Mila L.Dvoretskaya ( )


Psychological Effects of
M-State Elements

«About noon we  climbed on top of a huge rock of an inhomogeneous rock, which one was similar to a wall. Don Khuan sat and has made to me the sign, that I sat, too. This place of power, - said he after a second pause...

In that place, where I sat, I have seen a place, which one, maybe, was of meters two hundred in diameter and looked a right ring. The bushy scrubs covered its surface, masking off boulders. I would not note its committed circularity, if Don Khuan has not pointed to me it.

He has told there are a lot of such places, are straggled in an old world Indian, they are not necessarily were places of power, as some hills or mining formations, which one were dwelling of perfume, but they are places of an enlightenment, where the person can learn, where it is possible find solutions of problems...»


Working with the sticks, which were charged by m-state elements (see "A Place of POWER"), I paid more attention to their physical visible effect on my organism at first. However 2-3 days of work with the sticks later other influence, latent from an outside eye had appeared too. The first time all old insults have emerged, even not real insults, but the situations, where I should had been offended, but I had not done it in the past. However now every possible injustice of one year prescription have risen before my eyes, as it had happened only yesterday. I had to work hard to release them, because the unpleasant situations returned and returned into my head, I praised much and spent a huge amount of energy to return spiritual calmness.

However troubles began to happen in real time too. My journalistic work suddenly became only work, instead of interesting creative process with all implying from here consequences. The main editor began persistently trying to find out, what was happening with me, and why I had started to work so carelessly. But there was not any negligence there, on the contrary, I spent for writing articles considerably lot of time, applied extreme gains to make them interesting, but all was in vain. I simply did not see, what was necessary to do another way!

The understanding had come a little bit later - JUST ALL THIS PETTY INTRIGUES WITH CHEATING AND OTHER REALITIES OF OUR EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES HAD CEASED TO BE INTERESTING FOR ME! The circle of values was displaced somewhere deep into me, I seemed to myself like a vessel, filled up to the edges, but there was no wish to divide this magic filling with anybody! The feeling of self-sufficiency, self-value and integrity, which were unknown earlier had appeared, I got a feeling that I had already had everything, and to wish something else was simply superfluous …

However literary creativity, which has ceased to be by necessity (for me it was normal when I could not live a day without some writing), have left on the second plan, but I wanted to make something by hands very much. I began to knit and to embroider again, and, most interesting, I started to model from clay and materials like this. I have never tried to do it before and had not skills but I made quite lovely things. I also wished to paint, but I haven't started this art yet, I am scared that it is too complicated for me, but I continue modelling until now (4 months later after ending systematic experiments with the sticks).

I also work as a speechpsychologist in the kindergarten. After taking part in experience with m-state charged sticks I started to understand my pupils surprisengly well, it looks like I just FEEL what they need. I got some inner desire (or conviction, I do not know how to express it better) to help children, to do my best. And it goes somewhere from within, it is not necessary to do any efforts. I got really unexpected results with my speech-psychology work, it is arriving that what can't be done! For example, one child has at a very short fraenum under his tangue, he CAN'T be taught to pronounce the sound "R" (in Russian we pronounce it different way using the top of our toungue trembling near the upper alveolus), but he has started to do it! How could I get it - I can't explain. The same situation I have with other children - the sounds appear themselves, I only do spadework for making this sound, and it already appears itself...

During my work with the sticks, when I went along the street, I caught myself on the feeling that other people DID NOT SEE ME! It was rather strange, because I am very bright woman and I always have a lot of attention. But most interesting thing was that this obscurity was not unpleasant to me, I perceived it as the reality and it quite suited me. All external simply has ceased to be important for me…

But most interesting and wonderful was a sensation of internal silence, absence of thoughts. That what was managed for couple of minutes as a result of many hours' meditations has occurred now itself, and I didn't like at all to disturb this silence by any cares about work and other "trivialities". But it was not absolute silence, divine music without words sounded inside me! I sang (my soul sang) constantly, even being slept.

And here it is necessary to tell about dreams separately - in the musical dreams all actions consisted of listening to music. Attempts to sing it after waking up failed … I had an orchestra with a set of violins and the brasses playing smooth and very melodious tunes at my head. Sometimes I heard chorus of voices, which sang the tunes without words. And today (4 months after the ending the systematic experiments with the sticks) I composed music in dream myself, and then I sang that song. By the way, the words were mine too. I could write the first verse after waking up, but what is it without music?….

… It was a very pity, when my head has begun to fill in by thoughts. I wished to dismiss them again, but there was not customary vain swarm any more. The feeling of integrity and self-value remained, sometimes it is infringed, but it is possible to restore it without big work.

…Now there is a period of creativity, which I have never had before. The plots are born from anywhere and they are really good. I write soulful article with instructive moments. There are so many plots in my head that I have no time to realize them all.

The articles are interesting for me, while I write them, and then they live by independent life. When I read them (especially if they have been published a bit later), they seem not to be mine...

The interesting modifications had taken place with my desires. I mean I practically don't have any. I am talking first of all about desires to get something material, but this is true for non-material substances too. It is enough just to think about possessing something (I have no time to want to posses something yet), and circumstances go such a way I get it! I even have some feeling of disappointment because there is no time to enjoy a purchase! Before Christmas and New Year my son vexed me by the questions what I would like to get as a gift. That time I have understood (to my huge surprise), that I do not want anything especial, I just live and everything goes right.

I started to get some fragments of texts or books in dreams, but I couldn't remember them in the morning. This is more remote consequences of work with m-state elements, which are seen 4 months later after everyday's work with the sticks. Now I only sometimes take m-state stick in hands (1 or 2 times per a week) when I feel ill. Oh, yes, my friends noticed, that I started "to shine" more often, " to radiate warmly " (my friends' words). As they said I became very open to a mutual worth dialogue, I got ready to give a pleasure to the people, receiving the same from them. There were the words of my friends, as I said, I myself don't feel so precisely, I feel being in a good mood and that is all.


In addition see "Use Effects of Subjects "Places of Power""'s_report.htm


You can buy a complete set of charged objects of "places power" with a shielding case.

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