
Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )

Safety Regulations (SR)

Microlepton, torsion, spinor and quark fields, inhomogeneous physical vacuum, etc. - there are
a lot of variants names of interpretations. And the general problem is the Safety Regulations! We will call conventionally Safety Regulations all works with the display of "axion fields" (AF).
1) The more complex the matter is organized, the stronger effect
is AF on it. The risk of exposure AF on humans is the highest. This should be taken into account in research and practice.

2) It is necessary, if possible, to use low-power sources of the "axion field" (AF), which do not cause an obvious sense of discomfort in a person. The desired effects can be achieved in small volumes/masses, using high-efficiency compact sources of AF.

3) You cannot conduct experiments and store objects used in AF experiments in the rooms where there is a long stay of people. It should be noted - induced AF may last 10 days or more.

4) A person needs to maintain a detached attitude to the process during is the experiment (technological process). Do not include in process your thoughts, emotions and desires. This is important both: for safety and for the purity of the experiment. This moment is important at the time of the physical preparation of the experiment, and at its conclusion.

5) Attention! It is necessary to note the desirability of negative thoughts, emotions and desires. This moment may be more dangerous for a person than an offence the other points of Safety Regulations (SR).

6) The experimenter for himself must be able to see and/or feel AF.

7) The experimenter must be able to control the state of his own AF and be able to repair injuries. The experimenter's team must be a healer. He may be able to control and correct the "subtle bodies" of the participants in the experiments. The team also must have a psychologist. He must monitor the mentally-psychological state of the experimenter and his surroundings.



Translation of Irine Lis