Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


The Generator of the "Axion Field " Sort 5

(continuation, beginning in N3/00)

The designs of generators can be improved indefinitely. In this endless process the moments of occurrence of new quality are most interesting.

In a ferrite pipe 9 (see Fig. 1) the optimum conditions for the "axion field" of sort 4 are created (see Ring structures of the "axion fields"). But the "axion field" of sort 3 is present at the pipe 9 because there is a strong interaction between pseudo-negative and pseudo-positive charges, and the pseudo-positive charges of a proton are dominant. Thus, the difference of electrical potential between electrodes 5 and 6 is not always enough for splitting the "axion field" of sort 3.




The "axion field" of sort 3 tends to concentrate in a clearance between ferrite pipe 9 and magnet 1. Therefore for splitting the "axion field" of sort 3 on a method described in "Separation Axion (Spin) Field", the electrical "capacitor" of a special design is entered in this clearance.
"Capacitor" consists of metal pipe 12, on which surface the strips of dielectric polyethylene terephthalate of film 11 with the aluminium metallized coat 10 are glue, as it is shown in a Fig. 2.

Repeated passages of the way: the metal pipe 12 - dielectric film 11 - aluminium metallized coat 10 (with positive electrical potential) - air - metal pipe 12 results to splitting of the "axion field" of sort 3 and formation of the field of sort 4 similarly to shown on a Fig.3-Fig.5 in "Separation Axion (Spin) Field".

In the result there is an increase of density of a beam of the "axion field" of sort 5 on an output of the generator.
The additional increasing of density of the field is made by compression of the beam, using a combination of the cone-shaped toroidal electrical coil 8 with the lengthened central conductor connecting cones 4 and tube (or set of several silver conductors) 13.

The generated field is "rigid" with the large longitudinal pulse and it is very dangerous for a man. Therefore do not put a hand and a head (if it not empty) in the beam.

Translation of M.Dvoretskaya

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