The Feedback

David Vilkoka's Observations and Experiments

Letters: David Wilcock < > and Alexander Shpilman < >



Alexander Shpilman (AS) > You have received a parcel (The Generator "COMFORT-M5")  in good condition?

David Wilcock (DW)> Yes... it came last Thursday. Everything was fine, the machines are perfect. I am very impressed with the quality of your product.

(AS)> You have what sensations from the generator?

(DW)> Typically when I am being treated with it, I get a sense of pressure, sometimes sudden heat. Also there can be pain in spots that might have been hurting less before, but as you said, the pain goes away after the treatment. It feels like getting two hours of sleep and a massage at the same time.

(AS)> You have experiments and observation?

(DW)> I've done a lot of experiments already. I recreated Dr. Grebennikov's detector, using a burnt twig on a spider web inside glass, and I was able to get the twig to move - it was quite miraculous to watch.

(Grebennikov's detector see in )

(AS)> Interestingly! Glass has been tightly closed?

(DW)> Yes, no air could get in. It takes about 4-5 seconds for the twig to start moving once you direct the energy towards it, and it moves slowly but deliberately. The enclosed picture is Grebennikov's drawing of this.

Water is added to the bottom if there is dry air so that it will work. I found that if the paper that you use to cover it has any plastic on it, such as cardboard from a food box, then the plastic seems to absorb the energy and the twig does not move.

(AS)> You from above directed a beam of the generator on glass? In what direction rotated a straw?

(DW)> Not from above - from the side, facing out the window. The burnt twig rotated clockwise by about 90 degrees. The counter-clockwise beam seemed to push on it in the opposite direction, as I had expected. I could not get the twig to turn counter-clockwise by energizing it from the side.

I'm going to be writing about your machine and my experiences and observations with it in the second half of my book "Divine Cosmos".

(AS)> I think, the burnt twig - is the pointer is very easy. The basic sensitive element is the spider web. Its properties are very sensitive to lack of a moisture, therefore it is recommended to pour on a bottom banks a few a little waters.

(DW)> I have definitely seen "latent vaccum structuring" at work - once you direct the flow in a certain area for a while, it becomes more difficult to change the direction. Also most interesting is that a plant that was next to the experiment has now grown over and down into where the path of the beam was.

(AS)> What name has this plant?

(DW)> It is a water lily. It is literally bending right over and into the area where I sent the beam. It is so obvious that it is almost ridiculous!

One more thing... I went back to the spot where I was directing the beam at the Grebennikov detector and was trying to get it to move again. This was at night, last Friday. Nothing was happening, so I decided to try to enhance the beam by cupping both of my hands around the machine prayer-style, forming a giant triangle with my arms. Within two seconds of doing this, there was a bright spherical flash of lightning outside the window in the exact path of the beam. The thunder came in three seconds of time. I went outside to look and then there was another flash of lightning in the same spot. All I was trying to do was move a twig, and then that happened. Crazy!

I then went inside and said, "I wonder if I did that. If I did, then perhaps I can get even more to happen." So, I plugged in the machine and put it through the window. Outside it wasn't raining and there was no wind, though there were some clouds. I held the detector out at the same spot in both hands, with my feet at shoulder-width apart and my hands in the triangle again. As I did this, pain grew stronger and stronger in my hands and forearms, especially on the left side. This is what then happened:

1-10 seconds: No change. 10-20 seconds: Light wind starts blowing in direction I was pointing. 20-40 seconds: Wind intensifies and mild rain gets started. 40-60 seconds: Rain intensifies, becoming very strong. 60-90 seconds: Rain becomes outrageously powerful, thunder sounds.

At this point I stopped, thinking that it would only get worse and worse. Also, by this point I was in some pretty serious pain. I capped the machine off, went back inside the house and unplugged it. Then, I went back outside, and this is what happened:

10-30 seconds: Rain and thunder start decreasing. 30-50 seconds: Thunder disappears, rain continues decreasing. 50-70 seconds: Wind speed decreases, rain becomes very gentle. 70-80 seconds: Rain stops, wind becomes very light. 80-90 seconds: Wind and rain both stop.

This was definitely amazing. I don't know if it is repeatable in a laboratory, because it seems that the machine was only amplifying my own natural abilities. Also, less than two days after I did this experiment I got pretty sick... okay, really sick. My stomach stopped digesting food, I was dizzy when I tried to stand, felt nauseous, et cetera. I talked to the president of the US Psychotronics Association and he confirmed that this was caused by torsion-waves / axion fields, and he told me what to do, which included drinking lots of water and taking baths with epsom salts, vinegar and baking soda for detoxification. I'm finally getting better, and thus I don't plan on redoing the weather experiment again.

(AS)> Interesting experiment!

