Описание: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\5n99\comfortR.jpg

You can buy the generator of the described design

Attention, this generator is not a magic wand!

Its main destination - to carry out of researches.

(Information on E-mail: alexandrshpilman78@gmail.com )

Alexander A.Shpilman ( alexandrshpilman78@gmail.com )

Russian | Italiano

The Generator of "Axion (Spin) Field"


(continuation, beginning in N1/01)

The generator COMFORT - M has not only axial and radial components of an "axion field", but it also has an azimuth component.

That is why there is a sense to form not condensers on the perimeter of the reflector 3 made which are closed in a ring, but to form the condenser in a form of an oblique comb as it is shown in a Fig.2. Where an interior plate is the reflector 3; an exterior plate is a graphite coat 11 and celluloid films 12 (see Fig.1).

Описание: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\2n01\comfort7.gif

Описание: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\2n01\E.gif








The generator with the described construction has already been given a new name - COMFORT - 7.


The Principle Electrical Circuit

It is naturally that the generator also has electronic construction. I am describing here the principle electrical circuit of the generator COMFORT for the first time.


Описание: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\2n01\image002.jpg


Описание: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\2n01\Vvid.jpg

C1 - 2000mF, 16V

C2 - 470mF, 16V

C3, C7, C8, C10 – 0.1-0.22mF , ceramic capacitor;

C4 - 4700pF , sets repetition frequency of packages of high-frequency pulses;

C5*, C6* - 10-30pF,sets porousness of work of a high-frequency switch DD3 and high frequency;

C9 – 5/25 pF tuning capacitor (Adjustment of frequency of generation - 4.3-4.8 MHz);

C10 - 2700 pF, 150V; C11 - >1000 pF, 200V;


D - the electric motor RF-310T-11400;

DD1 - LM555CN-8 (KP1006BИ1);

DD2 - SN74ALS123N (K1533AГ3);

DD3 - SN75452N (K155ЛА18);

L1 - the toroidal coil 9 (Fig.1);

L2 - the toroidal coil 6 (Fig.1);

L3 - the coil 4 (Fig.1);


T2 - The high-frequency transformer. Amplitude output voltage 100-120V at frequency 4.3-4.8 MHz.

R1, R2, - 100-220Ohm - the multiturnaround tuning resistor;

R3 - 24 kOhm;

R4 - 18 kOhm;

R5 - 22 kOhm;

R6 – 5.6 kOhm

R7 – 2.7 kOhm

R8 – 4.7 kOhm;

R9 - 10 Ohm;

R10 - 220 kOhm;

R11 - 1.5 kOhm.

R12 - 1 MOhm


V4,..., V10 - the silicon semi-conductor diode;

V2 - mA7805T (KP142EH5A) - the stabilizer of voltage 5V;

V3 - ES7809P (KP142EH8A) - the stabilizer of voltage 9V.


Connect point A to contact 16 of microcircuits DD2 and to contact 8 of microcircuits DD3.

Connect point B to contact 8 of microcircuits DD2 and to contact 4 of microcircuits DD3.

Connect point C to reflector 3 (Fig.1);

Connect point E to contact E (Fig.1 and Fig.2).


Thematic Contents


Описание: E:\C\DD\WEB\UNUSUAL\ALMANACH\5n99\comfortR.jpg

You can buy the generator of the described design

Attention, this generator is not a magic wand!

Its main destination - to carry out of researches.

(Information on E-mail: alexandrshpilman78@gmail.com )