Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


Some effects

We bring some observations discovered in the experiments with imitator "place of power" IPP-1 (see photo), which was described in the article "The High-Voltage Generator of DS-state Elements".

Venera Onichshenko ( ): The first day. IPP-1 was has been turned on during 10 minutes, in 5 minutes of work of device have happened some changes, have changed the spatial energy. In the beginning, the energy was spreading along the centre of room, then it was dispersing at the corners, on the right corner it accumulated as the dense layer in the thickness of 15 cm. On the ceiling it is 30 cm. The energy from IPP-1 was expanding as the stream, from the right one the energy was more subtle quality, from the left one – it was dense with the following dispersion.

At the doors into the room the accumulation of energy mass has been happened by the layer in the thickness of 10 cm. From the doors in the next room the stream was dispersing non-uniformly, more into the right with the next dispersion in the corner. The water was in the glass, which stayed near with IPP-1, having acquired the flavor of metal. In 10 minutes after turning off IPP-1 the energy from the corners of room began to disperse through the walls, to the hall, by the thick layer, accumulating at the entrance doors and on the wall in the hall by the layer 6 cm thickness, at the doors – 15 cm. In an hour after turning off generator the thick mass of energy stayed only on the ceiling by the layer in the size of 4 cm.

In 2 hours, having gone out, I felt absolute repose in thoughts and in body. The body is completely full of energy and became heavy a little. In the room, in 2 hours the energy has dispersed, feel a nice grace in space. The coordination of motions has slowed down, has appeared state of weightlessness in the space. The astral body has become thinner, all joined in the indivisible mass, appear the feeling that I have dissolved in the mass of energy.


Astral observations

When I turned on IPP-1, 2 astral substances run up to me, they were worried the effect of energy. They tried to attack me, but in 3 minutes they have run away through the walls into the other room.


The second day. I turn on IPP-1. During a minute of work the energy has spread to 1.2 meter from the generator. During 2 minutes it has dispersed to 2.1 meter. In 5 minutes - to 5.2 meters. It spreads non-uniformly with the rake to the right, not accumulating in the corner. It is 6 minutes – the energy has moved forward on 4 meters, accumulated with the thickness of layer is in 1 cm. on the right side in the corner. It is 8 minutes – the energy has accumulated with the thickness of layer is 2 cm on the left side in the corner. On the right in the corner they are 7 cm of dense energy. It has passed 10 minutes of work of generator – 4 cm of energy layer is in the corner from the left side. It is 15 minutes – 25 cm. in the corner from the right, and from the left – 6 cm. The energy began slowly to pass through the wall into the next room, the dense layer was going aside within 2 cm from the wall in it. It is 20 minutes IPP-1 is dispersing the energy non-uniformly 2 cm. of dense energy along all wall from the left, from the right – 3 cm. It is 25 minutes – the accumulation of dense energy is 30 cm in the corner on the right, and on the left is 10 cm of dense layer.


The third day. I have turned on IPP-1 for a minute. The energy has spread on distance of 1.2. In 3 minutes the energy has moved forward on 3.5 meters. At the expiration of 4 minutes the energy has move forward on distance of 4.2 meters.

For 5 minutes the energy has spread along all room, the density in 2 cm in the right corner IPP-1 by the dense layer, 10 cm is in the left corner. It perceives very well. The lightness is appearing in all body, the effect is perceived by the three bottom chakras. After turning off IPP-1 3 minutes later the energy has accumulated by the dense layer in 30 cm. along the walls. Through the wall into the next room the energy has passed in 5 minutes after turning off the generator. Protractedly, the specific scent keeps. In 6 minutes after turning off the generator the layer, in the left corner, is dispersing – it is 8 cm. left, and the right – 25 cm. I turn on the generator "COMFORT-Ì5", direct to the right corner, the energy has become to disperse. The accumulation also remains in 20 cm. from above in the corner. The energy from "Comfort Ì5" has acquired thinner quality. The energy has spread for 9 meters in the direction of ray. After turning off the generator has completely disappear in 25 minutes.

The fourth day. I have turned on IPP-1. The energy is dispersing along all body in series in chakras. At first, the energy passes the bottom centers, assigning from 1 centre to 3.

It affects sedative on the nerve system. The energy influences on the upper spiritual centers, intensifying their sensitivity. The feeling becomes keener after the effect by the energy. The experiment had been made with two volunteers: I have been turning on the generator during 3 minutes. The women was sitting, closed their eyes and listening to their feelings. One of them has felt the sudden headache in 5 minutes. Till the experiment both the women had been taken the blood pressure. The blood pressure of a woman was 90/60 (she suffers the hypotonia). The blood pressure of the other woman was 100/80 with the manifestation of hypertension stroke with the type of chronic trombophlebitis. 5 minutes later the pressure of both ones has rises to 145/110 and 160/100 accordingly , the pulse has become 130. The radiation was experienced on the volunteer, who suffers the disturbance of function of thyroid gland. The amelioration appears, taking into account that before she has spasms, related with breath. The spasms have stopped after the first radiation treatment. She noticed that the breath has become regular and quiet.

