Alexander A.Shpilman (


What is it "a dualism"?


There is the attempt to look at fundamentals of our World from the position, which is a little bit discriminated from a customary point of view.

All logic constructions are based on the qualitative analysis and do not pretend to a true in the last instance. In most cases analytical and numerical methods of the analysis which are adduced for logic constructions for their unequivocal proof or their refinements will require rather many man-years of the intense work.

But, I hope the reasoning at a qualitative level will be possible to conduct at an available level (at a level which is a little bit more then a level of secondary education). The formulas have auxiliary character in this text and, if the reader does not understand them, he can pass them during the reading, although it is enough necessary to understand this question.

If our reader is "man of science", then we have the request to him - does not to do the prompt conclusions and to think are his knowledge the "religious" dogma or not.


Current submission about the ambient material World






Gravitational field

The Physical Vacuum (model PV1)


The Second model of an Electron

The Physical Vacuum (model PV2)

Contents (N5/95)


Current submission about the ambient material World

We observer the physical World, which is ambiented us and we can mark out three basic kinds of a substance:

1) Substance (it consist of elementary particles: electrons, protons, neutrons etc.)
2) Electromagnetic field
3) Gravitational field
4) Physical vacuum

Attempts of a quantum mechanics (QM) and general theory of relativity (GTR) to unit these demonstrations of substance do not have any results. Moreover, QM was transformed into a descriptive science, which is lagging behind of experiment (we shall recollect the discovery of a high-temperature superconductivity).

The modern has a crisis which becomes apparent, for example, when physics can not explain a nature of a spherical lightning, reproduction recorded in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the structural information about a structure of an organism or ignoring the person’s “extrasensory” abilities and etc.

What is the reason of crisis?

Most likely the crisis is connected with such reason: the postulates (principles and axioms) of modern physics are only individual demonstration of the more general laws (exactly speaking - they all are a particular case). Further we shall try to make unsteady a basic postulate of QM - "an Uncertainty Principle" or "a Principle of a dualism", which gives possibility to describe a behavior of a substance through "a Wave of probability".

What is the mechanism of formation "Waves of probability"?

Unfortunately, the QM prefers it is not to discuss it (religious dogmas are not discussed, they are trusted), referring to that fact, that it is not a basic substance property.

But, nevertheless, we will try to investigate in this construction. Let's begin from a carrier of light and electromagnetic (quantum) radiation - Photon.



Photon or the quantum light was the course of rough debates in physicist community in due time. Two submissions about a photon became a stumbling block:

1.The photon is a particle (a corpuscle).
2.The photon is a wave.

Eventually it was accepted the Solomon's solution: a photon is a particle with wave’s properties.

Recently physics incline to the submission of a photon as a compact package (a team) of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). But the reasons of stable existence of an EMR package are not clear till this moment. It is not clear, if the photon has a wavelength (l=6*10-7 m - red light) in one thousand times exceeding the sizes of atom (d=5*10-11 m - hydrogen atom), how it manages to be radiated and to be absorbed by atoms as whole and indivisible.

However we will try to receive a stable EMR package. Let's assume that the following Maxwell’s set of equations for an electromagnetic field is rather correct.





rot(H)= d(e*E)/dt



E - electric field strength,
e - dielectric permeability,
H - strength of a magnetic field,
m - magnetic permeability,
t - time.

If charges are deficiency







We can see from equations (1.2.3), (1.2.4) follows, that the nondeliquescent EMR package cannot be received, but, assuming, that, for example, dielectric permeability of vacuum e is not the constant, and it is not a function from an electric field strength E, then the situation already exchange.

If e is nonlinear, that what values of E can we this nonlinearly detect? For this purpose we shall define, what a photon strength EMR with a wavelength l=6*10-7 m. A photon energy is equal:





h – is a Planck's constant,
c – is a velocity of light in vacuum

Assume, that a photon basic energy is concentrated in cube l*l*l, then from equation:


l2*(e*E2+m*H2)/2 =h*c/l,


assuming, that




We will receive


E =400000 v/m


Such strengths of electric field are already used for a long time and it was not revealed any changes e. So the submission:


e = e0+A1*E2+A2*E4+A3*E6+…



e0 - dielectric permeability of vacuum by a deficiency of fields.

will not lead to anything interesting, as then A1, A2, A3, … should be very small sizes and furthermore with the help of one focusing lens it is impassible to made from a wide ray of light the narrow one.

