Ruth Norman


InterDimensional Physics
The Mind and The Universe


“Whosoever should draw his bow over the strings of his violin, run his fingers down the keys of a piano, raise his or her voice in an aria on the operatic stage, lift his hand and dip his pen in the inkwell to write a moving statement of the nature of the mysteries of life, are individuals who are receiving the note of Creative Intelligence from those individuals living in higher dimensions. Such persons, who themselves have functioned in these various themes of terrestrial life, are now participating in the act of creation, which is their inspirational purpose and sole objective.

“Leonardo da Vinci, El Greco, Michelangelo, Raphael, and a host of other Renaissance and post-Renaissance painters, many unknown to the present generation, have inscribed upon the temple walls in Egypt, Greece, Rome, Atlantis, and Lemuria, and on the walls of great standing buildings in other planets, the flowing river of events that have transpired on their worlds and in their civilization. All great works of art, in whatever medium, contain the continuity of intelligence, the continuity of the River of Life. They essentially speak from the higher dimension from which such inspiration has been created into the medium of the atomic form on some earth world.

“But since the reflections of imagery have been received from a higher sense of sight and demodulated into the atomic world, they contain the psychokinetical frequencies of energy that touch the higher nature of man, his higher sense structures, which are the paranonnal factors of his real self! These higher sense structures called the sixth, seventh, and higher senses are the basic spark that is being fashioned and amplified through inspirational measures which represent to all mankind the recognition that there is life beyond the physical material dimensions of his present atomic world.

“Essentially, man is an electronic device, formed from an infinite electronic system. He is beginning to learn the principles by which higher-frequency devices function. The essential nature of life is the difference contained within the frequencies of the various keys of the piano or the various strings of his musical instrument. In this fashion, man is playing upon his own instrument and is learning about the basic frequency of himself, while he lives within the atomic arena of life. He is learning therefore, to recognize the sensitivity of his five-sense body, which is a lower frequency structure.

“The higher frequency, which is an indication of the nonatomic nature of man, is contained in the medium of the creative work of the artist, the musician, the actor, the writer, the singer, and those who are expressing the pure abstract concepts of life in philosophy and science. These individuals are beginning to reveal, in the 20th century, the essential identity of the sixth and the higher seventh sense structures that are presently the next development of man.

“Individuals who have touched a higher awareness of the electronic nature of their infinite instrument have revealed through the channel of their own consciousness the evidence of the higher keyboard that is contained in their own electronic device. This higher keyboard has alerted them to the existence of advanced human beings who can function beyond and above the lower five senses. To this extent, each of those individuals who are represented in the archives of museums and art galleries, libraries, the theater, and in the halls of science reveal the true nature of man as a reality of infinite proportion.

“Man, in his finite form, cannot be considered an individual until he can appreciate the nature of his individuality, containing the basic structure of the creative energy of the Infinite, and can play upon his electronic instrument. Then he begins to realize and understand that he is a member of an orchestra and must be in tune with and participate with that orchestra.

“He expands the nature of his own infinite nature by his participation as an instrument of this orchestra, which is the accompaniment of like souls who have learned to play their instruments, each one different from the other, each giving off a different frequency.

“Man is an instrument of infinite proportions, and he contains within it unimaginable possibilities to extend the awareness and perspective of his consciousness! He therefore begins in the atomic body, through which the lower keys are learned and developed to the extent that he gains a certain appreciation of the complexity that is the nature of the physical anatomy, those sense structures that are the keyboard that provides the acknowledgment of its movement.

“Yet, this body is only the subsidiary instrument. It is the student’s harp. It is the child’s piano. The true instrument now must be learned. It is an instrument that provides the force and the greater intelligence and which, itself, can activate and develop a newer instrument, one that is updated and renovated whereby it can function in an environment that will be free of dust and corrosion.

“He is presently learning about this primary instrument, which is his electromagnetic body, his mind. He is beginning to learn of the existence of such a primary energy system, and the learning must be gained by lessons that become the basis of his new education.

