Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


Action of the Generator "Axion Field" on a Torsion Pendulum


In May, 1999 the experiment was carried out at the Almai station of the forecast of earthquakes NPK PROGNOZ.

Two the torsion pendulums (see Fig.1), the tungsten hairline W in length till ~2 meters with rocker P1, P2 on the extremity, were in an iron tun B with thickness of a wall ~1 centimeter.

Beam of the generator "axion field" G (the construction is described in N2/96) was is directed on a pendulum P1, from below upwards, through an iron wall of a tun.


On the diagrams of a Fig.2 and Fig.3 the curves show the registered deviations of pendulums P1 and P2. Where a horizontal scale in minutes, and vertical scale in relative unities.

During time A-B - the installation of the generator was to execute.

During time B-D - pause for calm of oscillations of a pendulum.
At the moment of time D - distantly the generator was turn on.
At the moment of time E - the generator turn off.

Obviously - the effect is. Effect reproduced, but unfortunately, effect on the verge of sensitivity of the measuring equipment.

At switching on of the generator the small rotational displacement of a pendulum was observed, and the diminution of amplitude of its noise oscillations was observed. The effect is most expressed for an irradiated pendulum P1 and is less expressed for the next pendulum P2.




The rotational displacement is characterized by absence of natural mechanical oscillations of a pendulum, which should accompany with usual action on a pendulum from outside of. Probably, the "axion field" of the generator has some ability to retention of object in a constant standing.

In figure Fig.3 at the moment of time F (in one hour after ending an irradiation) there was a not clear spring of the indications of a standing of a pendulum P1. Thus missed of natural mechanical oscillations of a pendulum (which were well observed during time A-B).

The author is grateful to Karim Khaidarov and Mukhtar Khaidarov for organization and active participation in carry out of experiment

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