But, if you would use a system of focusing and dispersing lenses for compression and stabilization of the sizes of a beam light, then this purpose will be accessible; i.e. we shall assume, that on the forward front of an electromagnetic wave, where:


dE2/dt > 0


will be


e > e0,


on a back side of a front of wave, where:


dE2/dt < 0


will be


0 < e < e0


For a photon with l=6*10-7 m, taking into account (1.2.8), we can find:


max|dE/dt|*E*c/l =2*1020 V/m*s


It is a sizeable size. If we want to reach such size of derivative with rather small frequency of oscillations of an electromagnetic field (EMF) in 2GHz it is necessary to create EMF with strength in 10+11 v/m.

But such EMF strengths with such frequencies are unattainable yet and to measure prospective non-linearity e point-blank it fails. But, nevertheless, suppose, that:


e =F(dW/dt)



F - while unknown for us function
W - density of EMF energy

Or it is more concretely (but with the greater probability of an error in further constructions):


e = e0/(1-a* dW/dt)2



There is can be an objection here: with such version e the electromagnetic wave will be not invariant concerning different frame of reference. But it is possible to answer it such a way: there is own e in each system, and it is more correct - e of the measuring instrument (material mass) in each system, i.e. measuring instruments are not invariant and their indications depend on those conditions, which they are in. For example, the clock goes slower on a surface of the Earth then clock which is on moon.


Now we shall try, based on the formula (1.2.16), to present a photon structure of (see Fig. 1, where: 1 - direction of an electrical field, 2 - direction of energy extent of an electromagnetic field.). We have on the forward front electromagnetic (EM) photon wave

dW/dt > 0


e > e0

e is the more, than the speed of increase of energy concentration is more. Thus the speed of motion EM energy (V) less then speed of light (c) and it has some component toward the direction of center (the focussing is happening).

We have on the opposite side of EM wave’s front of a photon


dW/dt < 0



0 < e < e0

Let's look at Fig.1. It reminds the funnel or curved scissors. There is necessary to recollect a mental experiment concerning speed determination of a cross point of two edges of scissors (see Fig.2).

e is the less then there was a concentration of energy more. In this connection the speed of motion EM energy (V) is more then speed of light (c) and it has some component toward the direction to the center (the defocusing is happening).

Let's look at Fig. 1. It reminds the funnel or curved scissors. There is necessary to recollect a mental experiment concerning speed determination of a cross point of two edges of scissors (see Fig. 2).


This speed is equal





U - speed of motion of an edges’ cross point to the direction X (phase speed),
V - speed of motion of edges is perpendicular of its plane,
a – corner between edges.

It is visible from the formula (1.2.17) that the speed U can be arbitrarily large. And it is clear: the cross point of edges is not a material skew field. Similarly it is possible to approach to our "funnel" (see Fig.2), i.e., we can, selecting the various forms of submission of relation (1.2.15), to receive any speeds of a photon motion as a indivisible one with minor speed deviation of separate parts EM wave from established speed of light. But it is necessary for stability of a photon in order to the speed of a photon, as a whole, was less then a EM speed of energy on back front its EM wave.

From our "funnel-shaped" model of a photon follows, that the front EM wave of a photon on a rim considerably advances its central part, where the main share of EM energy is concentrated. Such a way, area of main concentration of energy and even all photon can receive the information about obstacles, which are located far from it, and can change a direction of their motion pursuant to character of interaction. And, the last one will be already exhibited in interaction of a photon, as a whole, with an obstacle.

The interaction between photons is possible due to e nonlinearity. For example, the ray of light from a far star consisting of photons with an identical wavelength in an outcome of resonant interaction will become coherent. The photons will align phases EM waves during traveling from a star to the Earth (their motion will be possible to assimilate to motion of coordinated ranks of the soldiers).