“The movement of energy is the nature of Infinite Intelligence. The movement of energy is the true physics of man’s existence, the understanding that he is not a solidified mass that can only exist in one dimension. In the recognition that man has been extended throughout the millions of billions of years in the nuclei-state of the beginnings of man, and in the recognition of his infinite proportion, the grand sweep of the Infinite is manifesting at the close of the major cycle of the sixth recessional. Advanced, intelligent human beings in nonatomic worlds are, as has been indicated by Michelangelo’s Fresco, reaching their hands down towards man in his lower position and, in every essence, are giving him a lift up. This lift up is the bilateral hand of higher intelligent beings who have inspired man through these many creative mediums in which life has been portrayed as an essential movement of life.

“Man, himself, must also develop the platform from which to fly, so as to free himself with knowledge of the physics of his own mind. This knowledge will give him his first initiation into the heady aroma of a life that is not subverted by the lower senses and by the carnal appetites of the physical anatomy. This is the beginning of a new era, the spiritualization of material earth worlds, the spiritualization of those individuals who have prepared themselves and who are prepared to take up their bed and walk. They have accepted responsibility for their actions in past-life endeavors, which had essentially carved their prison and kept them in bondage to their lower senses! The higher notes of the keyboard that exist within each individual’s mind are being sensed by more and more people throughout the earth worlds. And it is in this manner that the chorus is beginning to engage itself whereby the harmonic regeneration of this knowledge that is existent within the chorus is the freedom of those individuals who have learned of their own inner-dimensional and interplanetary function.

“This has been the nature of the degenerating movement of energy through the civilizations of mankind, a movement that has been brought to a halt through man’s progressive awareness of the higher keys that exist in the instrument of man. The release of this energy, which is the creative factor of Infinite Intelligence, is now the spiritual movement of man as he is essentially reversing his direction to add to this progressive movement, which is the nature of his spiritual understanding gained through the knowledge of interdimensional physics, the science through which he can create a great force.”

Chapter 1


“The consequences of Max Plank’s psychic awareness, which has become the present evolutionary design, called quantum physics or the principle of the quantum, is a basic understanding of the movement of energy. Extrapolated upon and within the language of third-dimensional physics, it has essentially rocked the establishment of the scientific community. The repercussions of this great giant leap forward into an understanding the reality of energy as an interdimensional continuity explains the unified state of consciousness that exists within the most minute factors of energy. This is true. The atom and the subatomic particles are unified states of consciousness. It is in this unified state that they exist and are related to a whole number, which is the nature of the expanded system from which they were formed as divisible, integral numbers or integer units.

“As such they are, in mathematical equivalents, truly and essentially the proof of the indivisibility of the Infinite, and yet they are the divisibility of the Infinite! This is the basic proposition that has stymied mathematical physicists in their attempt to work within the boundary lines of a third-dimensional language system, in the attempt to paint a picture of the inner reality of energy.

“Physicists have recently discovered that the interior of the atom is a vast unknowable sea of energy that functions without dependence upon the basic laws of momentum, inertia, and gravity. This is a great enigma, which is presently being recognized, thus altering the overlaying structure of classical third-dimensional physics!

“Physicists are beginning to become aware that the atom is not dependent upon the overlay that has been the structure of third-dimensional physics with respect to the fact that there is a knowable boundary line within which life had developed. This is the understandable basis of the present theory of the initial beginning of life, the big bang theory. Quantum physics relates this understanding! The theory of the quantum can therefore be seen to be the first visible evidence or the proof of the continuity of energy from a fourth-dimensional perspective, and therefore a new mathematics must be designed.

“The essential understanding is the recognition of evolutionary changes coming upon mankind that are discharging the obsolete information from man’s past. A boat, to survive the rapids, through which it is attempting to move, must lighten its contents to be able of riding the rapids. To every extent, the rapids are symbolic of man’s rocky road, which has created heavy boulders containing the verbiage and out-of-sync information based on the principles of third-dimensional physics. Man’s consciousness is the movement of his mind through life-to-life experiences as man has been a traveler throughout the cosmos, and he has lived in a myriad of planetary systems in his evolutionary development.

“The river is man’s lifeline moving as a sine wave. He finds that he has been carrying with him material features of past-life experiences that have become so compacted that they have developed into mental boulders. From one life to the next, he has thus been capsized in his movement through life, evolutionary-wise. In each capsizing, he has regenerated anger, frustration, insecurity, etc., in his attempt to reenter his capsized boat, which represents his security.

