

Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


SchizoRoom for physicists

In traditional education teachers frequently do not understand what they are teaching so students do not understand what they should remember but they have strong Belief that overseas knowledge’s is completely  confirmed by practice. Let’s try to force us to doubt in the last based on the paradoxes.


“The Unsupported Driver” from “The Homopolar generator


The design of "the “ Homopolar generator “ is widely known It is possible to find in Internet and It is possible to find in Internet and in textbooks a set of standard explanations of its work, follows that on surface of rotating cylindrical magnet appear electric chargers one or other polarity, depending on a rotation and magnetic field direction.

Now present that in on radius of a cylindrical magnet we drill a small hole in which it is inserted a superconducting tube. Through this tube the electric wire connecting a surface of the cylinder with its axis as it is shown in drawing is passed. Blue colour designates a superconducting tube, yellow - a conductor in a tube.


Описание: Описание: Описание: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\1n12\UnGen.gif


Victor Kachan's drawing


The superconducting tube pushes out a magnet magnetic field. In it it is not present. The homopolar generator with the closed electric circuit is as a result received. Basically, we can include an electric bulb in an electric circuit, expecting that it will be shone.

With the law of conservation of energy all ok. But with the law of preservation of moment impulse there are problems. (Imagine a space vehicle with such homopolar generator. With it it is possible to change any way a direction and speed of rotation of the artificial Earth without spending fuel in jet engines.)

It is possible to expect solutions of paradox standard sending to relativistic effects according to the special theory of a relativity …

 Let's try to imagine, you motionlessly sit in a certain area in the presence of a magnetic field, and nearby, out of a magnetic field, by you, the metal subject is carried by and the electric potential on it concerning you for some reason depends on intensity of a magnetic field in which you be …

 The relativistic mysticism.

(The help - paradox is not present if to operate not with concept of a magnetic field, but concept of magnetic vector potential. It already absolutely other understanding of "electrodynamics".)


Electric conductor in a magnetic field


The example of movement of a conductor across a magnetic field is widely known on the school physics. Now attention MAGIC TRICKS!!!


We take a piece of a superconducting coaxial cable. On the ends we close the central core and a braid. Now this piece we start to move in a magnetic field. On idea between the ends of a braid of a wire there should be a difference of electric potentials, but they are closed between themselves the central core. So movement in a magnetic field will induce toroidal a current in a coaxial cable.

Here like all Ok (though in a reality not so). Energy of movement of a cable will be transformed to internal energy. And movement in the opposite direction removes the saved up energy outside … In what quality? In anywhere? (Toroidal electric currents do not create a magnetic field out of a superconducting cable.)

And still wonderful, it is simple slowly moving the described piece of a coaxial cable in a magnetic field, in one direction, it is possible to increase in it an electric current infinitely.


The possible objection - a magnetic field does not get into a superconductor also differences voltage on its ends will not be. In such variant. We lay in parallel usual and superconducting conductors and it is connected their ends. And again we will receive the closed electric circuit in which the electric current will be induced.


It is possible to replace a superconducting braid of a cable with the several enclosed iron tubes which will shield the central core of a cable from an external magnetic field and to close on itself the basic part of a magnetic field induced by currents the most central core.


Lorentz's force


We sit in some area in the presence of a magnetic field. We touch nobody, but it is probable, we is movable and we have some superfluous electric charge concerning stars on the brink of the Universe therefore us and winds on a circle?...

(Besides, a problem of the theory of movement of electric charges in a magnetic field in the special theory of a relativity.)


Let's put, we have a long tube of the magnetic field, extended along axis Z in which the magnetic field is concentrated in walls of a tube and has only an azimuthal component. Let's put, the magnetic field and magnetic vector potential of a tube are homogeneous and invariable along axis Z.

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If electron will move in tube walls in a direction of axis Z Lorentz's force will be directed from the tube center. Remains small how to define moves electron or not? Concerning what moves or does not move, if is not present what reference points along axis Z? If speed electron is not defined, Lorentz's force is not defined.

It turns out, if the Relativity Theory is true, our notion about a magnetic field and magnetic vector potential is convenient theoretical models under some private task?



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