Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


The High-Voltage Generator of DS-state Elements

It was already spoken about high-voltage generators of DS-state elements (see "Time - Overtime") in N2/01 Here we shall continue this theme.




The design of the generator of DS-state elements (DSS elements) which is made as a capacitor with using of composit dielectric (see Fig.1) and a pulsing voltage on electrodes (see Fig.2) is discribed in N2/01. Our experiments have shown, that is possible to use plates made of drusen crystal quartz (see Fig.3) as anisotropic dielectric it with an angle of a cut is 45Î in such a design. There are frequently cracks between crystals of quartz through which an electric breakdown between electrodes 2 and 3 occurs (see Fig.1) in such a plate. Therefore it is necessary to cover such plate (to impregnate) with colophony (rosin) dissolved in spirit or it is better to impregnate a mix of colophony with a stearin. Preliminary, colophony and stearin should be melt in together. Then a little alcohol is added to the mixture. The mixture should be carefully mixed up and our plate of a cut of drusen crystal quartz should be covered by it.

The powder of carborundum (SiC) impregnated by colophony works rather effectively in "a capacitor" variant of the DSS generator. Such dielectric has rather big electric conductivity, therefore it is recommended to use, for example, a long cylinder of such dielectric like with electrodes at the butt-ends (see Fig.4).


It is not clear yet how DSS elements generated by the carborundum influence on a man, therefore it is not recommended to experiment the given design in the apartment. And also it is not recommended to switch it on for the time more than it is necessary for the experiment. It is better to carry out researches in the protective box from an electret film (see Shielding packing ).

Reasoning from the already known information an attempt to improve "Chizhevsky's luster" is also interested to us.





For example, electrodes 1-5 are placed between dielectric plates 6 (see Fig.5). The electrode 1 is made from aluminium, 2 is a thin tungstic wire, 3,4,5 are made from silver (or copper covered by silver).

The pulsing voltage 15 kV + 130V is fed on the electrode 1.

The pulsing voltage 15 kV is fed on the electrode 2.

The pulsing voltage -15 kV is fed on the electrode 3.

Electrodes 4 and 5 have zero potential.

The corona discharge on a thin tungstic electrode 2 ionizes air, this induces ions with a positive charge. A difference of a voltage in 130V between electrodes 1 and 2 is strengthened by splitting between components of the "axion fields" with the negative and positive electric pseudo-charge (see Fig. 6) of these ions (the first act of DSS elements’ generation). The ions with a positive charge drift to the electrode 3 where their recharge occurs (change of a sign on a charge on the opposite one). Then the ions with the negative charge in the drift pass the electrodes 4, 5 and leave our design. The electrodes 4, 5 make the stream of air between the dielectric plates 6 more stable (from the left to the right of figure 5). With a stable stream of ions is provided also.




Thus, the generation of DSS elements (nitrogen and oxygen) is take place at a potential difference of a pulsing voltage in 30kV. The negative charge of generated DSS elements raises their stability. (Pay attention, ions and DSS elements are not the same). Naturally, it is necessary to expect that the given device will generate more negative ions than DSS elements. Nevertheless this generated stream of DSS elements is quite perceptible for a man.

It is tempting to divide generated DSS elements in space according to their polarization and to simulate by it "A Place of POWER". This function of a small “places force” is carried out by the construction represented in Fig.7 (The Imitator of a "Place Power " IPP-1). Where, the electrodes 1, 2, 3 settle down between the dielectric disks 7 with apertures in cent. The electrode 1 is an aluminium ring, 2 is a ring from a thin tungstic wire, 3 is "a float" from silver.

The pulsing voltage 15 kV + 130V is fed on the ring 1.

The pulsing voltage 15kV is fed on the ring.

The pulsing voltage -15 kV is fed on "a float" 3.

The pintle from silver passes on the axis of "the float" to which "short moustaches" of several wires from silver 5 are soldered. They are located inside of two toroidal electric coils 11 with are reeled up on the iron cones 9 atop of the cone-shaped electric coils 10. The cone-shaped electric coils 10 create magnetic field H (see Fig.8), this field is parallel to the axis of the device.

The toroidal coils 11 create (magnetic) vector potential A directed as it is shown in Fig.9. Such combination of electric coils in the sum creates vector potential of spiral structure with opposite polarization in the top and in the bottom cone.

The toroidal coils are protected from high-voltage breakdown by the dielectric cones 8.

The grids 6 are located above the pintle and "short moustaches" for stabilization of corona discharge on the ends of the pintle and the "short moustaches".


As well as in the design in Fig.5, the corona discharge on the thin tungstic electrode 2 ionizes air and induces the ions by a positive charge. The difference of a voltage in 130V between electrodes 1 and 2 is strengthened by splitting between the components of the "axion fields" with a negative and positive electric pseudo-charge of these ions (the first act of the DSS elements’ generation). The ions with a positive charge carrying away the air, drift to the electrode 3 where their recharge occurs (change of a sign of the charge on the opposite one). Then the ions with a negative charge together with the stream of air leave upwards and downwards along the axis (along the pintle of "the float") of the device through apertures in the center of the dielectric disks 7. The corona discharge above the pintle and "short moustaches" 5 increases concentration of negative ions in the air and amplify the stream of air from the cones.

Against usual ions, the negative DSS ions go up or down of the design according to their polarization. And then leave the design in the corresponding direction.

Probably, it is better to place the design it is horizontal position far away from the walls and other dense, properly sized objects for saturation of a room by DSS ions. It is desirable to orient the design on the magnetic field of the Earth (the top cone of the design should be directed on the South Pole of the Earth).

General view of a design can be seen in Fig.10.

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You can buy the imitator of a "place power" IPP-2

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