Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


Observation of an "Axion (Spin) Field"

(Continuation, beginning in N3/01)



In development of the idea of the optical tomograph I shall note the following. It is necessary to put a disk absorbing light on the center of lens L1, before the lens or after it as it is shown in Fig.1. Or light from a light source will transit through the center of lens L1, the package of tubes T and lens L2 without diffusing by the object in point O.

It will be a similarity of a diaphragm in an object glass of a camera, but with a shadowing on the contrary.

By the way, something similar has a human eye. There is a stain not sensing to light on a retina of an eye. Maybe, partly because of it a human eye sees that what modern optics does not see.

By the way, something similar has a human eye. On a retina of an eye there is a stain not sensing to light. Can be, partly, therefore human eye sees that the modern optics does not see.

Those who take a great interest in attempts to photograph objects of the "thin World" can try to place a central diaphragm E in object glass L1 of the camera F (see Fig.2). This central diaphragm will reduce light striking from the background. For precise making of focus it is better to use the reflecting camera. At photographing the aura of objects, it is necessary to take into account misfit of an optimum focal distance with a focusing on the object, which is a source of the aura.

In the described constructions it is necessary to use the good-coated lens with the major aperture.

For observation of a beam of the generator G probably it is better to use object glass L1 with a focal distance of 0.3-0.5 meters. For observation of a man’s aura, probably, this distance will be too small. But at magnification of a focal distance the depth of sharpness will be incremented, that will worsen the effect.


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