
Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )





The "dark matter" of astrophysicists exists not only somewhere far away, but certainly around and inside us. These tracks (Photo 1-5) in the recording media (observations of nuclear reactions) were observed approximately some experiments with high-voltage discharges. In fact, there is no official opinion on the nature of the phenomenon.

DSS matter is a matter that has a momentum of movement in time other than that of ordinary matter. This matter has a different spectrum of the wave function in the space of time.  It is little manifested in our time gap "now". DSS matter can turn into ordinary matter if it falls into the gravitational pit of our "now". In this case, theoretically, up to 103 GeV of energy can be released from one "manifested" proton. If this is an atom with 100 nucleons in the nucleus, then all 105 GeV. This is approximately equal to the energy of the tracks shown in Photo 1-5.


Фото 1

Фото 2



Фото 3


Фото 4

Фото 5



In the vicinity of the recorded tracks there were chemical elements, which were previously absent there.  The experiment of M. Sue Benford on the irradiation of the X-ray film with an "axion generator" recorded on the film constantly evolving distinctive "spots" and "traces" like tracks of charged particles in an emulsion (Photo 6).

Were there any changes in the surface emulsion that could interfere with the bleaching process on the X-ray surface? For this purpose analysis of the X-ray images was performed using a JSM-820 - Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results show that the exposed areas (with spots and traces) contain an insignificant amount of sulfur, magnesium and aluminum (Graph 1, Tab.1); Despite the fact that, the main area contains only carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.


Фото 6





The thought leads to the DSS elements and the appearance of two tracks converging at one point, and in the same phase of the "tractor track" (Photo 3b, Photo 4). The last is very important argument.

It can be assumed that there is DSS matter, which manifests itself noticeably in our time gap "now". It was known from the earliest times as manna, Qi, and now fashionable - "subtle energy", "subtle matter". Even more DSS of matter exists around us and practically does not manifest itself in the "now" (that's why it is preserved). High-voltage processes (for example, lightning) and some other specific situations can bring it out of a state of collapse like.


The most successful of high-voltage devices can be considered a generator type IPP-2, IPP-4.



Фото 7




The design consists of two identical ionizers I and II (see Figure 1). Each of them consists of dielectric tubes 11 and 12. The tubes are made of aluminum foil 1 and 3. They are mounted on one axis with a gap between them of 3-5 mm. The electrodes are located inside the tube. The electrode 4 is placed in a dielectric tube 7.

A pulsating voltage of +30 kV is applied to the electrode 1.

A pulsating voltage of 45 kV is applied to the electrode 3.

The electrode 4 has a zero potential.

The vector potential of the spiral structure (Fig. 3, as described in the "Simulator" of the "IPP-2" power station) creates two toroidal electric coils 10 and cylindrical 9 wound on the iron rings 8 that are put on the dielectric tubes 11 and 12.

The corona discharge on the pointed edge of the aluminum foil tube 1 (upper in the figure) ionizes the air and induces ions with a positive electric charge. Ions (and DSS elements) with a positive charge, entraining air, drift to the electrode 3. Here, ions are recharged (the sign of the electric charge changes to the opposite one). Then ions with a negative charge along with the air flow go up along the axis of the device (ionizer I). The electrode 4 stabilizes the corona discharge on the electrode 3 and focuses the ion flux along the axis.

Ionizers I and II are oriented in opposite directions. Therefore, ions (and DSS elements), deviating from the motion along the axis of one ionizer, can get to the entrance of the other and experience repeated electrical recharging.


The device effectively operates at a pulsed high voltage. The mechanism of the phenomenon has yet to be studied.  Now you can imagine a three-stroke mode:

1.)    Splitting into components with pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges occurs in an electric field of high tension in DSS elements.

2.)    Components with pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges undergo different external influences.

3.)      We remove the effect of an electric field of high voltage. Components with pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges approach each other due to internal forces of attraction. Changes in individual components change into internal qualities of DSS elements. (In particular, in the change in the spectrum of the eigenenergy levels.)


Option without explicit use of high voltages.

