Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


Physics and/or mathematics


Nowadays, “physicists” have deified mathematics so much that physics itself has been lost in articles and textbooks. For example, let's take something from quantum mechanics. So the change in the momentum of an electron P(x) when moving in electromagnetic fields is written as follows:



P(x)=P0-SQRT(q*U(x)*m)– q *A(x)/c




P0 – initial electron momentum;
U – electric potential;
A – magnetic vector potential;
q  - electric charge of an electron;
m – electron mass;
c – speed of light;
SQRT – Square root.


Changing the relative phase of the wave function:



df~P(x)*dx= (P0-SQRT(q*U(x)*m)– q*A(x)/c)*dx



If changes in the electron momentum in electric fields are obvious, then what does the magnetic vector potential A have to do with it? It is believed that magnetic induction:



B = rot A



And electric field intensity:



E = - dA/dt



What's the point of such a thing as magnetic vector potential A ?

For example, consider a conventional electrical transformer in Fig.1



Where 1 and 2 are the primary and secondary electrical windings. 3 – ferromagnetic core of the transformer.

The entire magnetic field is concentrated in the ferromagnetic core of the transformer. Its effect on electrical windings is minimal. The main factor operating the electric windings 1 and 2 is the magnetic vector potential A. And the electric induction field is determined by formula (4).

Before returning to formulas (1) and (2), consider Photo.1 and Photo.2, where 1 is an electrical conductor, 2 is a ferrite ring, 3 is an electrical winding on a ferrite ring.





The inductance of the electrical “coils” in Photo.1 and Photo.2 is equal to:







µ0 – magnetic permeability of vacuum;
µ – magnetic permeability of ferrite ring material;
N – number of turns in the coil;
l/S – characteristic of a ferrite ring, the ratio of the average path of the magnetic flux to the cross-sectional area of the magnetic flux in its walls.


The electromotive force of self-induction is equal to:



U =   L*dI/dt



Those, the EMF of the coil will prevent the magnitude of the electric current in it from changing. It will slow down the electron flying into the ferrite ring and accelerate the electron leaving the latter. Hence the change in the electron momentum P(x) and the relative phase of the wave function df, as written in formulas (1) and (2).

Photo.2 shows an electric coil 3, the current in which creates its own magnetic field in the ferrite ring and sets its magnetic vector potential inside the ferrite ring. Which can be determined by the integral over the entire surrounding volume of space:







Where J are electric currents at a distance r from the observation point.


But physically it is easier to imagine that the energy stored in a ferrite ring (see Photo.2) in the form of a magnetic field is equal to:



Wµ0*µ*(Hk ± He)2 = µ0*µ*(Hk2 ± 2*Hk*He + He2)




Hk – magnetic field of coil 3 created in ferrite ring 2;
He – magnetic field of current conductor 1 (by electron movement) created in ferrite ring 2.


Äîáàâêà ýíåðãèè  ± 2*Hk*He îáóñëàâëèâàåò èçìåíåíèå èìïóëüñà ýëåêòðîíà P(x) è îòíîñèòåëüíîé ôàçû âîëíîâîé ôóíêöèè df, êàê çàïèñàíî â ôîðìóëàõ (1) è (2).

The addition of energy ± 2*Hk*He causes a change in the electron momentum P(x) and the relative phase of the wave function df, as written in formulas (1) and (2).


It should be noted that the magnetic permeability of vacuum µ0 is characteristic of the entire space, and not just of the ferrite ring. Those. one can imagine that for an electron there is always a certain inductance of space L0, which manifests itself as the appearance of an inertial mass in the electron.

Electron kinetic energy:



W = (me * v2)/ 2 ≈ L0*I2 / 2= (L0 * q2*v2/re2) / 2




me – electron mass;
v – electron kinetic speed;
I – electric current caused by the movement of an electron;
q – electric charge of an electron;
re – electron "size".


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