A.A.Shpilman ( alexandrshpilman78@gmail.com )


Focal Points of "Geo-field" (Vortex Points) and "Resonators of Axion Field"

In the beginning of the 90-th years I studied "geo-fields". More precisely, studied structure of central points of "geo-field".

In the generalized kind (in volume), this structure looks as a leaf of a paper turned in "paper bag". "Paper bag" stands almost vertically, or under an inclination to a surface of the Earth. "Paper bag" precess together with rotation of the Earth. "Paper bag" crossing a surface of ground, in section forms a spiral (look figure).


In field poles 1 and 2 fields are directed almost vertically (along a pole). Between poles the spiral twisted fielding "film" in which field 30-60 degrees are directed along a surface of "film" under a angle (30-60 degrees) to a surface of ground. Thickness of a film ~ 10-20 see.

The sizes of a spiral depend on depth of immersing of top of a cone "paper bag" under a surface of ground, but the proportions remain constant.

( I think, having talents mathematics, in this spiral it is possible to find gold section.)

That about spiral swirl "the axion fields" can be found in N2/97 and N1/98.

"Axion field" (AF) has partly properties simultaneously characteristic for a flow of light and, for example, for a magnetic field. Usually, the dense substance to influence on AF similar to action of a glass with large factor of refraction (more than 10) on a flow of light, and is similar to action on a magnetic field ferromagnetic. Thus, by twisting of wire in a spiral similar to the image of a spiral on picture, it is possible to concentrate (geo-) AF in small volume, considerably by increasing its density. It also will be "the passive resonator AF" of the spiral form.


Usually, on a surface of firm subjects there is "fur" from hairs AF by thickness of ~1 mm. This "fur" at metals is especially strongly appreciable.

The interaction AF with pyramids basically is caused by interaction with "AF a fur" (AFF) surface of a material of a cone. The orientation hairs AFF is identical to orientation of an electrical field of the electrical charged cone.

If the longitudinal moment of a pulse AF is less than the moment of a pulse hairs AFF, the reflection external AF from a surface of a cone will prevail. The maximum of reflection will be at 60-90 degrees between AF and AFF. A minimum, at 0.

If the longitudinal moment of a pulse AF is more than the moment of a pulse hairs AFF, the refraction prevails, i.e. the pyramid works similarly to lens. But, all the same, large role the orientation AFF plays.

In both cases, the action on AF similar to action ferromagnetic of a pyramid on a magnetic field is partly shown.

Usually, the resonant effects in pyramids are rather insignificant.


The resonant interaction appreciablly in a design "fork" described in N2/96 is stronger.

For EM the fields at "fork" are three basic resonant frequencies - two resonances a quarter of the wave vibrator and one of the half-wave vibrator. But whether are connected as these resonances to interaction "fork" with AF?


The proton consists of three quarks. Two quarks have an electrical charge on + 2/3 and one -1/3. Probably, all of them have mass ~1/3 from mass of a proton. Quarks it not three parrots sitting in a coop at the centre of a proton, are three characteristic structures of a proton, which usually show themselves in environmental space as a uniform proton, but can show itself and independently. Structure of a central point "geo-fields" (see fig.) this display quarks of structure of a proton in macro-scale.

In such case, in influence variable EM of fields on a proton it is possible to find out some resonances between quarks separately and between their groups. The influence can change to these resonances structure and internal energy of a proton. It is necessary only to understand - what represent these resonances?


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