Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


The Generator of the "Axion Field " Sort 5

The theory is described in "Ring structures of "axion fields". We describe a concrete design in this article.

1 is a ring magnet, 2 are the iron washers closing a magnetic field of the ring magnet 1 on a ferrite tube 3. An internal radius of the tube 3 should be approximately equal to thickness of its wall. It is necessary to choose a ferrite tube with the minimal conductivity of an electrical current.






The ferrite tube 3 is covered by vertical copper straps outside (see fig.2) - by electrodes 6. The interval of following the straps 6 should be approximately equal to or little bit less than the thickness of the wall of ferrite tube 3. The quantity of straps should be divisible 3, it will allow feeding a three-phase voltage on electrodes (see The High-Frequency Three-Phase Generator) to take a wave of fluctuation equal to an electrical field which is running along the perimeter of tube 3 against clockwise (if you look from above). The frequency of a three-phase voltage is necessary to choose in order to have a speed of a wave approximately equal to speed of propagation of perturbation of the "axion field " in ferrite (~104 m/sec).


The set of copper cone-shaped electrodes 4 with an interval of following of cones equal to 1/3 thickness of a wall ferrite tube is inserted inside the ferrite tube 3. The form of a cone is chosen for best spring-supported of pressing of electrodes to the surface of ferrite.

The negative voltage U moves on a wire 5, the voltage should be:


U <= y2*(e/m)*B^2/3


U <= y*V*B


y - thickness ferrite tube;
B - induction of a magnetic field;
e - electrical charge of a proton;
m - mass of a proton;
V - speeds of propagation of perturbation of the "axion field" in ferrite (~104 m/sec).


The voltage between the internal electrodes 4 and the external electrodes 6 creates electrical fields in walls of tube 3. This field is perpendicular to the magnetic field so the Poyting vector is directed clockwise (sight from above) along the perimeter of tube. The movement of pseudo-charges of the "axion field" is guided on a direction of a Poyting vector. Thus the "axion field " of sort 4 (see Ring structures of the "axion fields") becomes closed in the rings 9 (their cross section is shown in a Fig.1) in walls of tube 3.
The nonuniform internal electrode 4 creates a nonuniform electrical field in walls of tube 3 on height. In result there are areas with various speed of drift pseudo-charge in the crossed EM-fields on height tube 3 in the walls of tube 3. In the intervals between the cones the dense closed rings 9 of the "axion field" of sort 4 are forming. Such design of an electrode 4 stabilizes a position of rings 9 and promotes increasing in them the density of a field of sort 4.

Strangely enough, but this design generates a beam of the "axion field " directed only upwards (if the parameters are chosen correctly). The schematically generated ray of the axion field of sort 5 is shown on the third Figure. For examining this it is necessary to rebuild your perception individually for each segment of the ray with interference ring strata (nimbus). There are heavily flashes in a ray - "sparkles" (not biological sight). Apparently the heavily interaction of the ray with m-state elements happens.

The ray of the field of sort 5 is active absorbs m-state elements from an environment becoming more heavy-weight.

By observing for work of the generator and by looking for a man, there are interesting associations: our ribs and the interrib muscles form the closed ring structures, that partly reminds a structure of the generator. Closely looking through a man, there are really closed ring structures of the field of sort 4. At certain respiratory movements the denseness of this field increases and there is a field of sort 5 round the person there. Depending on features of a symmetry of a man's body (and the field) interference ring strata (nimbus) can form above a head or (in the opposite direction) the dense spiral structure can form.


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