(DW)> Yes, I certainly did not expect anything like this, but it worked very well. I had some success in changing the weather just by conscious intention before, but never so strongly as this.

(DW)> I delivered a presentation to the US Psychotronics Association in July 2002, and many of the people were very impressed with the COMFORT-7 and wanted to know how to get one. I staged a demonstration that was filmed live on videotape where I transported the spin-state of a glass of vodka into a glass of water. Several of the audience members could taste the alcohol in the water after a 10-15 minute period of energizing.

The most interesting thing, though, was also the most unfortunate for me. I carried around the case for my laptop computer at the seminar to use as a container for the torsion machine, and there were several occasions where I put the machine right back into the case after it had just been used. At the time I did not think about "latent fields" from the machine developing in the case.

The laptop was set up in the hotel room and was working perfectly. However, when I put it back in the case and then drove home, it did not work at all. The latent fields were introduced into the case right where the hard drive of the laptop was. When I would turn on the laptop, all I would hear was a rhythmic whirring noise and a series of beeps - the computer completely would not start.

I contacted two different data recovery service companies and gave them an exact description of the sound and what was going on. They both agreed unequivocally that the hard drive was dead and I should send it in for a costly data recovery service to get my important things back. I didn't want to part with the money that easily, so I kept trying to turn it on every few hours for the next two and a half days. Every time I did, the same thing would happen. So, I became 100% convinced that I had lost the laptop for good, and went ahead and ordered a nicer, newer used model for $500.

In the meantime, I removed the hard drive so that I could send it back to the company. However, I still didn't quite have the money to pay for it yet, so I was willing to wait a bit longer.

Finally, after a whole week since the problems first started, I had an idea. I wanted to reinstall the hard drive and turn on the computer one last time, just to prove that it was completely beyond repair. I popped it in, turned the machine on, and heard a normal hard drive noise. The BIOS system on the screen said something like, "System did not load properly on last attempt. Continue loading system? (Y/N)?" Of course, I hit "Y," and laughed in amazement as everything loaded up just as fine as ever. I did decide to keep the newer machine but still use the older one sometimes, and I have had no further problems with it. I have certainly never heard of a computer problem like this before.

Based on my understanding of torsion / axion fields, I created "latent vacuum structuring" in the foam cavity structures of the soft laptop case with the COMFORT-7L. Then when I put the computer back in there, these leftover charges entered into the circuitry of the hard drive, where they were the strongest. Apparently this charge was strong enough to affect the natural microscopic switching mechanisms in the transistors of the computer chips that were responsible for the hard drive. However, somewhere between three days and one week later, these charges dissipated and then the circuits returned to normal.

I should tell you that this was the second computer that was "killed" by the COMFORT-7L. The same night that I did the weather experiment that I told you about, my main computer had a horrible crash where it would only boot in Safe Mode afterwards. I had to completely wipe out all the data on my hard drive and reformat it from scratch, and the computer still has serious problems that I have not been able to resolve, which cut its speed and power by half. These did not exist before I did those experiments. Therefore, I recommend that anyone who uses the COMFORT-7L or 7R should be sure to TURN OFF all computer equipment before using it, and never use it too close to any sensitive equipment. Most importantly, never, never aim the beam directly at a computer.

You have my commendations for an absolutely superb product. Many, many people have wanted to build something like this that actually works, but very few have succeeded. There is no doubt that the device fulfills every aspect of the torsion field research from Russia, Ukraine, Kazhakhstan, Czechoslovakia, et cetera that I have read about, as well as the American Wilhelm Reich's research.

I have performed healing treatments on several people with the device. Some of them have had very strong reactions from it while the treatment is in progress. I have one friend who is on a very, very clean "raw food" diet, and when I use the machine on him, it makes his whole body twitch vigorously. He also reported the feeling that his own muscles had increased in strength without actually doing any exercise. His consciousness has dramatically expanded just after three treatments in three weeks - he is remembering his dreams, having clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, et cetera.

Truly a marvelous breakthrough - and considering that you have built it as strong as is safe to use for the human body, it couldn't be better. And the price, especially based on American economics, is unbelievably affordable considering the return. The machine is somewhat compatible to certain others that we have in the US, such as the Rife device, which sell for $3000-$5000 dollars.

Thank you so much. I will probaby be contacting you again before too long to order another model. By all means, you can use anything that I have written you on your web page.

(AS)> I Thank! I want to draw attention readers - important correctly to plan carrying out of experiment at use of the generator COMFORT-7L. The generator actively interact with aura of the experimenter. If at carrying out of experiment the person is near to the generator, hi can strengthen action of the generator, add new effects or completely abolish expected effect. It is necessary to think as to separate effect of presence of the operator from effect of influence of the generator.