
Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )



Time - Overtime

(Continued, see beginning in N1/01)


Maxwell's equations for electromagnetic fields:




H - the magnetic field;

E - the electric field;

ε - the dielectric constant;

μ - the magnetic permeability.


Recording of these formulas will be easier if we use the concept of magnetic vector potential A, for which:


H = rot A


Thus Maxwell's equations will be reduced to one:





A loyal record is:





Wave symmetry breaks the existence of electric charges. But in OVERTIME electric charge field can be written as:







V - the velocity of the "waves of time" in OVERTIME.


Thus, the existence of electric charges is reduced to a kind of wave processes in OVERTIME. Thus, equation (1) becomes a five-dimensional. If we understand the essence of the wave process, we will be able to determine the possible existence and properties of magnetic monopoles and the vector potential of the charge.

Wave process in OVERTIME generating electric charge - it can be:

1) the wave propagates along the "global line" particles from the past to the future;

2) the wave propagates along the "global line" particles from the future into the past;

3) The standing wave formed by the oppositely propagating waves from the past to the future and from the future into the past.


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