She told about that she drank the alcohol liquor in the first day of radiation treatment, which to gripe the spasm before. She waited the worsening but there is nothing to be happened. The changes have happened in her life – she hadn't felt the pleasure for a long time, but her life is overfilled by the happiness and pleasure now, she has self-reliance, her brain had been overloaded by different unnecessary thoughts before, but now the opportunity of deep concentration has appeared on a thought.


The five day. The experiment with a new volunteer - the man of average years. He was harassed the permanent migraine. After his first séance he paid attention to that his headaches have stopped and he has been appeared the repose in the soul. Lately, the man suffered the nightmares in the sleep. After his first séance he has told that he talked to the angels. According to his stories I have understood that he works as the director in The Court Department. At last time he is burdened this job. When he went to the following seance again, I seemed him to become the other man – calm and balanced.


The sixth day. We were invited in the flat, where the aura was gone bad. I was researching the apartment – there are unpleasant ectoplasms, the asthma was felt. When I went to the kitchen, I saw how the astral substance has run out towards me; she pushed me and, not stopping, run away through the wall. I have turned the generator, the energy became to disperse along the hall, and I mentally directed it to the corners of the flat. In 10 minutes the space has cleaned from the unpleasant fluids and has filled by the energy, making thinner the structures of biofield of people and appeared the fresh smell of ozone. The condition of owner has improved although she complained about that she felt tired. All lodgers have felt fine next day, the beautiful aura have been felt. From the conversation of owner I have got know that her mood has become by far better and although she and her daughter suffered the migraine and sleeplessness, and everybody has slept well that night.

I made a conclusion for myself that the energy affects sedative on the nerve system of human. The negative, which is hanging on the shoulders of human by the heavy load, leaves him. Having experienced the relief, human acquires the repose and independence. The human changes and has changed his karma, has appeared the luminescence in the centers. In the work with the axion field I have noticed that many tested ones have stopped the pressure of thought forms on their consciousness. The energy, getting to the energetic field of human, circulates along so-called "wonderful meridian" and divides, creating the harmony of plays in the colour spectrum of bottom centers. The energy circulates in the back middle meridian "sushumne" and in the front middle one and tendomuscular meridians "Ida and Pingala". The skill to transmutate is made in the human organism save and picks out the transformed energy.


The observations in the experiments with the imitator "place of power" IPP-2, which was described in the article "The imitator of "place of power" IPP-2".


Mila Dvoretskaya ( ): On February, 12. I have turned on the device (The imitator of "place of power" IPP-2) in the sitting - room, I researched the fields around with my hands; I felt the warmth, different sizes of fields from the both sides. In 2 minutes the wish was appeared quite quickly to leave from the circle of its actions. As I have done it. Yet in two minutes I have understood that it was enough to do. When I came up to the device I wanted to sleep. For 2 minutes of work with it the head has completely cleaned like my room. But it has not become quite cleaner – only around the device.

I have turned the device in the room, where nobody was in. About in 5 minutes I saw how the tongues of "violet" flame were breaking away from the opened door of the room – it is time to turn off. There was a resilient atmosphere; the apartment was filled by homogeneous substance as I want to say. There was pleasant smell of ozone, freshness and lightness in the room.

I have turned on the device at the working computer in the other room. Slightly humming processor usually creates the heavy atmosphere around itself, which presses on the head in the some time. In 5 minutes when it was necessary to turn off the device, the room has struck with the fillness of sunlight (it was time of dusk and there was not already sun in the sky). It was freshness and lightness again.

On February, 13. Before day sleep (I wanted very much to sleep) I had directed the ray of device on myself from the distance of about one and half meters. I have cheered up but in a minute I wanted to turn off the device. As I have done, doze attacked me right here and began deep sleep (as if I have failed in). In the afternoon I usually sleep more superficially – it takes me 10 minutes to have a good night's rest but I don't know here how long I would have been sleeping if somebody hadn't awaken me. After awakening it was quite depressed mood (without reasons) and I didn't want to turn it on more. When I had been woken sharply, before my closed eyes the balls was floating, which was alike the atoms or others small elements. In spite of an hour and a half day sleep I wanted to go to bed at 10 p.m., but I had to work to the midnight. This situation is strange for me. The bad mood also remained.

(It is possible that it was the excess of thin energies. It is undesirable to go to bed in that room, which recently was processed by the device IPP-2.)


On February, 14. I could not awake this morning, I was sitting at the computer and have turned on the device for 30 sec. (the distance was about a meter from me). In the time as my computer was working – I was cheering up, but I seemed it was unsafe to sit at the working aggregate long. I was waiting that there would be the taste of iron as at the work with the sticks. (see" Place of Power") – but it was not appearing There are the feelings of vibrations of space around me – it is when so the sticks pump me that I myself begin to generate some waves. But it was a very clear feeling that the device should not have been left working for a long time although no external negative factors were not from it.

