive voltage of an order 330V (R6 on Fig.2).

6)                 The Minus of the received voltage is connected on a target chain of one BP through the resistor by 0.6-1 Mom (that the experimenter has not knocked a current), and plus on a target chain of the second BP through the similar resistor. (R4 and R5 on Fig.2).

7)                 Now it is necessary to connect BP so that in wires of a plait we had a counter current. And voltage between coils was an order 330V.



For increase in efficiency of generation DSS cluster, and flew for comfortable perception their person, seemingly, for field DSS of elements the high-frequency heating is necessary. Heating in a wide strip of frequencies. For this purpose, it is possible to use generators of shaking frequency with, for example, serrated smoothly increasing frequency of fluctuations from a minimum to a maximum, with the subsequent sharp transition again to the low (see Fig.1). On idea, such variant should stimulate transition of spin conditions electrons and kernels of atoms (DSS elements) on higher power level.


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The electric capacity between wires in a twisted strip will be enough big (a little nan farads). Be required the big power for high-frequency modulation of voltage between conductors. Therefore it is necessary to be guided by modulation of currents in a twisted strip. That is realised in Converter -RF, the electric which basic scheme is shown on Fig.2



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L1 - Inductance in 6 microhenry for average frequency of generation 25 MHz,

L2 and L3 – a twisted strip left and right twisting.


Contacts A of power unit BP1 incorporates to contact of 14 chips U1, U2, with contact of 16 chips U3.

Contacts B of power unit BP1 incorporates to contact of 7 chips U1, U2, with contact of 8 chips U3, to contact of 4 chips U4.


Contacts C, B power unit BP1 and D, E power unit BP2 provide a food of a twisted strip L and R. If in 5 Volt it is not enough that BP1 and BP2 get out on the necessary voltage, and for a food of chips the separate power unit is used.


The scheme as follows works:

The generator on microcircuit U1 provides frequency of a signal to 30 MHz.  On this signal binary counter U3 considers before its overflow. Then on an impulse from exit CO parallel record of a binary code from counter U2A is made. The more its value, the occurs overflow of counter U3 and the subsequent parallel record faster. The overflow signal also on input counter U2B arrives. From exit QA (with division factor - 2) impulses with porosity 2 move on an input of chips U4 (the power amplifier) which switches a current in a twisted strip L2, L3. From exit QB of chips U2B (with division factor - 4) the signal moves on an input of chips U2A. With each impulse its target value accrues, speed of overflow of counter U3 increases, frequency of modulation of a current increases in a twisted strip. There will be no yet an overflow and dump in 0 counters U2A then frequency will start to accrue again, since the minimum. Thanks to counter U2B the step of one frequency keeps two periods. In total steps of frequency - 16.


Thematic Contents


If you wish to make the experiments, but are at a loss in independent manufacturing of the Converter, you can order its manufacturing.

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