

Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


EM "axion field" detector



Let us take as a basis the effect of the magnetic vector potential on the "axion field". (we will use the assumed inductive ability of the field of type 3. (See "Physical properties of axion fields")

Consider Fig.1. For a toroidal coil 1 with a ferrite core 2, the "axion field flux" A (from an external source) can be represented as the secondary winding of a transformer. So, according to the change in the inductive characteristics of the toroidal coil, in theory, it is possible to track the change in some characteristics of the flow of the "axion field" A. But the problem is that the "axion field" A induces an induced "axion field" in the material of the ferrite core 2 and in the electrical wire of the toroidal winding 1. Which will mask the external field A. There are also possible problems of instability of the characteristics of the ferrite core.

Therefore, we remove the ferrite core and replace the toroidal coil with two turns of an electric wire twisted into a figure eight as shown in Fig.2. If we add another such figure eight, rotated relative to the first by 90 degrees (Fig.3), then by changing the currents in these coils, we can get the rotation of the direction of the magnetic vector potential created by these coils. A change in the direction of the magnetic vector potential will cause a change in the "axion field" A flux penetrating the structure, which, in theory, can cause induction EMF in the turns of electrical conductors. Fig.4 shows a variant of measuring this EMF.

Generator G generates alternating current in the figure-of-eight L1. From the second "eight" L2 a signal, is measured on the device O. Constant magnetization in the second "eight" L2 is set from a voltage source U through a resistor R and a choke Dr.







The construction of Fig.3 resembles Photo 1 of a key fragment of the images of "weapons of the gods" as they are called in India.



Photo 1



The structure Fig.3 can be transformed into a long four-core electrical cord Fig.5. The disadvantage of the design will be the large electrical capacitance between the veins of such a cord. And to reduce the influence of the induced "axion field" in the material of the conductors, it may be necessary to replace copper and silver with some other metals or / and use thin conductors with a large gap between them. It is also necessary to take into account the influence of dielectric materials in the coating of the conductors. For example, celluloid and silk can be used as insulation.

"Axion field" has such a property as chirality (left and right polarization). Using this property, one can try to modulate the "axion field flux" by changing the chirality of the magnetic vector potential. To do this, add a cylindrical electric coil 3 to the structure shown in Fig.1, as shown in Fig.6. For measurement, you can use the circuit shown in Fig.4, where L1 is coil 3, L2 is respectively toroidal coil 1.

And the design shown in Fig.3 can be converted to the design shown in Fig.7.





Subsequent development of the idea - three toroidal coils T1, T2 and T3 are located as shown in Fig.8. The current in the toroidal windings is set so that the magnetic vector potential A is oriented as shown in Fig.9. The orientation and absolute value of the magnetic field H1, which is created by the cylindrical winding in the coil T1, is adjusted to the required chirality of the measured "axion field" (see Fig.10). The same principle sets the current in the cylindrical windings of the coils T2 and T3 (see Fig.10). By switching the direction of the magnetic field H2, it is possible to obtain the switching of the "axion field flux" Ax between the coils T2 and T3 (see Fig.11, Fig.12). Which should cause the induced EMF to appear in the toroidal windings of the coils T2 and T3.










From the author: ideas are outlined here. Real designs will probably look a little differently. For example, the designs shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 7 can be made in the form of braided braids or woven fabric.



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