This photon "funnel-shaped" model more approaches for two-dimensional case. In our three-dimensional world the structure of a photon will be a little bit more difficult. We can try to present how it will look like rolling up the Fig.1 into a tube lengthwise an axis X. At that case the ends of our "funnel" will be crossed and we shall have one more "funnel". If we prolonging the ends of new "funnel" we shall receive new crossing and new "funnel" and so on. In the given model we have not a "funnel" as such. There is a concentration of energy along " bunches", curled (around a tube) in the right and the left-hand spiral. EM energy of a wave goes along bunches, decelerating sequentially its run and being concentrated in interception units (in this moment the photon is similar to corpuscle). And then, departing along bunches, accelerates its run (in this place the photon is similar to a wave), so that on the average speed of motion remains constant.

We can make a conclusion from the formula (1.2.17) that the more e is different from e0, the more is a photon energy (E is more and its speed of change is more - frequency f), so the more possible is interaction between photons.

At interaction of two gamma-quantums (photons with large energy), having EM frequency of oscillations


f > m*c2/h =1.2*1020 Hz,



m - weight of an electron,
h - Planck's constant;



l < c/f= 2.4*10-12 m


And strength of a field at the EM wave front


E > ( h*c/(e* l3)0.5=2.5*1016 V/m,


As we know from practice, the pair of particles can be born: an electron and a positron.

Let's try to construct a model of an electron from EM waves.




If we try to construct model of an electron now, studying the mechanism of interaction of two gamma-quantums with formation an electron-positrone pair, then we would not be able to make it. It will be not so simply to clear up in the mechanism of formation an electron-positrone pair even somebody will be possible to photograph this moment to the smallest details. Therefore we shall try to approach to this problem from the other end.

At first we shall recollect, that we know about an electron. The electron has:

1) Weight m = 9*10-31 kg;
2) Charge q = -1.6*10-19 C;
3) Spin (something like a torque of an electron about the axis);
4) Magnetic moment.

As for weight, there are not any problems: EMF has gravitational weight too. But here the electron charge will be most difficult. But, nevertheless, we shall try to investigate, that means next expression: the electron has a charge. It means, that the electrical field round an electron is directed from different directions mainly to its center.



Let's try to receive it. Let's take two cylindrical constant magnets and twirl them counter-clockwise round the axes. Now we allow, those together with magnets their magnetic fields will be twirled round their axes also. Then the traveling magnetic field will call an appearance of an electrical field, which will be mainly directed to center of magnets, i.e. we will receive some analog of an electrical field of a charge (see 3, where: 1 - magnetic field, 2 - electrical field).

Thus, one after another of magnitude order the strength of a magnetic field will be was equal


H ~ 1/R3


Where R - distance to center of a magnet,

Its moment


M ~ R


And electric field strength


E ~ M*H ~ 1/ R2


It is necessary to mark, that the observable electrical field of an electron is equal


E= q/e*R2



The amazing coincidence! But, as it is visible from Fig.4 (where 1 - vector of an electrical field) the electric field strength is heterogeneous, i.e. there is a large quadrupole moment. The maximum of electric field strength will be at angles equal 45 and 135 degrees. And one larger defect is - the strength of a magnetic field concerning its energy is comparable to energy of an electrical field, and an electron has the energy of a magnetic field, which is significantly less.

Let's try to reduce strength of a magnetic field. For this purpose we shall turn over the second magnet for 135 degrees and we shall mentally superpose two magnets, rotated round the axes such a way their centers have coincided. In this connection the magnetic field is almost completely compensated, the electric field strength is doubled, and the quadrupole moment decreases, i.e. the electrical field will become more homogeneous. The residual magnetic moment is a magnetic moment of an electron (see Fig. 5, where H1, H2 - magnetic moment of constants magnets; M - resultant moment).



The model is and reflects some electron properties, but, nevertheless, is rather rough. Let's try to replace our two constants of a magnet with two spiral EM-waves (see Fig.6). They move to center, are curled in the opposite parties (vector of an electrical field direct along spirals to center). Thus, the rotation axes, directional in space the same, as were directed magnets (under 135 degrees between axes).

