Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


Observation of an "Axion (Spin) Field"


It is not possible to touch and to see electrical and magnetic fields. But here is the "axion field" which is possible both to touch and to see. Those who have the COMFORT generator can convince themselves in it.

In order "to touch" the beam of the generator, it is not necessary to place a hand directly in this beam. It is necessary to bring a hand slowly to the beam sideways and to listen to the sensations. If you put your hand too close the beam will pass through it and you will not have any "tactile" sensations. And, moreover, if you keep your hand in the zone of the beam of the generator too long time you can be losses of sensitivity in your hand for some time. For the generators " The Generator of the "Axion Field " Sort 5" and the generator described in " Feedback in Generators and Detectors Axion (spin) Field" this time can make some seconds.

The beam of the generator can be seen if you look similarly like we do when we notice an air haze above a heated object. For this purpose it is necessary to focus the sight on the point located a little bit further the observable beam of the "axion field". Moving the point of our sight’s focus deeper, we can make out various structures of the beam of the generator.

If our usual sight is capable to see the beam of the "axion field", there is a desire to photograph this beam. But, alas, even to photograph air mirage above a heated object is not simple. It is even more difficult to photograph a beam "axion field".

In our case the habitual for physicists method of photography of optical inhomogeneities in interferometers is not useful. First, the beam of the "axion field" refracts light not unsystematically but casually. Second, apparently, light refracts resonantly. As we do not know resonant lengths of light’s waves it is better to use white light instead of monochrome light of a laser in an interferometer.



It is possible to use a shadow method for photography of the beam of the "axion field" of the generator G (see Fig.1). In this method the parallel stream of light transparents the beam of the "axion field", and it is focalized by the lens L1 (see Fig.1) in a point of focus O1. The small, absorbing barrier E is placed in the point of the focus O1.  This barrier is completely overlaps a stain of light in this focus. Light scattered by the beam of the "axion field" in the point O is focalized by the lens L1 in the point O2 outside of the absorbing barrier E and then is focused on the screen/photographic plate S by the lens L2. Thus, on the screen/photographic plate S we shall see only light scattered by the beam of the "axion field". We shall have a photo of the beam of the "axion field".

A shadow method is good only in laboratory requirements. It is more interesting to try to use a method of an optical tomography, which doesn’t need a parallel stream of light.
In usual object-glass cameras the purpose of achievement of the maximum depth of sharpness is pursued. The opposite purpose is in an optical tomography – it is necessary to achieve the minimal depth of sharpness of a lamina of a viewed object and to cut off light, which radiates from objects outside of this lamina. This problem is solved successfully by a human eye observing the beam of the "axion field". And this problem is not capable to solve by a usual camera.

For an optical tomography it is possible to use the design, which is shown in Fig.2. Light scattered by the beam of "the axion field" of the generator G in the point O is transmuted into a parallel stream of light by the lens L1. Then the parallel stream of light transits through a set of blacken, long and thin tubes T. Light is focused in the screen/photographic plate S by the lens L2. Light scattered in points nearer or further than the point O will not form a parallel stream of light after the lens L1. It will be absorbed by the blacken walls of the tubes of the set T. Thus, we can make out the thin structure of the beam of "the axion field" layerwise, changing a focal distance of the lens L1.

Instead of the set of the tubes T it is possible to use special glass (the fibre optic plates), which is quasi welded from set of glass optical fibrils with a blacken surface. Such glass is transparent if our sight is perpendicular to the surfaces of the glass and it is opaque or black from another angle of view. This glass is usually used in devices of night vision and in some spectrometers.

Instead of the set of the tubes and a special glass it is possible to use a set of several stratums of a grid with the combined meshes. Instead of a grid it is possible to use a color separation mask from a color television tube.

Certainly, the description of the methods is simplified. It is necessary to have some experience of operation with optical instruments for embodying the described constructions.

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