Ruth Norman


InterDimensional Physics
The Mind and The Universe

(The first chapter of this book see N3/99)

Chapter 2


"There has been a growing acceptance within the scientific community of former secretive avenues of thought labeled metaphysical, or occult. This development is resulting in a freer expression and interest into the matrix of the mind, advancing new avenues of study of man’s evolutionary design.

"It is well to recognize that Johannes Kepler, a scientist of great repute, was looked at askance in the many facets in which he entertained a concept of life which included other terrestrial planets, as a factor of a higher reflection of Intelligence. Newton, the recognized `rock of third-dimensional physics’, was himself heavily immersed in what at that time in the 17th century, was called occult. The evidence of their great works explaining the physics of energy, was a result of their inquiry into the invisible cosmos which they had been able to rectify into the language of the mathematics and physics.

"Descartes, another scientist of great repute, considered to be the Father of not only differential calculus, but physiology and psychology set down the foundation for the inquiry into the nature of the mind: "I think therefore I am."

"We are speaking of life as it is seen by scientists, relationships of many unseen factors which cannot be validated by instrumentation. Yet it is just on this basis that all scientists agree, that the researcher is no more than his instrument; that there is a subjective element in all objective inquiries into the nature of life. Nature is being recognized to a greater extent as an integer of man himself, in this infinite sea of energy.

"Man’s consciousness therefore, will correspondingly be enlarged with the understanding of the vortical movement of energy of which he is presently both the subject and the object!

"Nikola Tesla is no doubt one of the greatest examples and proofs of an interdimensional science initiated by his ability to receive information from a dimension that lay beyond the third dimension. He could see the entire minutia of the electronic devices which he was responsible for bringing into the third dimension. This was proof that the mind functions alternatively in two dimensions. That certain individuals are capable of recognizing this alternate movement of energy is evidence that these individuals contained an awareness of their higher consciousness, that life does not stop at the end of the atomic cycle of the third dimension or that the physical body does not conclusively close out the consciousness of any individual as a fait accompli!

This higher Force was responsible for providing knowledge to that particular inquirer, and establishing a newer boundary line which man was capable of accepting as the extension of the frontiers of knowledge for that time.

"The conclusion of the 20th century is the time for such an advance of the boundary lines which are being pushed out, as a result of the work of Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, Nikola Tesla, and a host of other dedicated souls.

"Energy, if it is a result of an intelligent designer must then, not only in its macrocosmic design, but in its microcosmic design, carry out and reflect the exact principle in which this energy functions. On this basis Einstein validated his awareness of a fourth-dimensional proposition.

"The greater revolution is ‘quantum mechanics.’ It has opened up a new field which definitely states that man must himself begin to realize that he contains the basic lever which will open up the door to reveal the alternate movement of energy which is being subjectively seen through electron microscopes and through other research endeavors. Particle accelerators or cyclotrons are describing the inner movement of the energy of the atom. That inner movement will never and cannot ever be explained, using the basic hypothesis of Newtonian physics.

"On this Earth planet there are relatively few scientists who have had the strength and the belief that there are intelligent forces existing outside of the five physical senses. That source will never be found, unless the individual researcher recognizes that it lies within his own mentality. He cannot see the evidence of his research except through clearer eyes that which is the manifestation of a great electronic force field that encompasses within it, a greater understanding of the life force. This understanding will be of a greater intelligence that will direct the scientific researcher in the proper direction—a direction which will reflect answers to the puzzle in which he is presently involved in his particular research.

"Individually and as a whole, whoever the individual may be, a housewife, businessman, artisan or scientist, by erecting a dam, mentally speaking, from and around the great movement of energy, which is the resolution of the Infinite, he has stopped the flow or the movement of this energy, which carries intelligence from its basic initial thrust. It is that energy which he lacks which is the block in his aborted attempts to gain greater understanding of the enigma of the atom.

"Experientially then, no man is similar to another. Individuals have developed according to their own ability to conceive and to develop the necessary instrumentation, which is the logistics of their mind, to be able to move to the further shore. Therefore, there is, in this awareness, the recognition that within the community of scientists there are those who are further ahead in their ability to conceive of the further boundary that separates the third dimension from the fourth dimension and where the laws of third-dimensional physics are no longer operative.

"The new physics therefore is this: It is the removal of the dam whose creation has been a slow process of accumulation and which has also been slowly broken through. The hammering upon the rigid walls of this dam, have been the efforts of those strong individuals, Kepler, Newton, Nikola Tesla, Planck, Bohr, and of course, Einstein and other individuals who are beginning to realize that they can no longer depend upon the mathematics that had previously provided them with the premises for the picture of the classical movement of energy.

"But man is also a whole note. It is this wholeness that is his Infinite Creative Nature, which is fully realizable and functionable as his superconscious self—the sum and total of all polarized experiences that he has accumulated in his previous lifetimes experinced through the subconscious.


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