Now we draw analogy with our model of a photon, i.e., on forward front EM of a wave moving to center, we have e > e0 and speed U < c, and on back front EM we have waves 0<e<e0 and speed U>c.



In this connection EM energy moves to center on forward front EM wave, and EM energy moves along a wave front from center on back front EM wave. Equality of these flows of energy is a necessary condition for stable existence of our model. And, if we reason correctly, this small island of stability corresponds to rest energy of an electron.


Thus, we have received electromagnetic -wave model of an electron. This model does not require any attraction of a hypothetical rotated magnetic field and has a number of interesting new properties.



We imagine - ours EM model of an electron moves as whole along an axis X with speed V. Then in a point "A" EM wave moved to the direction to an axis X and it will increase the frequency of oscillations (according to a special relativity theory):


w1=G* w0





And EM wave moving to the opposite party, will reduce the frequency of oscillations:


w2= w0/G


In consequence, the straight line, connecting points ("A") of interception two EM waves, will become bent to the party of our model’s motion and we shall observe beatings of strength EM field on this straight line with frequencies:


f1= w1+ w2




f2=| w1- w2|



f1 - high-frequency component,
f2 - low-frequency component.

Let's consider only low-frequency component.


f2= w1- w2= w0*(G-1/G)= G*w0*V2/c2,


With V is significant smaller C, we have:


f2= w0* V2/c2=m*V2/h,


Where m - weight of an electron.

In the total we have received de Brojlya formula for frequency, and from here we can find a wavelength de Brojlya (wavelength of probability of electron detection in a point "A"):




The amazing coincidence! It is look like that we are going to the right direction. But we should be without any emotions. Let's look, whether all is so good, as it seems. It is visible from Fig.6, that only small part of an electric field strength has a direction to center (radial component - Er), the main part - is perpendicular to a direction to center (tangential component - Et). As it is visible from the formula


Er= l*Et/(2*Pi*R)



R - distance to a spiral center,

Er - component decreases with a distance. If we would ignore this moment, than for obtaining relation Er from R, as with the electron (the formula 1.3.4), it is necessary




Where K - proportionality factor.

It will mean, that the electron will have indefinitely large energy of rest and, as a result, - indefinitely large weight. The given conclusion can be checked up, integrating EM density on all volume taken, by model (from l to endlessly). The situation will not be betterment so much, if our electron model present as a flat: the energy of rest will be received indefinitely large all the same.

What is our error in?

It is consisted in that we did not give our attention to interception’s points of helical (exacter-spiral) EM waves, and the interaction between EM waves will happen here and the wavefront should be deformed, how is shown in Fig.7. If this picture is right, that, obviously, that basic EM energy of our model will be concentrated in interception’s EM units of waves and the vector of an electrical field of units will be mainly directed to center of model. Thus, Et will not already play the special role and, on the supposition of that Er decreases in units with the same distance as and in the formula (1.3.4), rest energy of our model will be quite certain (final) size.


It seems it is not quite all right in our new model again. The basic energy was concentrated along one axis (axis Y on Fig.7). Let's name this directivity "a charge vector" (CV), which is creating, on the first sight, enormous quadrupole moment, which would be detected a long time ago. But there is one "but" here. When we construct model of electron we accepted, that there is the speed of EM energy propagation exceeds speed of light on return front EM waves, and it means, that the unit of interception spiral EM waves can move along their front with speed, greater then speed of light. Thus, the availability at an electron CV will be exhibited absolutely differently, than quadrupole moment at a usual dipole.

This model of an electron has area of the greatest concentration of energy in the shape of the disk, is considerably extended along an axis Y and is bent along it in a direction of an axis Z.

The concentration EM energy along one axis Y happens in rare cases, when energy of both helical waves is identical. Usually their energies are not equal. Their wavelength is not equal either, that results to motion of EM waves units of interception on a spiral round an axis Y, in such a manner that, one "MOUSTACHE" (for example: CV oriented along an axis Y) has an exterior of a left-hand spiral, and other - right-hand. Thus, the electron has a spin (S) and magnetic moment (M) (as a coil copper with direct current has).

