Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


"Superluminal" communication


Look Fig.1. Where on the ferrite rod 1 the electric coil 2 is wound.




The propagation velocity of an electromagnetic wave in a ferrite is:


V = 1/ SQRT(ℇ*µ)



– dielectric constant of ferrite;
µ - magnetic permeability of ferrite;
SQRT – is a square root.


But an alternating electric current in coil 2 will excite a longitudinal wave 4 propagating in the ferrite rod 4 with the speed of electromagnetic wave 3 outside the ferrite rod (for vacuum, this is the speed of light).


If we recall the hypothesis "Time - Overtime " (N1/01, N2/02, N1/13), then it can be imagined that some changes in the "global line" 1 (see Fig.2) will cause some wave process 4 in "Overtime", which will spread in space much more than the speed of light in our time gap "now" 3.




By analogy with the magnetization of the ferrite core, we can get the signal propagation time in our gap "now" 3 at a speed greater than the speed of light. In this case, we can expect that the "global line" 2 around the "global line" 1 quickly absorb our signal. Of course, if such absorption is not a specific resonant absorption. In any case, such experiments must be started in a vacuum (free space).


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