

Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


SchizoRoom for physicists

In traditional education teachers frequently do not understand what they are teaching so students do not understand what they should remember but they have strong Belief that overseas knowledge’s is completely  confirmed by practice. Let’s try to force us to doubt in the last based on the paradoxes.


Moebius strip


I wonder how to draw magnetic field lines along an iron strip of metal rolled up into a “Mobius strip” M. If the magnetic field in the strip is created by the coil current L ?




And as a result, it is not clear how to calculate the inductance of a coil L with such a magnetic core M. There is a standard formula for calculating the inductance of coils with a magnetic core:


Li = k*µ*n2 /(l/S)


k – some coefficient,

µ – magnetic permeability of the magnetic tape,

n – number of turns of the coil L,

l – length of the magnetic field line in the magnetic core of the coil,

S – cross-sectional area of the magnetic core of the coil.


But the question arises, what is the length of the magnetic field line in the core of the coil from a magnetic tape folded into a “Mobius strip”? l - is equal to single or double the length of the iron strip? If double, then S will have to choose two times less? As a result, we have two options for the inductance of the coil L, which differ by a factor of four.

As in the article "SchizoRoom for physicists", another problem arises in the application of such a concept as "magnetic field". Therefore, to reduce the number of paradoxes, it is worth using the concept of “magnetic vector potential”.


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