As a rule, spiral bunch of electron’s MOUSTACHE swirls in a spiral too (spiral of the second order) under the influence of external forces. And, this second order spiral can be left or right. It is possible to name motion of electron energy along of the second order spiral as orbital motion with a moment L.

The combination of spirals of MOUSTACHEs curling’s direction of the first and second level is a combination of possible a spin S orientation and orbital moment L.

If the direction S and L coincides, it results that outside of spirals the strength MF adds, and inside - is deducts. In an outcome inside of external MF spiral becomes ring-shaped and less then external MF (because fields S and L are intersected under an angle), that results to compression of an external spiral’s diameter. This condition is characterized by a large electron magnetic moment, causing to orientation of an electron’s MOUSTACHE along external MF with strengthening of the last one.

If the direction S and L is opposite, it result that outside of spirals the MF strength deducts and inside - adds. As a result MF becomes ring-shaped in an external spiral. In such condition the electron is characterized by a small magnetic moment. At that, the moustache of an electron has a tendency to twirl into a spiral of the third level under the influence of external MF. External MF of a MOUSTACHE directed against external MF, i.e. such electron exhibits its diamagnetic properties. If on an electron's electrical field (EF) with opposite S and L to impose a proton EF such a way that on a macroscale, on the average, EF was equal to zero, but the availability of such CV will be rather difficult to detect. The last variety CV field is, probably, so-called an "axion field" (AF). AF is unstable and has a tendency to decay on particles, which are similar to a neutrino with a rest mass that is not equal to zero. These particles are characterized by four main qualities - weight density of energy, frequent spectrum and topology. Let's name them "Quons"?.

(Prolongation of a theme in N1/98)



A proton model which we can construct by analogy with an electron model, adding to already being available two EM waves a third one such a way, that the angle between direction planes of propagation EM waves was in the order of 120 degrees. In an outcome of it the area of the greatest EM energy concentration will consist of three MOUSTACHES.

Proton’s MOUSTACHE intertwine along their axes the same way, as an electron does. But, a proton has three MOUSTACHE and it can result in torsion them among themselves into one MOUSTACHE (other versions are possible). It'll have minimum magnetic moment (magnetic moment of an electron Me=9.3*10-24 J/T, and magnetic moment of a proton Mp=1.4*10-26 J/T, i.e. Mp < Me almost in a thousand of time).



It is natural to begin consideration of an atom structure with an atom of hydrogen, consisting of one proton and one electron.

The electron becomes inside of a conical MOUSTACHE of a proton at interaction of an electron with a proton. That what one MOUSTACHE of an electron interact with a MOUSTACHE of a proton becomes to be directed to the a proton’s side, and, at that the second MOUSTACHE of an electron is pushed out sideways, because the direction of EF is opposite to EF of a proton’s MOUSTACHE.

In consequence of such interaction there will be getting out two MOUSTACHES in different directions beyond the bounds of our model of hydrogen atom. One MOUSTACHE of an electron and second one - a MOUSTACHE of a proton with compensated by halves EF.

Such atom will have a large electrical dipole moment and, as a result, a large reactionary ability.

If two hydrogen atoms interaction then their free MOUSTACHES are mutually closed such a way, that outside of a arise hydrogen molecule remains a very little and as a result the relatively inert gas is received.

This molecule strongly reminds atom of helium. If we shall bring together protons and we connect them into a nucleus by neutrons, that we shall receive atom of inert gas helium.



We shall consider the possible mechanism of metals’ conductivity starting from a new conception about a structure of atom. We start from the mechanism conductivity of surface metal.

Surface metal (as well as many other substances) is covered by fur of MOUSTACHES nucleuses of atoms and electrons. They are constantly in motion (as ears of wheat in steppe) owing to thermal motion and external EMF. They interact among themselves, being closed "disappear" and occur again.

If we superpose external EF along a conductor, the MOUSTACHES of protons turn on a direction EF and the electrons begin their way towards EF. The motion of electrons can be divided on the following stages:

1) THE MOUSTACHE of an electron turns. It make flap on an arc. Its direction flap is determined direction by a spin of that MOUSTACHE towards EF;
2) THE MOUSTACHE of an electron interacts with a MOUSTACHE of a proton, which met with it;
3) The electron flows along its MOUSTACHES from one proton to other, if EF energy is sufficed for it;
4) The second MOUSTACHE eliminates from connection with the first proton.

