Alexander A.Shpilman ( )


Measurement of The Longitudinal Moment of a Pulse "axion (spin) fields"

(The Project)

It is known from the experiment that it is possible to fence SF such as 1 and 3 (see Physical properties of axion (spin) fields) by positive electrical potential which is equal:



mmass of a proton

e electrical charge of a proton

Plongitudinal moment of a pulse SF


The circuit of such an experiment is shown in Fig.1. Where the beam A of the generator G penetrates a box Co and membrane 4 of a thin aluminium foil.


On contact 2 of membranes 4 feed high positive electrical potential (600-1500V) relatively contact 3 boxes Co and contact 1 of the body of the generator G. Thus the propagation of the beam A of the generator G is limited as it is shown on Fig.2.




It is supposed, that the beam A limited by such a method, should pressure on the membrane 4. It can cause a change of electrical properties and mechanical deformation of the membrane 4.

It is offered to use the electrical block the circuit shown on Fig.3 for detection of a change of electrical properties of the membrane 4.


The voltage from the source I1 of a variable voltage by amplitude 50-200V and frequency ~1 KHz (see Fig.4), through the contact 1 (Fig.1,2,3) moves on the body of the generator G (Fig.1,2) for modulation of the beam A. The sawtooth voltage 500-1500V from the source I2 with frequency ~1-10 Hz (see Fig.5), through the resistor R contact 2 (Fig.1,2,3) moves on the membrane 4 (Fig.1,2). Variable voltage by the induced beam A on the membrane 4, through the contact 2 (Fig.1,2,3) and condenser C moves on an input of the amplifier Am. Then the amplified signal moves on an oscillograph O.

It is supposed that we shall observe a signal shown on Fig.6 at achievement of a voltage on a membrane of 4 some threshold voltages Up on an oscillograph O.

The presence of a threshold voltage Up allows to distinguish and intercept noises. The introduction of synchronous detection of a signal with frequency of modulation of the beam A can help to increase the relation signal/noise and will raise sensitivity of measurings.





The signal shown on Fig.6 can be a consequence of electrical processes on the membrane 4, but can be also consequence of change of a capacitance of the a membrane 4 relatively the electrical screening box Co because of mechanical deformation of the membrane 4 (see Fig.2).

The effect of mechanical deformation (a sag) can also be used for the membrane 4 for measuring a longitudinal moment of an impulse of the beam A. For this purpose it is possible to measure changes of an odds of air’s pressure between left and right volume of the box Co. It is possible to use an interferometer for optical measuring of quantity of deformation of the membrane 4.

It is possible to add an additional membrane 5 for measuring change of a capacitance between the membrane 4 and the membrane 5 at deformation of the membrane 4. Actually, it will be a capacitive microphone.

The electrical block circuit of connection of such a capacitive microphone is shown on Fig.8. The sawtooth voltage (Fig.5) from the source I2 through the contact 2 (Fig.7,8) moves on the membrane 4. The membrane 5 through the contact 6 is immediately connected to the amplifier Am. It is expected to get the signal on an oscillograph similar shown on Fig.6.






Probably, it is possible to try to use a usual capacitive microphone (after some updating). And probably it is possible to register "tinnitus " of our aura. That tinnitus in ears, which we hear in silence.


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