
A proton model which we can construct by analogy with an electron model, adding to already being available two EM waves a third one such a way, that the angle between direction planes of propagation EM waves was in the order of 120 degrees. In an outcome of it the area of the greatest EM energy concentration will consist of three MOUSTACHES.

Proton’s MOUSTACHE intertwine along their axes the same way, as an electron does. But, a proton has three MOUSTACHE and it can result in torsion them among themselves into one MOUSTACHE (other versions are possible). It'll have minimum magnetic moment (magnetic moment of an electron Me=9.3*10-24 J/T, and magnetic moment of a proton Mp=1.4*10-26 J/T, i.e. Mp < Me almost in a thousand of time).



It is natural to begin consideration of an atom structure with an atom of hydrogen, consisting of one proton and one electron.

The electron becomes inside of a conical MOUSTACHE of a proton at interaction of an electron with a proton. That what one MOUSTACHE of an electron interact with a MOUSTACHE of a proton becomes to be directed to the a proton’s side, and, at that the second MOUSTACHE of an electron is pushed out sideways, because the direction of EF is opposite to EF of a proton’s MOUSTACHE.

In consequence of such interaction there will be getting out two MOUSTACHES in different directions beyond the bounds of our model of hydrogen atom. One MOUSTACHE of an electron and second one - a MOUSTACHE of a proton with compensated by halves EF.

Such atom will have a large electrical dipole moment and, as a result, a large reactionary ability.

If two hydrogen atoms interaction then their free MOUSTACHES are mutually closed such a way, that outside of a arise hydrogen molecule remains a very little and as a result the relatively inert gas is received.

This molecule strongly reminds atom of helium. If we shall bring together protons and we connect them into a nucleus by neutrons, that we shall receive atom of inert gas helium.



We shall consider the possible mechanism of metals’ conductivity starting from a new conception about a structure of atom. We start from the mechanism conductivity of surface metal.

Surface metal (as well as many other substances) is covered by fur of MOUSTACHES nucleuses of atoms and electrons. They are constantly in motion (as ears of wheat in steppe) owing to thermal motion and external EMF. They interact among themselves, being closed "disappear" and occur again.

If we superpose external EF along a conductor, the MOUSTACHES of protons turn on a direction EF and the electrons begin their way towards EF. The motion of electrons can be divided on the following stages:

1) THE MOUSTACHE of an electron turns. It make flap on an arc. Its direction flap is determined direction by a spin of that MOUSTACHE towards EF;
2) THE MOUSTACHE of an electron interacts with a MOUSTACHE of a proton, which met with it;
3) The electron flows along its MOUSTACHES from one proton to other, if EF energy is sufficed for it;
4) The second MOUSTACHE eliminates from connection with the first proton.

And all is repeated again.

Thus, the electron skips from one proton to another, but not straightly, and by “staircase” and, the more EF strength, the less angles of “staircase” with constant length of "stair". "Stair" length of “staircase” is constant. "Stair" is a minimum power barrier holding electron from transition to other atom, this, from the point of view of radio engineering, is an elementary stabilitron of voltage and, the more is voltage, the more quantity of stabilitrons are cut in circuit. If the temperature of a conductor increase then an average distance between atoms of a crystalline lattice, the more is length of "stair" and potential barrier for a skip of an electron i.e. the more is specific resistance to a flowing past electric current.

Why is “staircase”?

Because the spins of an electron’s MOUSTACHES are opposite and they are flapping (precession) happens in the opposite sides. In a figurative sense it is possible to present such a way: the electron in the form of a spindle, which rolls along a flat surface, periodically touching a surface by one of its end or another (it is considered a possible version with rather low temperatures).

At such motion of electrons their MOUSTACHEs, depending on a spin, on the average, become oriented in space differently. The difference of orientation can be strengthened, applying conductors of the special configuration and external EMF such a way in order to strengthen spin polarization of used conductor. In an outcome CV of electrons with an identical spin direction form so-called an axion field (similar titles - "spin field", "spinor" or "torsion field"), that is revealed and is used in some generators AF.

At rather low temperatures in external EMF MOUSTACHEs of protons can twirl into ropes, forming stable "arch" ducts of a large expansion. The electrons, falling in these ducts, acquire ability to move uniformly (to flow) along them without any acceleration (without jumps). Inside the proton’s ducts MOUSTACHEs of electrons, to some extent, also acquire ability to twist among themselves, forming so-called "Cooper’s" pairs. Probably, it is superconductivity. In that case superconductivity can be achieved, not only lowering temperature, but also creating AF of necessary strength.

It is possible to explain the availability a MF conductor with an electric current through flywheel motion of electrons’ MOUSTACHEs (for protons - motion of protons’ MOUSTACHES), and availability of inductance – through a turn of protons’ MOUSTACHES towards an EF direction. But the given explanation looks better if to take into account their interaction with "Physical Vacuum".


