Physical Vacuum (model PV1)

In the beginning there was such conception, as an Ether, escorting mankind during many centuries. The Maxwell has concluded his famous equations, proceeding from idea about vortical motion of ether, as a source of EMF. Physics have refused from conception of ether then they collided with a series of difficulties of explanation some physical phenomena in the beginning of our century. But they could not invent anything else instead of this since that time and in the total, there is still a taboo because of "religious" convictions on it. We want it or not, physicists had to bring in a conception of " physical vacuum " (hereinafter PV).

We were guided in our reasoning by "classical" submissions about space, entering small nonlinearities in it. Let's name such submission of PV as PV0.

Now we shall try to present PV as gaseous (liquid) medium, where is not only EMF in it, but also elementary particles, which are a vortex motion of given medium. Such submission is conformable to submissions of the Maxwell or Atsukovskij (see. V.A.Atsukovskij "General ether-dynamics", Moscow, Poweratompublishers, 1990y. ). Let's name such PV submission as PV1.

Such PV1 has the following properties:

1. PV1 is similar of superfluid liquid, which is easily transfers into gaseous condition, and many of its nonlinearities are connected with this transition;
2. The vector potential (A) is a volumetric PV speed (m3/s);
3. The magnetic field (H) is an index of a vortex motion PV in space (H=rot(A));
4. The electrical potential (U) is a relative PV pressure;
5. The electrical field (E) is a PV pressure variation in space (E=-grad(U));
6. The positive charge (q) is an increased PV pressure;
7. The negative charge (-q) is a reduced PV pressure (recollect the Sea of the Dirac);
8. The substance, which we visible and tangible is the result of vortex and wave PV motion;
9. The magnetic permeability of vacuum is a function from PV density along a vortex’s axis in PV;
10. The dielectric permeability of vacuum is a function from reciprocal of acceleration of PV density change;
11. The gravitational field is a change of PV temperature and density in space;
12. EM waves are transversal waves in PV;
13. There can be longitudinal waves in PV with speed of propagation for many orders more than speed of light (in another way they would be " easily " observed). Let's admit, that the red displacement of a radiation spectrum of far stars is connected to energy "leakage" of quantum of light for a longitudinal wave formation, the speed of longitudinal waves propagation will be of the order of 1024 m/s (size of our galaxy ~ 1021m).



The astronomers try to detect radio signals from reasonable creatures from universe during long time, but it is abortive until this time. It suggests an idea to that, whether an intellect is very unusual occurrence, or the intersidereal communication accomplishs with using by others, more effective, principles.

If EM waves are transversal PV waves, that, probably, the longitudinal PV waves can exist (LPVV).

If speed of longitudinal waves propagation will be of the order of1024 m/s, that, using LPVV for communication, it is possible to exchange by messages with another end of our Galaxy with delay of a signal propagation about thousandth of second. At such capabilities, whether it is necessary to use for space communication EM waves?

But there is a series of difficult surmountable obstacles here:

In order to all power of the transmitter would not spreaded along all Galaxy, it is necessary to receive a narrow ray forming a channel between the transmitter and the receiver.

The wave resistance of PV for EM waves makes of the order of 300 Om, and for LPVV will make ~ 10-22 Om, i.e. it will not be passable to create and perceive LPVV wave by usual antenna devices.

It is possible to receive a narrow ray - channel, proceeding from models PV1, twirling ether into a certain formation the same type, as Tornado, where is, with general rotation of air masses, there are some dense air vortexes, surrounding spirally a central part of a general rotation axis. Thus, it is possible to receive "dense" walls of a pipe - channel, by which it is possible to try to transmit longitudinal waves (to shout into a pipe).

Unfortunately, the vortex motion in PV1, forming a channel, will be spread with speed no more, than speed of light, so it will be necessary to use already being available (natural) channels for superlight communication for large distances.

The availability of a channel it is still insufficient condition for reception LPVV waves, it is necessary to slow down them till light speeds for the coordination concerning a wave resistance and increasing of density of their energy.


The second model of an Electron

It is possible to try to construct model of an electron from only vortex motions of ether (model PV1), as it was made by V.A.Atsukovskij, why presented a proton as a curl closed into a torus, where the ether can moves on a left-hand or on the right-hand spiral. This model is accordant to the model of a structure of an electron, which was offered by I.M.Matora (see article by I.M.Matora "Model of a structure of an electron and muon" in section "Publications").

It is necessary to add parallelly to vortical torus the second vortical torus with opposite spirality of an ether motion, in order to approach this model to practice. It is necessary because the single torus, the most common, will gather speed by its-self perpendicularly of its plane, until it will not break up.

It is convenient to use the new model in many cases, but, alas, if you will use it in the pure state, we shall confront with a lot of inconsistencies.


Physical Vacuum (model PV2)

Model PV1 is convenient in many cases, but it not absolutely jointed with practice. The motion of a substance usually exhibits in the various dynamic phenomena. For example, if we coil a toroidal copper bobbin on a ring-shaped bobbin of a copper wire with a current along an axis of ring-shaped bobbin, then, depending on a current in a winding of a toroidal bobbin, the magnetic field should vary. But, alas, measurement of a magnetic field does not confirm this conclusion. Probably, this failure is connected as it is not enough pure experiment (bobbins render to each other direct influence through magnetic fields), but hardly. Strangely enough, the people, who are capable to perceive the thin world, fix by their perception the expected dynamic phenomena. Whether it is possible, if we proceed from this, to make a conclusion, that PV1 model approaches for the "in parallel" existing "thin" world and does not approach for the description of existence of electromagnetic phenomena in our "dense" world?

Let's try to take as PV2 model firm environment. Then, in difference from PV1 model, the beginning of a magnetic field will be stipulated by shift deformation of a crystalline lattice of a firm body (see. R.Balandin, "Firm vacuum", Engineering of Youth, 1993, N8). In this case all are well, but it is impossible to get a magnetic field inside a long bobbin with a current or inside a toroidal bobbin. There will not be any shift deformation inside them.

Apparently, there will not be able to get a satisfactory PV model with "simple" - one-composite environments.

As PV2 model it is possible to try to take dense firm environment consisting of two enclosed to each other crystalline lattices (plus PV1). Then the magnetic field can be tried to present as shift deformation with displacement of one crystalline lattice comparatively another.

(Prolongation in N2/98)


I express gratitude Anders Heerfordt for the help.