Electrical voltages of 20-300 volts were used in "Separation of the axion field". The thickness of the dielectric is about 0.03 mm between the lead plates. Hence the electric field strength is 6*105 – 107 V/m. You can try using a copper wire with a diameter of 0.1 mm and a lacquer coating thickness of about 0.01 mm instead of lead plates.  In this variant, between two such twisted conductors, with a voltage between them of 300 volts, we will have a maximum electric field strength of the order of 1.5 * 107 V/m. (The field strength of electric breakdown of air is of the order of 106 V/m).

Here we can assume the following model:

The pseudo-positive component 2 of the DSS element 1 is oriented towards the conductor 4. It has a negative electric potential (see Fig.4). A pseudo-negative component 3 is oriented towards conductor 5. This conductor has a positive electric potential.


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Now we will pass through the conductors 4 and 5 the electric current I1 and I2 as shown in Fig.5. "Pseudo-charged" components of DSS elements are pulled out towards the direction of the current flow and begin to merge into two dense bundles. At the same time, they "dump" the excess energy that arose as a result of the loss of the collapse of DSS elements.

If we close the wires 4 and 5 into two closely spaced rings, an interesting situation will arise. It can be expected that two bundles of "pseudo-charged" components of DSS elements will reach a critical density at some point, attract and close together in accordance with the effect shown in Fig. 4 and 5 in "Separation of the axion field" into a cyclically closed cluster at Similarity shown in Fig. 6



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Since such a closure of the bundles of "pseudo-charged" components of DSS elements has overcome the electrical potential between the conductors, the latter probably will no longer hold the cluster formed. It shrinks into a compact particle, which more or less freely can leave our structure from the conductors. It is to be hoped that the new particle from the cluster of DSS elements will be less inert than the "collapsed" DSS elements.

Closed in the ring conductors, we replace the two tightly twisted conductors in the enamel insulation (Photo 8). Let's pay attention that on a photo the left twist of wires. Experiments have shown it matters. Probably, the similarity of the "Lisažu Figures" is more likely to be formed in such a twist than simply ring structures of DSS clusters. A ready-made experimental device (Converter-R) is on Photo 9. It is tuned to create comfortable sensations in humans. The coils are inserted into two of its aluminum tubes. These coils are wound with a double twisted wire (as in Photo 8), and are powered, as shown in Fig. 5. In one tube there is a left twist of wires, in the other is right.


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Фото 8

Фото 9


As a result, a certain analog of "prana" is produced-Yin and Yang. Or in other terminology - clusters of DSS matter with predominantly left and right polarizations. Naturally, we have an idea: we intend to use the three-stroke mode for the variant shown in Fig.5. We add the alternating voltage (green sinusoid in Fig.7) to the constant voltage between the conductors 4 and 5, and the electromotive force of the self-inductance (the red sinusoid in Fig. 7) shifted in phase by 90 degrees.


Фото 10

Рис. 7




This option is implemented in the Converter-U (see Photo 10). Its electrical circuit is in Fig.8. Layout is in Fig.9. The generated "axion field" is shown by the blue lines in Fig. 9. If we look at Photo 10, the toroid of the "axion field" is formed around the device.

Three-stroke operation mode of the device can be represented as follows:

1.)    Splitting into components with pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges occurs in an electric field of high intensity in DSS elements.  As an analog it is the separation of two wire springs.

2.)    Components with pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges undergo different external influences. As an analog: one spring is stretched, the other is compressed.

3.)    We remove the effect of an electric field of high voltage. Components with pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative charges approach each other due to internal forces of attraction. Changes in individual components change into internal qualities of DSS elements. (In particular, in the change in the spectrum of the eigenenergy levels.) As an analog: two springs are pinched into each other and then we remove the external effect. Redistribution of internal stresses occurs already in a new configuration.

We can optionally change the ratio of the change in the internal energy of the pseudo-positive and pseudo-negative field components by combining the magnitude and direction of the electric current in the wires (see Fig. 5) and the sign of the phase shift of the electromotive force of self-induction with respect to alternating voltage between the conductors. An increase in the pseudo-negative component, in theory, should give a "tightening" effect, an increase in the density of the "axion field," and a decrease in its "spreading" in space.

Perhaps a similar design can be tried and applied to the transfer of ordinary matter in DSS matter.




Translation of Irine Lis