

What we hear?

When the hue-and-cry of the external world ceases, in night calm, alone, we at times hear tinnitus inside ourselves.

What is it?

“Tinnitus” is connected to course of biochemical processes? With pulse of blood in capillary tubes? Hardly.

Can “tinnitus” is connected to high-frequency electrical activity of brain? But the description of electrical vibration radiated a human brain of such spectrum of frequencies as “tinnitus” doesn't meet in the literature yet, and as beta, gamma, etc. waves, their purpose and now is not known.

Can, we hear an own frequent spectrum of our axion (spin) field?

Let's try to look - and what with this phenomenon combined?

Let's recollect, what sensations cause in us sounds by a foam plastics at motion on glass or sounds, arising at scrape motion of a knife on frying pan?

Why such effect do not cause a monotonous sound in all sound range? Why just such complex spectral structure is necessary?

Why the woman instinctively squeal in case of danger? Only whether for the warning of herd about danger? And can be, it some kind of the weapon which has been not investigated by us yet (recollect the legend a nightingale the robber)?