Ruth Norman


InterDimensional Physics
The Mind and The Universe

(The first chapter of this book see N3/99)

Chapter 3


Let us say that life is a constant proving and qualifying relationship. This relationship has always been within the quantum, which is man’s own mind. The basic rudimentary physics of life with any individual is his desire to understand the nature of the reality he has accepted as the secure boundary line of life. The mind is a quantum and an integral factor of the continuity of energy, and is, in its own stratum a functionable Intelligence of a Creative Design. Yet, many individuals have remained within a boundary line in which they have accepted certain limitations as a way of life through language, time, and space.

Let us therefore examine the true meaning of time and space and we will see that one is irreconcilably related to the other. There cannot be time without space, and space cannot exist without time. The question is, why and how, and truly what is the meaning of this geometry to no credit by those who have used the symbolism of third-dimensional mathematics. Mathematics is not necessarily incorrect; that is to say, mathematics is the reflection of an individual’s mental understanding of the energy within which he exists, of the macrocosm and the microcosm. It is the form and function of mathematics that we are alluding to which must be developed if there is the desire-and there should be-for a progressive evolution, an understanding of new boundary lines, which make necessary a new mathematics!

The reality of life’s existence within the plasma of a third-dimensional framework, within the boundary of the speed of light and within the known sixteen elements of the physical anatomy, and upon the supposed firm foundation of a planet’s surface, is evidence of energy. However, the description of this energy has gained its credibility, only through the existence of five electronic devices called the five senses. These five electronic devices are a recognition of the existence of the physical brain from which these senses are derived.

Therefore, all evidence of the motion of energy as it exists within the framework of man’s five senses has been so derived as a certain geometry throughout evolutionary periods from the known histories of man, from the astronomy of the Egyptians and the Greeks and up unto the time of Kepler, and continuing with Leibnitz! He, along with Descartes, is responsible for the introduction of the mathematics of calculus as a symbolic technique for deriving the answer to some philosophical questions that have become a quality of deductive reasoning. Such reference points are helpful in the application of the logarithms of sines and cosines, which are the basic factors in the application of these algebraic symbols.

However, these basic symbols are only relative to the movement of the energy that is the derivative of atomic life within the time and space dimension. Moving out of the time-space dimension into the micro energy fields of subatomic forces, we find that time and space are no longer relevant. Hence, it is not correct to extrapolate the nature of energy in such framework that is no longer coexistent with reference points within which man is regulated, in his measurement of time and space.

The very cell structures of man’s atomic body are geared to its relationship in the time-space dimension in which it functions. Time and space are therefore the regular features of man’s directional ability to survive and to develop the understanding of himself as an ego structure, a necessary development in the cellular nature of each organism in the grand sweep of evolution. Yet, man is more than an organism.

Scientists are individuals who have attained to a particular development in their desire to fashion a clearer picture of life by applying mental concepts that are the highest derivative of man’s evolutionary development. These mental concepts come down to a basic equation, logic and reason. However, logic and reason can function quite well within the parameters of a third dimension and quite well within a society that has already regulated itself under the jurisdiction of certain laws and customs of life. The business community has a parameter in which the businessman functions under a regulatory system. The farmer functions under a regulatory system, which provides him with the basis of sowing his crops and harvesting them. The teacher in the classroom functions within a regulation, which is the nature of his society and the needs of his students and his own evident interest in opening up the minds of his charges.

In every way we see there is regulation. But the regulation is one of the ‘man-made’ properties, which have been necessarily derived from the field, the energy field in which man functions. This energy field has, in his understanding and based upon the quotients of a time/space factor, has derived a beginning and an ending. Up to the present time in man’s evolutionary beginnings, all questions, even of a cosmological nature, are still related in this time/space, beginning and ending schematic.

Hence, even the determination of the creation of the universe, is based on the same proposition of a beginning and an ending; the postulation or theory that life began with a ‘big bang’, a huge atom that exploded with great force and moved out into the space about it. Presently the seen and unseen galaxies, life on planets, suns and other anomalies are a puzzle to astronomers searching for the appearance of strange energy forms that populate the universe.

