
Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )




Many people are familiar with the feeling of foreboding of certain events. There are people with the ability to foresee ... Intuition is probably partly also from this area.

If there is a possibility of transferring information from the future into the past, it means that time is at least two-dimensional. And there is fact, that the future exists physically before it becomes real for us.

Human perception of time is sometimes defined as a way of existence of our consciousness.

If the past, the present and the future physically exist inseparably, and they is not tied to our consciousness, then what is the process tied the future? What is our perception of time? It is associated with the process in the four-dimensional space in Overtime.


And so, suppose there are a three-dimensional space, time and "OVERTIME" (3,1,1). Waves of interaction propagate in the five-dimensional space of time. Our world is moving on the crest of one of the many waves / failures, or at some phase defined in OVERTIME. Our World is a certain process in a certain wave phase in OVERTIME. We can assume that the semblance of powerful gravitational waves is spreading in the Universe. We can call them "waves of time". These waves for us are like deep ditches-ditches (potential pits - see Fig.1). we live on their bottom (point - m).


The wave front for ordinary waves on the water surface is a one-dimensional line. Wave front for electromagnetic waves in free space - (hypothetically) is a two-dimensional plane. The wavefront for "time waves" is a three-dimensional volume. Or we can say that this is a three-dimensional plane for a four-dimensional space.

The coordinate T has turned to one of usual coordinates of four-dimensional space. "Time waves" propagate along this distinguished direction. But if we are talking about movement, then we already mean the notion of time – over time.

Thus, we resort involuntarily to the concept of time of a higher level, to the notion of "over time" - O (or "OVERTIME"). While we are trapped in the narrow "now", T and O are identical for us (as time and distance for the passengers of a train moving at a constant speed are identical), but, when we come out beyond the "now", we will begin to operate "world lines" in "overtime ", in the space - (4,1).

"World lines" of our things are no longer just trajectories with such interpretation of "overtime". Our "world lines" are material and tied into the complex structure of the matter of the Universe.

The past, the present and the future exist in space (4,1) simultaneously. But it is naive to assume that our world lines will be unchanged, static in the "above-the-world". It is probable, some changes occur constantly, and our memories of the past will not fully correspond to the "present past". And, probably, in principle, we can change our future, change the trajectory of our "world line". (But how can we find out its current position, and what are the laws of nature that obey our "world lines"?)



It is probable, here we must add definitions and divide the concepts "world line" and "global line". It is proposed to call a continuous thread of matter in overtime - the "Global Line". And the trajectory of the movement a separate material point - of the "Global Line" in overtime will be called the "World Line".

Let us imagine an analogy: many people walk along a rope bridge. The bridge is swinging from the wind and the movement of people. The rope bridge is an analog of the "Global line" of matter (human body). The "world line" is the trajectory of the movement an individual man in space through a rope bridge. Obviously, the "World Line" and the "Global Line" are interconnected, but they are not identical.

We can assume that the speed of the flow of physical processes slows down 1000 times in our "gap" of time, in the gravity well of the "wave of time". Light travels within this three-dimensional "plane" as inside a fiber optic fiber with a refractive index of glass equal to 1000 (for glass usually does not exceed 2), and it can not go beyond it practically.


The flow of energy (mass) along the "Global Line", falling into the "wave of time", reduces the speed of its movement 1000 times (to our speed of light). And the density of energy (mass) increases with this 1 000 000 times. The energy flow again restores its former parameters when it goes beyond the "wave of time". Thus, the main energy (mass) of the "Global Line" is concentrated in the "gap" of the "time wave". Therefore, it is difficult for us to detect the manifestation of the physical properties of the "world line" from ours "gap" of time.

 Near the massive, gravitating bodies M, the speed of the flow of time slows down. In this case, it is possible that the time waves Tn are bent as shown in Fig.2. The velocity vector appears at the wave front, near the "world line" M. The velocity vector directs towards the line M. As a result, the moment of momentum of the material object m changes with respect to the three-dimensional plane of the time wave Tn. Perhaps this is the main cause of the gravitational attraction of masses, and the gradient of the velocity vector of the time waves Tn is the gravitational field. The curvature of the time-wave front by 10-8 degrees is equivalent to the gravitational force on the surface of the Earth


Suppose the "Global Line" is some wave process. Let us assume that the characteristic wavelength in the "global line" of the electron is (in our subtly three-dimensional film "now"):


λ = h / (m*c) = 2.4*10-12 m

here m - is the electron mass, c -is the speed of light.


It is probable, the effective thickness of a thin three-dimensional film of our "now" for an electron is equal to λ/2. In this variant, the electron will have a resonance in this film.

The wave process in the "global line" of a moving electron will interfere in a thin film "now." The length of interference in a thin film "now" will be:


L ~ h / (m*V)


here V - is the speed of electron along the film "now".


This is the wavelength of de Broglie. If we use this hypothesis, then we can calculate easily the phase speed of the de Broglie wave too.


It is probable, the "global line" in reality is a "global tape". Its cross-section such is as shown in Fig.3. We can assume that point 1 in the figure is a pseudo-positive component. And point 2 is a pseudo-negative component. Perhaps, pseudo-charges in the tape itself are a "dipole" polarization of space. Those, pseudo-charges of different signs are inseparable. So the poles of a permanent magnet are inseparable.

If the structure of the "global line" is reflected in the structure of "geo-fields", then point 1 is a pseudo-positive component indeed. An electret film with a positive volumetric electrical charge acts on this component substantially.



Translation of Irine Lis