Gravitational field

We got the electron and proton models and they are not in the form of balls and spherical clouds, that is why a model of the elementary hydrogen atom, consisting one proton and one electron, would not be spherical. The atom can be similar to a ball if it only have plenty of protons and electrons. But even in this case it will be impossible to assert, that the field of a positive charge of an atom nucleus, consisting of protons and neutrons, will be completely compensated by a negative charge of electrons’ "envelopes" and vice versa. It is stipulated by that fact, that EM length of a wave forming an electron, considerably differs from EM length of a wave forming a proton. Thus, round an atom the continuous EMF pulsations with different frequency, strength and direction of EMF vector will be observed. But on the average, for large period of time the electric field strength will be equal to zero (because of equality on an absolute value of an electron and proton charge).

These EMF pulsations of a field round an atom will cause to this fact, that the effective value of a dielectric permeability e will be on the average more than e0, which comes nearer to value of e0 with moving off atom by virtue of decreasing EMF amplitude of pulsations. The EM waves of other atoms and particles (including photons) will distort their ways to the direction of the greatest value e, i.e. to the direction of atom, chosen by us, its gradient e will appear round the atom. It will be the refraction motion of particles will happen, as a refraction light motion in a glass lens.

Thus, we have got an attraction to chosen atom of other particles and atoms, which force is proportional EM energy, concluded in chosen atom or its weight. The change (decreasing) e with a distance to atom (gradient) is anything other, as a gravitational field.

Let's try to evaluate what change of e can generate an attraction, similar concerning an effect of attraction by a gravitational field of the Earth. For this purpose we shall take simple case: the photon is going in the direction of the Earth.

We know, that at transition of a photon from one medium with e1 to medium with e2 (in our case e2>e1) the wavelength changes in the following way


l2= l1*(e1/e2)0.5


But as since e1 and e2 are dielectric permeabilities of the spaces, in which the observers exist (also consisting from EM waves), the last ones will not notice speed change of photon motion, because the time will flow by different way for them (the time for the second observer will flow in (e2/e1)0.5 times slower), and they will notice only change of photon’s wavelength, which is perceived as increasing of its energy


W2=h*c/ l2=h*c/ l1*(e1/e2)0.5 =W1*(e1/e2)0.5


If the transition from e1 to e2 smooth, that the formula (1.7.2) can be transformed to a differential equation:





It is known, that there are the energy of a photon in a gravitational field of the Earth varies in the following way (as the observer presents):



dW/dR=-g*Mz*Mf/R2 = -g*Mz*W/(R*c)2



Mz - weight of the Earth,
Mf - weight of a photon,
R - distance to center of the Earth,
g - gravitational constant.

Solving jointly the equations (1.7.3) and (1.7.4), we shall find


e=e0*exp(2*g*Mz/(R*c2))= e0*exp(2*F/c2)= e0*exp(1.6*10-9)


Where F - potential of a gravitational field of the Earth or approximately


e = e0*(1+1.6*10-9)


Such small change e (e*1.6*10-9) can cause the Earth's attraction.

Now we shall evaluate: what the deceleration of speed flow of time on a surface of the Earth will be equal


Tz= Tb*( eb/ez)0.5= Tb*exp(-F/c2) ~ Tb*(1- F/c2)



Tz - interval of time on a surface of the Earth,
Tb - interval of time on endless extent from the Earth,
ez - dielectric permeability on a surface of the Earth,
eb - dielectric permeability on endless extent from the Earth.

There is a coincidence again! This formula coincides with the appropriate formula of a general theory of relativity.