We come back to the proposition that man contains the key to unlock the mysteries of life. Time and space are factors of a dimension. The understanding of life cannot be furthered by a singular awareness in ones present environment, because it requires man’s continuous desire to see through the third-dimensional boundary line. When one begins to conjecture on the system of time and space, within which life is regulated through clocks and the biorhythm of cell structures, and the regulation of societal life, man will recognize his interdimensional nature. The exterior factors of the physical dimension cannot provide the answers to the interdimensional movement of life’s energy.

The interdimensional movement of life cannot be contained within the systems of present calculus and geometry! A new mathematics must be discovered! Certain scientists have mentally escaped time and space, in the recognition that energy no longer behaves according to classical physics; that it no longer obeys the regularity of light traveling at 186,000 miles per second. It shall be discovered that light does truly oscillate at 210,000 miles per second because of the imperfect nature of the measurement of the electromagnetic plasma. Light does not travel in a straight line, and hence it cannot be correctly measured through a length of pipe one mile long.

Light is considered the boundary line beyond which there is no life. Light is the very channel through which man gestates the developmental factor of his intelligence. This gestation period is being completed at the end of the 20th century and the completion of the Sixth Cycle of the Recessional. This sixth cycle carries within it, the sum and total of all past life experiences which live within the cell structures of each individual physically, and mentally. The seventh cycle is discharging into mankind, Homo sapiens, the nature of a higher expressionary intelligence.

This is a higher frequency band of energy that becomes the nature of all things that live within its higher cyclic nature. As all energy is coexistent with other energy structures, there is in this respect, the movement of man as a nuclear form of energy, moving up from the compacted third-dimensional nucleus of the vortex, into a higher energy band within the interdimensional vortex. Man has moved through the barrier that once was considered to be the end of life. He has moved beyond the bend of the river, moved beyond the speed of light, and is no longer held within the framework of an atomic form!

Naturally this is an understanding that must be prefaced by all other factors in the development in any one individual with respect to his own mental discipline and the ability for him to realize the inherent nature of his own mind. When one has been transcended in certain moments of life’s experiences where time, to all intents and purposes has been compacted or shortened and space has dissolved, then man becomes a bird and has found a freedom of excessive beauty. This experience can no longer be considered physical because it exists on another energy level known as psychic or mental.

This mental experience is not only nonphysical but is removed from the boundaries which are the regulatory means of living within the physical anatomy. It is truly a realization of the existence of the continuity of life on a higher frequency band where time and space no longer exists. The reason for this phenomenon can be substantiated in that man is not a physical creature.

Man, by the very hieroglyphics of that three letter word is an energy system; an energy system functioning albeit within the measurement of a third-dimensional field of energy.

He thus is an energy system, always, functioning within a larger energy system and therefore needs to have an instrument in which to contain this functioning design. This energy system, as it is infinite, is timeless and spaceless, and must have some, shall we call it, restrictive device, or instrument which will allow man to navigate in a lower frequency field. In this respect, the physical anatomy is a derivative of the atomic material of the third dimension. Hence, man has always been puzzled by the dichotomy of himself. On the one hand, he is affected by a five-sense body; on the other hand, he is also affected by his sixth, seventh, and eighth sense body etc!

Putting it in another way, man is affected by his physical anatomy and his spiritual anatomy. His physical anatomy is bounded by time and space; his spiritual anatomy is a higher energy system that correspondingly functions on the fourth dimension. So in this respect, it can be substantiated that man is a fourth-dimensional energy system, functioning in a third-dimensional restrictive environment within a five-sensing electronic instrument.

The entire dichotomy of life can be resolved then in the understanding that man is functioning through an instrument that can only express with the elementary five senses, to learn in this elementary fashion of certain factors of life. These factors are the nature of the physics of the third dimension. Yet he must learn in this manner the physics of his fourth-dimensional mind. The boundary of atomic life within the third dimension is a development to a greater awareness of the boundless and infinite nature of energy in which all mankind has been created as a spark of Infinite Intelligence.

The Infinite Creative Intelligence, the Cosmic Mind, the Fountainhead, is known by names that have been garnered from various teachers and teachings, the Father, the Infinite Force, and so on and so forth. These names have, in some respects, advanced the understanding of man and have, in other ways, restricted his infinite nature. The carrier wave that contains the logic and reason of the interdimensional nature of man exists within the logical methods of scientific development. But that development is not new, because the existence of this knowledge had already been a developed feature within the existence of man on other planetary systems within the universe.

