Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


The Theory and Projects of Measuring of the "Axion Field"


It is possible to assume that the dominant factor in of the "axion field" in a beam A of the generator G is the quantum-mechanical wave of a proton, because the blanking of a beam occurs at a positive voltage (approximately at 600-1500V - experimental observations) on an electrode 4 (see Fig.1 and Fig.2).






But the beam of the "axion field" is neutral electrically. It also does not create magnetic field in macro-scale. It is possible to assume that the "axion field" is the total of quantum-mechanical waves of quarks of a proton with the charge +2/3 and -1/3, and also quantum-mechanical waves of electrons. The macroscopic total of electrical and magnetic fields is close to zero.

As quarks and electrons have different coefficient of the ratio of a specific charge to their specific mass (e/m) it is necessary to expect dominant influence of the quark +2/3 in kinetic processes in electric fields.

It is necessary to underline nonapplicability of the usual description of a wave function of a proton to the description of a wave function of quarks.

Let's assume that the quark has his own frequency:

f = mq*c2/h



mq – is a mass of a quark in the proton;
c – is a velocity of light;
h - Planck's constant.


The wave length of a quark is equal:

λ = c/f = h/(mq*c)


We shall assume that we have two quarks with f1 and f2 with opposition directional propagation of a wave.

When a proton is immobile f1= f2=f0 , we have zero beats and the wave length of a proton is equal to infinity.

When the proton moves with velocity V, the frequency of beats of a standing wave will be:


fb = f1-f2 = γ*f0-f0/γ = γ*f0*V2/c2

where: γ = 1/(1- V2/c2)0.5


For small V the wave length of a proton will be equal:


λ = V/fb = h/(m*V)



m – is a mass of a proton


It coincides with the classical formula of a wave length of a proton. Therefore it is possible to try to use the accepted guess.


At electrical potential ~1-10V it is possible to expect spatial deducted of a quantum-mechanical wave of an electron from a beam of the "axion field". At electrical potential ~100-180V (experimental observations) there is a spatial partitioning of quantum-mechanical waves of quarks with opposite charges. In the result in a neighbourhood of electrode 2 it is possible to expect display of inhomogeneity of an electric field and change of a capacitance of electrode 2 relatively to a shielding box Co (see Fig.1 and Fig.2).

Probably, the spatial partitioning of quantum-mechanical waves of quarks with opposite charges is caused by relative phase shift of their wave functions. Therefore not only electrical potential is important (100-180V), but also the path traveled by a quantum-mechanical wave is important at this potential too. The phase shift:


df ~ P(x)*dx= (P0- (q*U(x)* mq)0.5 q*A(x)/c)*dx



P0 – is an initial impulse of an quarks;
q  - is an electrical charge of an quark;
U(x) - is an electrical potential;
A(x) - is an magnetic vector potential.


It is possible to assume, that the specific kinetic energy of unity of mass of the "axion field" in a beam is equal:




U - is an value of a disabling voltage on an electrode;

e - is an charge of a proton;

m - is an mass of a proton;

k= e/m


Specific impulse of unity of mass of the "axion field" or its velocity is equal:




The pressure on an electrode 2 is equal:





ρ - is specific density of mass of the "axion field";

q - is specific density of electrical charges of the "axion field".


Thus, using an expedient of measuring of pressure of the "axion field" on electrode 2, it is possible to determine longitudinal moment of an impulse and mass density of the "axion field".

From the experiment concerning the action of the "axion field" on a torsion pendulum it is possible to assume that the expected pressure on a membrane is 10-7 Pascal, and density of the "axion field" is approximately equal to 10-18 kg/m3.

After spatial partitioning of quantum-mechanical waves of quarks with opposite charges, it is possible to partition them on a direction of a magnetic moment in a magnetic field by intensity of 50 amperes/meters (more strong magnetic field becomes strong garbles of a quantum-mechanical wave of a quark). If we previously determine a mass density of the "axion field", we can measure the magnetic moment of quarks.

For realization of such measuring we offer the construction shown in a Fig.3, 4, 5.

If to assume that a mass density of the "axion field" is 10-18 kg/m3  and is electromagnetic in basic, we can calculate an upper limit of expected quantity of a magnetic field:


H = (ρ*c2/μ) ~ 100 A/m


where: μ - is a magnetic permeability of vacuum.


The Description of a Design


The design consists (see Fig.3) in two lead plates Y1 and Y2 with thickness of 1 mm, having the shape of letter Y. It also consists of lead plate Z. The scale ruler is shown sideways in Fig.3 and from the end of the face in Fig.5.

The dielectric bobbins C with the electrical coil are put onto the plates Y1 and Y2. The coils are feeded by an electrical current so the magnetic field H=50 ampere/meter inside the coils is directed as it is shown by arrows in Fig.3, 4, 5.

The plates Y1, Y2 and Z are incurvated and are assembled in a pack, which is shown in Fig.4. The plates are separated between themselves by the dielectric pellicle D, which has thickness of ~0.5 mm.

Between branches (Y1R, Y2R, Y1L, Y2L) of plates Y1 and Y2 there are four sensing detectors of a magnetic field X1R, X2R, X1L, X2L (see Fig.4, 5).

The plate Y1 is connected to a voltage +180-250V.

The plate Z is connected to a voltage 0V.

The plate Y2 is connected to a voltage -180-250V.


Principle of Functioning


The "axion field" has a direction shown by the arrow A. The "axion field" penetrates into the lead plates Y1, Y2 and Z. The electrical potential between the plates separates the "axion field" components with a different electrical pseudo-charge. The component with a negative pseudo-charge is spreading along the positive plate Y1, and the component with a positive pseudo-charge is spreading along the negative plate Y2. Then the "axion field" components are separated by the magnetic field H of electrical reels C along the different branches of plates Y.

The separated components of the "axion field" leave the ends of plates Y through the magnetic detectors X1R, X2R, X1L, X2L. At the odds of a voltage between the plates Y1 and Y2 there are more than 360 volts (experimental observations) going away from their branches beams of the "axion field". They are not made among themselves, therefore probably independent measuring of a magnetic field of four "axion field" components having different "electrical charge" and magnet moment.

See Separation Axion (Spin) Field

and Physical properties of axion (spin) fields







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