And all is repeated again.

Thus, the electron skips from one proton to another, but not straightly, and by “staircase” and, the more EF strength, the less angles of “staircase” with constant length of "stair". "Stair" length of “staircase” is constant. "Stair" is a minimum power barrier holding electron from transition to other atom, this, from the point of view of radio engineering, is an elementary stabilitron of voltage and, the more is voltage, the more quantity of stabilitrons are cut in circuit. If the temperature of a conductor increase then an average distance between atoms of a crystalline lattice, the more is length of "stair" and potential barrier for a skip of an electron i.e. the more is specific resistance to a flowing past electric current.

Why is “staircase”?

Because the spins of an electron’s MOUSTACHES are opposite and they are flapping (precession) happens in the opposite sides. In a figurative sense it is possible to present such a way: the electron in the form of a spindle, which rolls along a flat surface, periodically touching a surface by one of its end or another (it is considered a possible version with rather low temperatures).

At such motion of electrons their MOUSTACHEs, depending on a spin, on the average, become oriented in space differently. The difference of orientation can be strengthened, applying conductors of the special configuration and external EMF such a way in order to strengthen spin polarization of used conductor. In an outcome CV of electrons with an identical spin direction form so-called an axion field (similar titles - "spin field", "spinor" or "torsion field"), that is revealed and is used in some generators AF.

At rather low temperatures in external EMF MOUSTACHEs of protons can twirl into ropes, forming stable "arch" ducts of a large expansion. The electrons, falling in these ducts, acquire ability to move uniformly (to flow) along them without any acceleration (without jumps). Inside the proton’s ducts MOUSTACHEs of electrons, to some extent, also acquire ability to twist among themselves, forming so-called "Cooper’s" pairs. Probably, it is superconductivity. In that case superconductivity can be achieved, not only lowering temperature, but also creating AF of necessary strength.

It is possible to explain the availability a MF conductor with an electric current through flywheel motion of electrons’ MOUSTACHEs (for protons - motion of protons’ MOUSTACHES), and availability of inductance – through a turn of protons’ MOUSTACHES towards an EF direction. But the given explanation looks better if to take into account their interaction with "Physical Vacuum".


Gravitational field

We got the electron and proton models and they are not in the form of balls and spherical clouds, that is why a model of the elementary hydrogen atom, consisting one proton and one electron, would not be spherical. The atom can be similar to a ball if it only have plenty of protons and electrons. But even in this case it will be impossible to assert, that the field of a positive charge of an atom nucleus, consisting of protons and neutrons, will be completely compensated by a negative charge of electrons’ "envelopes" and vice versa. It is stipulated by that fact, that EM length of a wave forming an electron, considerably differs from EM length of a wave forming a proton. Thus, round an atom the continuous EMF pulsations with different frequency, strength and direction of EMF vector will be observed. But on the average, for large period of time the electric field strength will be equal to zero (because of equality on an absolute value of an electron and proton charge).

These EMF pulsations of a field round an atom will cause to this fact, that the effective value of a dielectric permeability e will be on the average more than e0, which comes nearer to value of e0 with moving off atom by virtue of decreasing EMF amplitude of pulsations. The EM waves of other atoms and particles (including photons) will distort their ways to the direction of the greatest value e, i.e. to the direction of atom, chosen by us, its gradient e will appear round the atom. It will be the refraction motion of particles will happen, as a refraction light motion in a glass lens.

Thus, we have got an attraction to chosen atom of other particles and atoms, which force is proportional EM energy, concluded in chosen atom or its weight. The change (decreasing) e with a distance to atom (gradient) is anything other, as a gravitational field.

Let's try to evaluate what change of e can generate an attraction, similar concerning an effect of attraction by a gravitational field of the Earth. For this purpose we shall take simple case: the photon is going in the direction of the Earth.

