Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


The experiment of Solunin and Kostin

As presented by M.V. Korneva


«To demonstrate the phenomenon of interaction of a moving charge with the field of vector potential A, a toroidal winding 3 is placed on the cathode ray tube 1 at the location of the deflecting plates 2. The toroidal winding is made of outer and inner layers wound with 0.62 mm copper wire with a total number of turns of 500. The need for two-layer winding is caused by the fact that the magnetic fields of the ring current are excluded (one winding is left-handed, the other is right-handed). The windings are turned on so that their magnetic fluxes are summed. The electrons in the tube were accelerated by a potential difference of 400 V. A constant voltage was applied to the vertical plates; deflection voltage to set the basic displacement of the electron beam on the screen (5-20 mm). The current in the winding varied within 0-5 A.

The results of the experiment are presented in the graph. As the current in one direction increases, the angle of deflection of the electron beam increases its value relative to the basic deflection. The increase in the angle of deflection of the electron beam at a constant voltage on the deflection plates is due to a decrease in the speed of movement of the beam electrons due to their interaction with the field of the vector potential A of the toroidal winding. When the current in the winding changes to the opposite angle, the deflection of the electron beam decreases its value in relation to its basic deflection, registering the effect of increasing the speed of the beam electrons when they interact with the field of the vector potential A of the toroidal winding.

Thus, the positive results of the described experiment unambiguously prove the existence of the usual classical analogue of the well-known Aronov-Bohm experiment and the existence of the effect of changing the speed of electrons during their interaction with the field of vector potential A. The positive results of the experiment also unambiguously confirm the existence of a phenomenon of longitudinal magnetic interaction previously unknown in science.”

This is a very interesting experiment. Unfortunately, the sources cited by the author of the work could not be found, and from the description it is difficult to judge the correctness of the experiment and its interpretation. Below we will propose another version of the experiment, related to the experiment of Solunin and Kostin, and propose to carry it out».


We look at Physics and/or mathematics. It turns out that the formulas are from quantum mechanics:



P(x)=P0-SQRT(q*U(x)*m)– q *A(x)/c




P0 – initial electron momentum;
U – electric potential;
A – magnetic vector potential;
q – electric charge of an electron;
m – electron mass;
c – speed of light;
SQRT – Square root.


Changing the relative phase of the wave function:



df~P(x)*dx= (P0-SQRT(q*U(x)*m)– q*A(x)/c)*dx



This is not just a symbolic change in the momentum and phase of the electron depending on the magnitude of the magnetic vector potential A. This is a real change in the speed of movement of the electron (charged particle).

As a result, the experiments described in Schizarium for Physicists look different.

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