Besides, I did not tell anything to Slavik (my son) and simply ask to see what happened there in that room (he went back from the school, when the system was working). First what he asked:" Does he study us?" I have turned on the device before the sleeping in the evening. It was working during 5 minutes (I was not there). When I went to bed I was surprised the putted on discontent by me. I became to analyze – why so, the feeling of purity, freshness is created and why does such storm of dirt rise inside? Nevertheless, it is quite logical: when you sweep the dust rises. Such is inside – it begins the purification over the activation of problem points. I began to pray, purify myself, my sins – and I was better and grew lighter inside. The strange dreams have dreamt – and even I have woken up from strong palpitation. I got up with the feeling of wonderful lightness and quiet pleasure. – How well it is to live in the world! The capacity for work, different ideas appear.


On February, 16. Before day time sleeping Slavik himself turned on the device in his room. He didn't sleep again, he read. Likely, he is braced this atmosphere. I also have turned on the device for 2 minutes before the sleeping. I have been sleeping for 20-25 minutes, I have had a good night's rest, and I have woken up myself. But after awakening I wanted very much to eat some fish. Such feeling was after the first radiation of room before the day-time sleeping. Then I didn't pay any attention at it, I thought it was simple coincidence (First time I have almost eaten the whole jar of canned herring). And today I have gone to bed after dense (much more densely, than usually) meal; there is no place where the hunger could be felt. It was the feeling of mental distemper, discontent by me and situation around. I prayed very much and I was become better, but not completely. I wonder how much of dregs are there inside me or is this process interminable?


On February,19. I had tried to turn on the device before Slavik brought me next mathematical task in math for explanation. Either it may be the task was easier or the device affected, but he has managed himself with it


On February,23. I have directed the device to myself from the distance of about one and a half meters. It worked about 5 minutes. I did not feel any pressure or burden, it is only lightness. In 10 minutes after turning off it I have a feeling of repletion of ideas – I wanted to paint, knit, embroider, write and make repair room (I seem I wanted some more to do). All ideas were fresh and the wish of realizing them – is enough strong. It would be only the most difficult is to choose. The sense is pleasant but it is not productive – from the repletion of ideas to work in a complicated manner.


On February,24. The device has worked in the room before the sleeping. I went to sleep right away. The bright dreams were dreaming with the continuation and adventures (as after the dose of soporifics). I have woken up with the sense – I have had a good night's rest, but it is little all the same.


On February,26. I have turned on the device before the job. I could get rid of the unnecessary thoughts quicker than I usually had done and concentrated on my job. I felt that I was full of ideas again.


On February,27. I had an internal shiver because of large quantity of events. Then it is neither almost possible to concentrate nor to work. Exactly, there was such condition. I have turned on the device in the room where I was doing the physical exercises during 5 minutes (it helps to get rid of this shaking exertion). I thought, as always, I would have done them for 30 minutes, but then I have calmed quite quickly and I wanted to work physically some more. It took me an hour to go the exercises (it was nice that I had a time for it), and I had not received such pleasure from the physical training for a long time..

Slavik boasted that he has already understood the third next mathematical task on his own. In addition, he had received the first mark "excellent" for the test, which he did himself (he had not copied it). He often turn on the device in his room (without coordination with the math classes, most often before the day time sleeping), mostly he worked at classes immediately after the purification with the device. I thought all together has helped - a device, the conversation about the necessity of math for the successful future and the orientation on his understanding of the mathematical task.


On Februar,28. I shook inwardly again. This time the processed device has been working for 20 minutes from the distance of 1, 5-2 meters from me (I was doing the exercises). All this time there was no sense that it was time to turn off ( it usually becomes heavy). I also waited that there were unpleasant feelings in the soul. Am not I cleaned?


Pavel Myachin ( ): The researches were carry out in the room of living flat, the size of room was 4x5 meters, the house was paneled. There was furniture in the room – a built-in cupboard with plates and dishes and books, polished table, four chairs, a buffet, a sofa and two arm-chairs. The time of experiment beginning was 17-40.

IPP-2 was almost placed on the center of room, slightly nearer the window. The axis of device was directed along the direction "door- window". After turning on the device and exit into the working conditions (3-4 minutes) the ionization was enough increasing – the smell of ozone was appearing. At first, the action of "axion constituent" was felt in the body and then it was noticeable in the air (the air began to flow as from the heat). In 15 - 17 minutes the interaction of "axion constituent" was noticeable with the furniture. The natural aura has become more clear and rich. Then it became to pulse slightly in the corners and juts. In 25 – 30 minutes after the beginning of research the slightly elongate clots of energy have appeared in the corners and juts, which began to take off and dispersed as the enlarging tores into different directions. As moving away from the object-source the tore has lost the density, but, meeting to the tores from the other objects, it sometimes increases as the "adding waves". I was observing this picture during 10-12 minutes, and then I turned off the device.



All participants of experiments have collided with the effect of speeding-up of development of event. Their life has become more intensive.


Thematic Contents


You can buy the imitator of a "place power" IPP-2

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