Why this has not been a recognized and accepted factor in the present 20th century is man’s own determination and responsibility to realize, for he carries the impacted nature of his own mental blocks, a surrealism which has clouded the truth of his own reality!

The continuity of energy, by its own acceptance, is an indication that life has existed previously; not only has man existed previously, but that he is a continuity that contains a reversible and progressive nature. The interior design of energy is an indication of the movement of man and a movement of all factors of life that are related to the existence of atomic organisms from positive to negative polarities.

Science and scientists therefore are the validating means of helping struggling mankind to realize the potential of their own minds. They can further the development of mankind, progressively, by pointing them in the direction of fourth-dimensional physics. And you may ask how fourth-dimensional physics can function in a third-dimensional world? We answer in this fashion: Time and space is the functioning environment through which man exists in his physical anatomy and yet man is a fourth-dimensional factor of the Infinite. He has always been directing his fourth-dimensional self into the activities of his physical dimension. Unbeknown to himself, he has been constructing subliminally the reality of the interdimensional principles through which intelligence develops to a greater potential the logic and reason of life itself!

The greater recognition of the higher-dimensional nature of man will give a strength to individuals who have not yet arrived at the point where they are capable of logically deducing the interior nature of their mind. Particle physicists are just now deducing the interior nature of the greater intelligence that is pressing down frequency-wise into the nucleus of the atom.

Scientists can therefore, advance the reality of life as a reflection from the higher dimensions; and the validation that life is a result of a higher Intelligence contained in the Causal Dimensions. The birthing of man is a design of Infinite Intelligence, to give man the necessary so-called time, which, is a cyclic movement to develop experiences. Such experiences may be in a span of so-called earth time, millions of years, but are fourth dimensionally, a matter of moments. How long it takes for an individual to realize the reality of himself as a participating element within the greater whole is of no consequence. It is the realization and the recognition that is of importance.

Therefore, the fourth dimension is the higher mathematics, to be understood and developed so that it may function as navigational lights, that have been lit out by individuals who have been previously trained in these manners. They will therefore, function as guides, to help those who are coming along in their evolutionary development, who are young souls.

And so science is, in every respect, the navigational beam which, when properly attuned to the transmitter, will be able to reflect the knowledge of the interdimensional nature of man and of life. The navigational lights will therefore give mankind the ability to move into and across the barrier of light. Man will then be developing the realization of the existence of certain fourth dimensional factors, equations he is learning while living in the physical anatomy. When he arrives on the other side of the light force of the third dimension, factors that have held him within the field of momentum, inertia, and gravity, he will be able to navigate in the fourth dimension where light oscillates on a higher frequency. Man will be able to function within new boundary lines, which will be a reformation in his present consciousness.

Light is now moving at a velocity of 100 million miles per second. The wholeness that he will experience will be without references to a beginning or an ending. He will always know that he is a consistent whole and will not be elementarily concerned with a start or a finish. The thought, the concept, the conceptualization involved in such an ability is the developmental factors for life lived in a time/space dimension.

Time and space are the nature of the schoolroom, the educational facility in which the rudimentary knowledge of evolutionary life is being taught, for which all factors of life lived through the physical anatomy are basic teachings. Earth life can therefore be seen to be the basic curriculum for the graduation of the species man, into the next and higher classroom, a higher-dimensional classroom that contains advanced concepts as to the meaning of life’s expansion!

As the student of life is directed from his childhood, from kindergarten to primary school, to secondary school, and from secondary school to colleges and his university classes, so does he attain to the postgraduate classes where the basic rudimentary knowledge of a particular aspect of life is expanded. In this expansion it takes on more complex factors which exist within itself. In the same sense, man will advance into the postgraduate classes where he will be able to deal with the fourth-dimensional principles that exist within his own mind.

This mind is an anatomy that is constructed of sinusoidal wave forms, functioning on a timeless/spaceless structure, which has been extrapolated from the atomic dimensional senses, yet functioning in a cyclic manner, unbounded by time and space. This is the present existence of man in his postgraduate development.