“This is the nature of the present development that is, in a greater way, taking place with the scientific community. Those scientists, who have made that turn in the great river of life, have navigated into an unknown area. Others, in a fearful manner, have remained within the boundary lines of the river, which represents their present life, protected with even thicker walls to reinforce their previous belief system as a means to garner their security.

“The interior of the atom is indicating to the particle physicists that there is no completion; there is no ending. As far and as deep as they probe, they are becoming aware that in their probing they are finding the evidence of a greater energy force! Hence, it can be seen that the individual, minute particles that make up the property and the proposition of the atom are as the tributaries of the river. Physicists are moving into the awareness that these tributaries had their basis from a wider sea.

“They are beginning to become aware that the interior of the atom is revealing the nature of the continuity of the force that had been recognized by Robert Oppenheimer as being a fourth-dimensional factor of the greater Infinite.

“There is a mathematics that explains the physics of interdimensional energy. But this higher mathematics must be a development within the mind of certain scientists who will be responsible for initiating this advanced mathematics. The interdimensional physics presently known as Unarius is the basis and the foundation for such a mathematics. But as long as man functions within the properties of the nuclear form of energy, his symbolism will be a functioning part of the light barrier.

“To work with principles of energy that are nonatomic would clearly indicate the existence of life in nonatomic worlds. Such an individual would no longer be a third-dimensional being; he would be a fourth-dimensional being. Yet, there is a means by which the representation of the fourth dimension can be brought into a third-dimensional understanding.

“Man on all fronts is beginning to develop the logic and reason to conceive that he alone contains the answers to the many propositions for the explanation of the enigma of life. It cannot come from the continuity of past methods, using only the square and the ruler! He must begin to work within the proposition of the circle. To remove the obstacle of ignorance, he must begin to conceive the fourth-dimensional, vortical nature of energy. This ignorance is as a boulder formed from the momentum of worn out dogmas!

“The basic proposition of evolution is that man advances with the full help of individuals who have developed to a greater degree the fourth-dimensional physics of life in their life-to-life development. With one’s cognizance of intelligent life in the expanded universe, that beyond the nucleus of third-dimensional worlds, one receives a greater intelligence and the ability to communicate and receive newer information that strengthens one’s awareness of the many worlds in which man lives to express the Infinite.

“Man replicates the Infinite and recreates a new environment that contains the energy of a higher frequency. With great stimulating relationships, man reflects from the frequency of another environment, from cities of crystal that oscillate at a higher frequency than do the basic 109 elements of his present atomic structures.

“Man, at the present time, is entering into a new age, which is being reflected throughout the works of more intelligent individuals who are aware of the infinite perspective of life. To all intents and purposes, he is becoming aware of the fourth-dimensional factors of life as they are evidenced in the deep space of the nucleus of the atom, which is the protonic force reflecting the fourth-dimensional pressure or field of higher dimensions.

“The infinite cannot be known except through its finite features. In this manner, the finite reveals the infinite and it explains the great dichotomy of life functioning within each finite particle. But since the finite is an endless feature of life in the third dimension, and it is an endless feature of life in the fourth dimension and in all dimensions, this is indicative of infinity. Man, as an energy factor, proves to himself that there is no beginning nor ending! Life therefore reflects the immensity of cyclic movement of wheels within wheels, and that the smallest wheel within the great macrocosm of infinite intelligence is the atom.

“The atom can therefore be seen to be finite, and yet it is infinite. In its finiteness, it expresses the infinite, because it is not singular. There are no reflections presently conceived by man, through his physical senses or indeed within his higher psychic senses, that are separate from the great whirlpool that is the vortical movement of energy, which ever widening in its expansion and ever decreasing in its contraction.

“Man in his relationship to the whole number is always the evidence of the infinite. There is truly no separation. No matter where you place your finger, you are cutting through the electromagnetic lines of force that join the energy fields of the most minute microorganisms with the macrocosmic forces that make up the sum and substance of planets, suns, galaxies, and universes.

“Therefore, atoms, man, planets, suns, and galaxies are all evidence of the nature and interconnection of life. There is at all times a constant transposition of energy from the transmitter to the receiver. Hence the great enigma facing man is the nature of extraterrestrial intelligence, and the reality of Homo sapiens living on other terrestrial worlds within the galactic systems of the universe.”

(The second chapter of this book N4/99)

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