We know, that at transition of a photon from one medium with e1 to medium with e2 (in our case e2>e1) the wavelength changes in the following way


l2= l1*(e1/e2)0.5


But as since e1 and e2 are dielectric permeabilities of the spaces, in which the observers exist (also consisting from EM waves), the last ones will not notice speed change of photon motion, because the time will flow by different way for them (the time for the second observer will flow in (e2/e1)0.5 times slower), and they will notice only change of photon’s wavelength, which is perceived as increasing of its energy


W2=h*c/ l2=h*c/ l1*(e1/e2)0.5 =W1*(e1/e2)0.5


If the transition from e1 to e2 smooth, that the formula (1.7.2) can be transformed to a differential equation:





It is known, that there are the energy of a photon in a gravitational field of the Earth varies in the following way (as the observer presents):








Where Mz - weight of the Earth,
Mf - weight of a photon,
R - distance to center of the Earth,
g - gravitational constant.



Solving jointly the equations (1.7.3) and (1.7.4), we shall find


e=e0*exp(2*g*Mz/(R*c2))= e0*exp(2*F/c2)= e0*exp(1.6*10-9)


Where F - potential of a gravitational field of the Earth or approximately


e = e0*(1+1.6*10-9)


Such small change e (e*1.6*10-9) can cause the Earth's attraction.

Now we shall evaluate: what the deceleration of speed flow of time on a surface of the Earth will be equal


Tz= Tb*( eb/ez)0.5= Tb*exp(-F/c2) ~ Tb*(1- F/c2)



Tz - interval of time on a surface of the Earth,
Tb - interval of time on endless extent from the Earth,
ez - dielectric permeability on a surface of the Earth,
eb - dielectric permeability on endless extent from the Earth.

There is a coincidence again! This formula coincides with the appropriate formula of a general theory of relativity.


Physical Vacuum (model PV1)

In the beginning there was such conception, as an Ether, escorting mankind during many centuries. The Maxwell has concluded his famous equations, proceeding from idea about vortical motion of ether, as a source of EMF. Physics have refused from conception of ether then they collided with a series of difficulties of explanation some physical phenomena in the beginning of our century. But they could not invent anything else instead of this since that time and in the total, there is still a taboo because of "religious" convictions on it. We want it or not, physicists had to bring in a conception of " physical vacuum " (hereinafter PV).

We were guided in our reasoning by "classical" submissions about space, entering small nonlinearities in it. Let's name such submission of PV as PV0.

Now we shall try to present PV as gaseous (liquid) medium, where is not only EMF in it, but also elementary particles, which are a vortex motion of given medium. Such submission is conformable to submissions of the Maxwell or Atsukovskij (see. V.A.Atsukovskij "General ether-dynamics", Moscow, Poweratompublishers, 1990y. Look also ). Let's name such PV submission as PV1.

Such PV1 has the following properties:

1. PV1 is similar of superfluid liquid, which is easily transfers into gaseous condition, and many of its nonlinearities are connected with this transition;
2. The vector potential (A) is a volumetric PV speed (m3/s);
3. The magnetic field (H) is an index of a vortex motion PV in space (H=rot(A));
4. The electrical potential (U) is a relative PV pressure;
5. The electrical field (E) is a PV pressure variation in space (E=-grad(U));
6. The positive charge (q) is an increased PV pressure;
7. The negative charge (-q) is a reduced PV pressure (recollect the Sea of the Dirac);
8. The substance, which we visible and tangible is the result of vortex and wave PV motion;
9. The magnetic permeability of vacuum is a function from PV density along a vortex’s axis in PV;
10. The dielectric permeability of vacuum is a function from reciprocal of acceleration of PV density change;
11. The gravitational field is a change of PV temperature and density in space;
12. EM waves are transversal waves in PV;
13. There can be longitudinal waves in PV with speed of propagation for many orders more than speed of light (in another way they would be " easily " observed). Let's admit, that the red displacement of a radiation spectrum of far stars is connected to energy "leakage" of quantum of light for a longitudinal wave formation, the speed of longitudinal waves propagation will be of the order of 1024 m/s (size of our galaxy ~ 1021m).



