Alexander A.Shpilman ( )



Applying of Objects
"Places of Power"

"About at noon we have climb on top of a huge rock of a non-uniform rock, which was similar to a wall. Don Khuan of sit down and has made to me a mark, that I sat also. This place of power, - was told he after a second pause...
From that place, where I sat, I have seen a site, which, maybe, was of meters two hundred in a diameter and looked a correct circle. The rich bushes covered its surface, masking boulders. I would not notice its accomplished circularity, if Don Khuan has not specified to me it.
He has told, that there is a set of such places scattered in the old world American Indian, they not necessarily were places of power, as some hills or mountain formations, which were dwelling of spirits, but faster by places of an clear up, where the man can learn, where it is possible find the decisions of problems... "


There is following situation if it is applied objects "Places of power": the people usually have got deficit of energy (m-state elements) and they are not capable to guard themselves or operate with large currents of energy. And person who is "gifted spiritually", also.
The people spend much efforts (praying, meditating, using different respiratory practice etc.) for deriving the small component of energy. But if it using objects "Places of power" they gain "waterfall" of energy.
If it is using objects "Places of power", the people learn themselves to use such currents and concentrations of energy step-by-step. The mechanisms of automatic insulation and withdrawal from an organism of excess of energy are formed step-by-step.
And thus is developed thin perception of thin energies.

But there is a problem: is it necessary for people using such concentrations of energy? May be it is necessary to keep everything how it was...

And how it was?

We have already known about changes of a climate taking place in past on the Earth. But it is posible it was changes of concentration m-state elements on the Earth. It is probably, the appearance and disappearance of biological kinds (dinosaurs, sabre-toothed of tigers etc.) and civilizations depended from changes of concentration m-state elements on the Earth?
We can only guess about it, but we have already known about regularity of appearance of revolutions in human society. They take place mainly in years within high activity of the Sun. The best concentration m-state elements are reached on ground in these years.
What is reason? May be people hurry to live, increasing energy their souls!?

In that case, if we want to live actively, we need the objects " Places of power "!?

May be traditional oppositions about not naturalness' of usage of natural objects " Places of power " (Reasoning: natural - not natural, it is crafty reasoning, as they rested not on comprehension of a situation, and on dogmas and stereotypes of thinking). But are many people feel this scanty natural concentration of energy? Is it vampirizm naturally? Is it natural limp, half asleep existence?

Can we keep everything how was?

We can't.
Flowing combination of attitude of a magnetic field and the direction of rotations of the Earth, decrease concentration m-state of elements on ground. But, now magnetic density of the Earth is continuously decrease and at any moment there can be a inversion of its attitude, as it repeatedly originated in a history of the Earth. It will reduce to saltatory magnification of concentration m-state of elements on ground and it jump will be difficult for the health unprepared people.
(I would like that it was perceived as the objective evolution-revolutionary moment, instead of intimidation by "doomsday".)

But it is one aspect. Second, "axion fields" and m-state elements are known-how the proximate future. And it means the person will meet with concentration m-state elements many times over superior customary.

But will it be for the welfare?

May be, if soul feels the power, it will rush to impose the dogmas around one's people... Will it extirpate these who thing another? Will it take up self-torture, praying of sins and praying of the boons?

If there are problems into the soul, they influence on the space, which surrounding the person, and become more sharply. The rate of events (accelerated improvement of karma) is speeded up. All conflictings inside of soul of the person are going to peaking (see "The Energy monster?") there is also an obvious projection them outside.

If the person has and strive to the positive thinking then the situation is cardinally other (see "Use Effects of Subjects "Places of Power"" and "Psychological Effects of M-State Elements"). But first ten days are hard days for applying of objects " the Places of power". In these days you can remember ancient offence, emotional experience, disappointment etc. May be you will see bright visions.
These days - days of "hell-purgatory". All negative accumulating for years of life, the negative underlying by a high weight on soul, abandons the person showing itself in all "beauty".
The person feels facilitation (stone have fallen from soul) as a result. The person is changing. His destiny (change of the program karma) is changed.

Uriy Cherednichenko writes about it ( ):

"There is process kataracta states of consciousness, resuscitation for a long time of forgot engrams of memory, revaluation of values. It also is movements of focal point of consciousness and its drift on a causal level personal unconscious more (the terms karma analysis with consequent cardinal variation of biotic purposes approach). This is unique SDL - the self-knowledge of a deep level. It is very valuable.It can transform the person to unrecognizability for short time. It is exhibited the most brightly in a state Near Death Experience (NDE). That is why some people transferred clinical morses and saving memory about NDE completely change (certainly in the best sense). Groff models similar psychodelic states by a method golotrop breathing, there are method of applications hypnotic staging of death. A.Dmitriev and the geophysical group have detected places, imaged by ray PCÎ or in zones fissile vertical poweroverflow (the breathings of the Earth) also occur SDL close on a contents to karma experiences from area of the personal unconscious person (past life, birth). The positive psychodelic effect (extended consciousness) is possible to reach modification of an endogenic biovacuum substratum of consciousness.
If you will collect more majorly documentary reports on a contents SDL, originating under operating yours rods and will appear, that without dependence from preliminary motivation for many will arise kataracta experience - that it will be neither much nor a little discovery of a recent trend of studies in biophysics of consciousness and new (most perspective today) way causal psihoenergy."

The life of the person becomes more comfortable and more interesting. For half-year the person can pass a path of spiritual progressing, which one seldom may be passed for decades.

It is possible to explain following:
If concentration m-state elements in a body of the person have been reaching some extreme magnitude, there will be a variation of properties of the space (physical vacuum). It takes place, as though, the crystalline modification of space (see "
Time - Overtime") in outcome takes place additional concentration m-state elements in a body of the person from an environment. The habitat of the person soul is changed. The person starts "shines". He beams "heat". He becomes (alive) "subject" of a "Place of power ".

That is also strange, there are conflictings around of such people also. It is truth, these conflictings are a little bit exotic. For example, there are "conflictings" on the occasion of change (heightening) of the social status of the person.
There are also problems. These people have been progressing in more airy-fairy perception of a world, keenness and caution. These senses are not in time behind a heightening of "power" soul. There is similar situation:
"Mouse is in crockery shop - it is a problem.
But elephant is in crockery shop - it is disaster... "

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