Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


Time travel

Let's assume that "a time travel machine" is invented and it is manufacturing serially. You can come into a shop and buy a single- or four-seated machine, red or green one. And you can start off...

The majority of modern science fiction writers go off their heads from considering the variants of causal-effect connections from the mass inflow of "the time tourists" in the past and the future!...

For some reason the science fiction writers got accustomed to think that the change of events in the past will change the future instantly. They don’t have the imaginations for something else…

But why? We ourselves and our bodies are the EVENTS too! And this EVENT (we) is moving in time with lemited speed as all the habitual objects, which surround us. Therefore, if "the time travel tourist from the future" will change anything in our time, this change will move together, similarly wave on the water, which will never catch up the waves going ahead. This will not change the future any way...

Stop... "Global lines" of the matter (see Time-Overtime) extend both in the past and in the future. And it is probable to carry the information along them both in the future and in the past. But this transfer can change instantly neither future nor past (the matter has the property of inertia). So if there was a change of events in our "now" on the "global line", it is possible to get only the change of the tendencies of development of events in the future and in the past along this line. But the laws of changing of these tendencies we will have to study yet.

Let's return to time travels.

Travel in the past

There were written a lot of science fiction novels in this occasion. But what is waiting for you personally there?

Is indictment of espionage is waiting for you in the past? Or of heresy? Of witchcraft? Of illegal emigration? Of schizophrenia? Etc.
You will have to dissemble, hypocrite etc. in order to do everything not to be found as an enemy. Is it a big pleasure!?

In such situation there is a temptation to jump far away in the past... But...

The further we jump in the past, the more differences we will find there from that what (our) mankind has passed. And the main thing is that the activators of infectious (and other) illnesses will differ stronger too. So after the arrival in the remote past we can get a bunch of illnesses to which our immunity is not ready at all. And, in addition to that, our own bunch of illnesses will infect the people and animals in the past. There will be thousand of killed lives on our conscience and this will happen just for the sake of our caprice...

But the travel in the future is more interesting!

Travel in the future

For the computers fans it will be a great temptation to receive a computer from the future, which has outstripped our time for 20 or 40 years. Medical men will wait with great interest for new miracle-working medicines from the future. Petroleum and other raw mineral getters will search for an opportunity of selling the raw materials in the times, when the resources will be exhausted. The trade middlemen will have the large hopes on commodity circulation between the present and the future. Etc.

But. But...

Twenty years after the creation of the time travel machine will be 20 years of intensive interaction with the future.
Forty years after the creation of the time travel machine will be 40 years of intensive interaction with the future.

Will we be able to take advantage of a computer from the future, for example, if it will not have a keyboard, a mouse and a screen, and the dialogue with a man will take place only on mental telepathic level?

Will modern medical men be able to accept and to take advantage of methods of healing from the future? (For example, a heretic "immoral" method of resettlement of a man’s personality from a patient’s body into a healthy artificial biological body.)

Will our mineral raw material in such quantity and such quality be needed in the future?

What of our goods can we offer to the future?...

The temptation to move to this "remote perfect time" can arise. But who will be we there?

Will we be half-educated, clumsy and foolish persons? Will we be mentally diseased patients of psychiatrists with “bad smelling” thoughts?

Will we be satisfied with a role of exotic animal in the Zoo of the future?


These reasoning's are constructed on the basis of linear (primitive) interpolation of our past experience in the future. And there are many mistakes in our reasoning's for sure.

Let's try to look at a situation from the other hand.
Let's imagine (for example) Russia (or USA) as a one-storied building, which has the inhabited area – the length and the width. But here are a lift and stairs between floors of a multi-stored building. In the result "two-dimensional" Russia (or USA) becomes a part of "three-dimensional” (at the minimum) Russia.

It will be a complete crash of the current civilization. All will change. The imagination of a man about the environmental world and about himself will change.
The scale of values will be totally changed too.

For example, the sense of search and learning of knowledge will disappear. Infinite volume of multialternative knowledge will be actually accessible for a man.
Probably, the breadth and depth of understanding will be worth. The skills to live by all-round, interesting and creative life will be worth. Etc.

Probably, an opportunity to realize oneself as the independent person, being a part of a society and a part of across-the-board on all the planes of life will be in a big value.

Meeting with a double person

The moment of meeting of the time traveler with his double person is very interesting. Probably, in this moment it will be easier to feel the connection between the reflections along the "global line" (if we shall not be frightened by our own "thin" sensations).

Principle of travel in time


The "Global line” of the body m is extended along the coordinate of time T (see Fig.1). The "waves of time” ...,T1,T2,T3,T4... are propagated along the coordinate of time T. There are reflections of the body m in the points of crossing the "waves of time" and the global line of the body m (see Time - Overtime).

The time traveler in the past should change properties of its “global line” and bend it as it is shown on Fig.2. Thus the reflection of the traveler 0 moves from the point of crossing of the "global line" and the "waves of time" T2 into the point 0 on "the wave of time" T4. The "Global line" in the changed condition is traced by red color.



When the traveler from the past returns in his time on "the wave of time" T2, this wave will have already had other situation on the coordinate of time (see Fig.3). I.e. he can not return precisely to the same time which he has left. The time of his absence will be equal to the time of his stay in the area of the "waves of time" T4 multiplied on the factor of a speed difference of passing the physical processes.



There are some questions:
What will be with a curve of the "global line" when the traveler from the past returns into his time?

Will the curve be kept?

That will be with the reflection of the traveler -1 of the "waves of time" T3 (see Fig.3) when it reaches the point of the bend of the curve of the "global line"? What if this reflection will not decide to jump in the past? What stress will he have to be tested?

Probably, it will be necessary to the time traveler to watch the position of the curve of the "global line" and remove his heels in time.

The travel to the future will be similar. The traveler in the future should change properties of "the global line" and bend it as it is shown on Fig.4. Thus the reflection of the traveler 0 moves from the point of crossing the "global line" and the "waves of time" T4 into the point 0 on the "wave of time" T1. (The "global line" in the changed condition is traced by red color.)

When the traveler from the future returns into his time on the "wave of time" T4 this wave will have already had another situation on the coordinate of time (see Fig.5). The time of his absence will be equal to the time of his stay in the area of the "waves of time" T1 multiplied on the factor of a speed difference of passing physical processes.


Probably, travel in space and travel between universes (see Time - Overtime) will be similar in many aspects with travel in time (in OVERTIME).
Besides, the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy - all is moving. And for travel in the past or the future of the Earth it is necessary to move in space, tracing the global line of the Earth.

Probably, it is necessary for orientation in many-dimensional space, for correct identification of reflections of the Earth in time to mark them some way. It is necessary to place beacons.
The sea beacons (blinking light) and radio beacons do not suit this purpose. Other beacons are necessary. For example, a beacon - identifier can be a "global line" of the modified matter (DS-state elements) of a plot of land.
Probably, that what we consider as a trace of landing of extraterrestrial space ships (UFO) is actually a place of "installation" of the special type of a beacon, which effect depressive to every alive creature as the geopathogenic zone see the first photo).
Probably, the moment of the beacon’s installation (signature) can show itself as the occurrence of various "circles crop" (see the second and the third photo, and more in , č ).

Translation of Mila Dvoretskaya

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