To qualify and successfully complete these examinations and to occupy a higher station in life, you have determine your ability to answer the posed questions given to you. You will, in this respect, eventually lose concern for self. You will then become a spiritual being who has graduated from the elementary particle field that makes up the atomic feature of life!

Should you not be capable of advancing to the postgraduate classes in life’s learning, you will necessarily then, have to take more classes. That is to say you will necessarily have to live and experience lives lived through the physical anatomy, and in this respect, you will be advancing the nature of your spiritual reality but on a lower spectrum of the Infinite.

It is the present nature of life, the complexities which have been derived through man’s previous existences that has prepared those who are now qualifying for these examinations. These individuals will become the teachers and guides for the New Age of Logic and Reason, the renaissance of the mind; the true rebirthing of fourth-dimensional factors of life.

So long as the reality of time and space is an accepted feature and mode of life, the individual, although he contains the fourth-dimensional equivalence of energy structures, will be funneling this energy into his restricted atomic nature. He will therefore change, or shall we say, he will sublimate the expanded nature of the existence of energy as the proposition for his progressive ability to disengage himself from the gravitational pull from an earth world.

Man can live in his physical world, in his society, while developing the expanded knowledge of his fourth-dimensional nature because on this very basis that he is stepping up to a higher intelligence in his realization of the unbounded nature of himself. He can look down upon the lower threshold without being tied to it. In other words, he can be in the world but not of it, and in this respect, he can help his brothers. He can help mankind by advancing the higher or more intelligent factors of the interdimensional nature of life to those who are still students and have not yet gained sufficient experience to develop the mathematics of their own minds in the logic and the reason that will give them the necessary ability to determine the reality of this abstract nature of themselves.

Those who are in the world but not of it have abstracted from the Infinite a sufficiency of knowledge so conceived by them that it becomes the basis of their own mathematics, a basis in which they can breathe to the higher intelligence of the fourth dimension and breathe the atomic substance of a third dimension. To this extent, since it is a delicate proposition of the knowledge and usage, it must be that having been mastered, will provide them with the balancing ability to exist in a physical anatomy but to live with a non-physical mentality.

Of course one cannot live in a higher dimension while in the third dimension except in certain moments or certain times, shall we say, or cyclic relationships for so-called short durations. But the fact is that man is learning of the existence of the fourth dimension by having the experienced transcended states of consciousness. It is transcendent because physical laws which are the boundary lines of the gravitational field of the third dimension have been transcended. One must learn therefore of the mind as an energy system or else how would one be capable of existing in an environment where time and space is nonexistent, where the individual lives in a nonatomic body? The ability, the possibility, is the potential held out to homo sapiens!

So the third dimension is a classroom for man to learn to regulate his life from two alternate perspectives.

First, man must learn to live and master his physical anatomy. He must learn to master the evidence of the interaction of himself in the physical body in the society of other peoples who are likewise functioning in this manner. Therefore, in learning and mastering the third-dimensional factors of positiveness and persistence, he will attain a greater intelligence so that he can eventually function from his mental self!

We now come to the true recognition that life is a development and a constant mastering of various factors of life which are the complexities of that environment. In the mastery of the physical evidence of life, man is capable of entering into a new environment where life takes on a new proposition, to travel on a boat that has no sails, no wind, but yet must be advances within the sea of energy. This is his new body.

Hence, the individual learns that he is truly a non-physical individual or being, that the energy which he had thought to be of a physical nature was, at all times, a fourth-dimensional factor and that at all times he had been learning about the higher principles of the energy of life. Thus, life is a preparation to provide each and every individual the ability not only to exist in a higher framework of life but to advance the entire proposition of life. As each individual advances in his mastery of his life, he so advances life of other factors of his society.

Society as a whole then becomes an integrated part, and an expanded nature of the Infinite. The movement forward in new and higher equivalence of the understanding of the inherent complexity of Infinite Intelligence is the expanded factor in which this Infinite has, at all times, taken on its form. Therefore, as man is the microcosm of the greater macrocosm of Infinite Intelligence, by his forward direction, in the expansion of his awareness of life and of his intelligence, he is becoming the macrocosm, taking on the greater intelligence that is the inherent nature of the energy structures, the expanded lines of force that make up the universe.

Time and space are thus the rudimentary factors and the developmental beginnings of mankind as an infinite relationship to his own progressive development.


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