The astronomers try to detect radio signals from reasonable creatures from universe during long time, but it is abortive until this time. It suggests an idea to that, whether an intellect is very unusual occurrence, or the intersidereal communication accomplishs with using by others, more effective, principles.

If EM waves are transversal PV waves, that, probably, the longitudinal PV waves can exist (LPVV).

If speed of longitudinal waves propagation will be of the order of1024 m/s, that, using LPVV for communication, it is possible to exchange by messages with another end of our Galaxy with delay of a signal propagation about thousandth of second. At such capabilities, whether it is necessary to use for space communication EM waves?

But there is a series of difficult surmountable obstacles here:

In order to all power of the transmitter would not spreaded along all Galaxy, it is necessary to receive a narrow ray forming a channel between the transmitter and the receiver.

The wave resistance of PV for EM waves makes of the order of 300 Om, and for LPVV will make ~ 10-22 Om, i.e. it will not be passable to create and perceive LPVV wave by usual antenna devices.

It is possible to receive a narrow ray - channel, proceeding from models PV1, twirling ether into a certain formation the same type, as Tornado, where is, with general rotation of air masses, there are some dense air vortexes, surrounding spirally a central part of a general rotation axis. Thus, it is possible to receive "dense" walls of a pipe - channel, by which it is possible to try to transmit longitudinal waves (to shout into a pipe).

Unfortunately, the vortex motion in PV1, forming a channel, will be spread with speed no more, than speed of light, so it will be necessary to use already being available (natural) channels for superlight communication for large distances.

The availability of a channel it is still insufficient condition for reception LPVV waves, it is necessary to slow down them till light speeds for the coordination concerning a wave resistance and increasing of density of their energy.


The second model of an Electron

It is possible to try to construct model of an electron from only vortex motions of ether (model PV1), as it was made by V.A.Atsukovskij, why presented a proton as a curl closed into a torus, where the ether can moves on a left-hand or on the right-hand spiral. This model is accordant to the model of a structure of an electron, which was offered by I.M.Matora (see article by I.M.Matora "Model of a structure of an electron and muon" in section "Publications").

It is necessary to add parallelly to vortical torus the second vortical torus with opposite spirality of an ether motion, in order to approach this model to practice. It is necessary because the single torus, the most common, will gather speed by its-self perpendicularly of its plane, until it will not break up.

It is convenient to use the new model in many cases, but, alas, if you will use it in the pure state, we shall confront with a lot of inconsistencies.


Physical Vacuum (model PV2)

Model PV1 is convenient in many cases, but it not absolutely jointed with practice. The motion of a substance usually exhibits in the various dynamic phenomena. For example, if we coil a toroidal copper bobbin on a ring-shaped bobbin of a copper wire with a current along an axis of ring-shaped bobbin, then, depending on a current in a winding of a toroidal bobbin, the magnetic field should vary. But, alas, measurement of a magnetic field does not confirm this conclusion. Probably, this failure is connected as it is not enough pure experiment (bobbins render to each other direct influence through magnetic fields), but hardly. Strangely enough, the people, who are capable to perceive the thin world, fix by their perception the expected dynamic phenomena. Whether it is possible, if we proceed from this, to make a conclusion, that PV1 model approaches for the "in parallel" existing "thin" world and does not approach for the description of existence of electromagnetic phenomena in our "dense" world?

Let's try to take as PV2 model firm environment. Then, in difference from PV1 model, the beginning of a magnetic field will be stipulated by shift deformation of a crystalline lattice of a firm body (see. R.Balandin, "Firm vacuum", Engineering of Youth, 1993, N8, also look ). In this case all are well, but it is impossible to get a magnetic field inside a long bobbin with a current or inside a toroidal bobbin. There will not be any shift deformation inside them.

Apparently, there will not be able to get a satisfactory PV model with "simple" - one-composite environments.

As PV2 model it is possible to try to take dense firm environment consisting of two enclosed to each other crystalline lattices (plus PV1). Then the magnetic field can be tried to present as shift deformation with displacement of one crystalline lattice comparatively another.

(Prolongation in N2/98)


I express gratitude Anders Heerfordt for the help.