
Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )



The path to perfection


Feelings and communication


There are feelings and sensations create by:

1) individual human abilities

    a) the ability of the biological body

    b) "refined bodies" of people

2) showing of external structures, substances, individuals (external vision, hearing, etc.)


Here we shall consider only those aspects that are due to the existence of institutions, substances and individuals, "the resonance of the Worlds" ( "thin worlds") largely. The successful development of new skills, it is desirable to have close contact with someone who already have these abilities.


Development of own vision-feeling


An important factor is the ability to feel your body.


Practical exercises


You must select a part of the body surface, which feels free (without touching it). You may concentrate on it, move your focus up, down and sideways. So, you may to oscillate attention and expand the zone of simultaneous sensations of the body surface until the entire surface is covered by all body care. If you can not expand the zone at the same time feeling all surface of body, the first you can do " way " narrow path, and then you expand them gradually.

Some notes:

a) It is not necessary to achieve the aim of one session. There is no purport in fatigue.

b) You must start feel your head to the end of this session. You may fall into the sleep. So, the proposed exercise need to do before bedtime preferably.


Some consequences:

These exercises are a good relaxation. You may recover a lot of skin diseases. You wounds recover faster.


Active and passive yourself vision-feeling


Yourself vision-feeling can be active or passive. For example, practice on expanding the area of skin sensitivity is an active action. And the sense of self-integrity is passive.


Practical exercises for the development of active vision-feeling


1.We get the feeling of elastic field "ball" between the hands.

   a) You may sit on a comfortable chair. Your posture must be loose, relaxed. Put your hands on your knees. Your palms must be parallel and facing each other. Distance between the palms may be about 20-25 centimeters. Tighten the muscles of the hands and start breathing slowly, steadily and deeply (inhale - exhale). Start move your palms slowly intact breath. You may focusing on the sensations between your palms. You may imagine that you keep half-mast toy balloon between palms.  Try to feel the pressure in the center of the palms and tingling in the fingertips.

As the distance between your palms will decrease, you will feel some rise of strength – if you really have toy balloon between your palms.

2. Now we may learn to feel " toy ball" between the palm and body.

   a) If you running your palm over the body of another person, you will feel the same energy that was between your palms. But first, you may do experiment with your body. Spend by your palm above your tibiotarsus or thigh. Make sure that there is some resistance, you feel a field - the palm feels its elasticity. Maybe your palm feels warmth or as if thousands of needles tingle your palm. The feeling in the palm may be very different, it is deeply individual matter. The main thing - you feel this field, and try to remember your feelings.

Now, our exercise need modify. Push the field of your palm on the field of thigh without moving the palm. Do you feel like a field palm is extended and makes pressure? You feel a slight warmth and heaviness, pressure feeling in your thigh. And now you may to feel that the field of your palm is shorten. And your thigh feels coolness and lightness, as if the pressure is smaller. Repeat this exercise as long as the feeling will not be clear and accurate.

3. We learn to adapt our field to any object and feel " toy ball" between our palm and thise subject.

4. We tune in the wall and feel the "toy ball" between the wall and a palm. Then we go to the middle of the room and try to feel the "field poles" coming off the walls, ceiling and floor. We may  go to the nature and turn our palm to the surface of ground and study the spatial structure of geofields.

5. Than we may stand in the field.  A distance to the trunk of a tree is 2-3 meters. Mentally we extend our palm and fingered the trunk. So we can do with wall and any subject.

6. Our virtual palms in our imagine may are drawn from the temples of our head or other parts of the body. We do the exercise according the point 5

7. The same way we "feels" the selected subject to all our "virtual" body.

8. We may "lick" ourselves "virtual" tongue, as it makes the cat. Especially carefully we "licks" our sore points.

9. If we have the painful spot of the body, then we need repeating the point 2 feel. We may feel "toy ball" between the painful spot and our palm. We need to move our palm and the sensation of pain is various. So, we can find "thread" passing through the painful spot of the body (sometimes they is called "energy channels"). But these "thread" run through of all our body. If we once have found this “thread”, we can test the missing other.

10. We may repeat the point 9, but we need replace focus attention with palm to our body and research it in the mind's eye.


Some consequences:

These exercises help to develop a lot of sensitivity. If we do remote "feeling", we may sense accompany a rich complex of sensations: heat, cold, taste, smell, visual image, etc. As a rule, our own vision to "resonant worlds" is reduced to "probing" the object of observation.


Some notes:

It is important to understand in practice, that the key to sensory perception in the "resonance worlds" is the ability to precisely tune (resonate) at the observed object. It is important to understand that perception depends on the setting. Our thoughts and desires can distort the observed pattern strongly, because you need to learn to "not-doing" (do not do alter under yourself), to learn to be neutral.


Moving the point of observation


1) Close your eyes and try to feel where are our ears. Are they above or below, the front or behind of our point of observation?

2) Look at the tip of our nose and try to determine where there is a point of our observing. Then close the left and right eye alternately, and determine how to move our point of observation.

3) Begin a complex manipulation of your fingers and observe the movement of our point of observation.

4) Try to watch ( "inner eye") ourselves from different parts of our body (move the point of observation in these parts of the body), and from a point outside it.

5) Now we try the oscillating movement and turns of our point of observation. (You may get a delightful experience!).

6) Return the point of perception to its original position.


Move "only" of our point of observation and nothing else. This is true for those people especially who already have certain extraordinary abilities.


Passive vision-feeling


 You can  look the structure of thin matter resonant worlds possible to our normal vision, as well as disturbance in the aura.


Practical exercises "normal" vision of some structures of "thin matter"


1) Stand up opposite the window. Look at house plants (or shades), then - glass, a tree outside the window and the distant objects. Repeat the same in reverse. It is desirable to stand up so that examines items would be on the same line. So that is not necessary in the course of exercises to twist his head and squint eyes. The main thing in this exercise - is to learn to have control the focus of your eyes.

2) Now we may to observe the haze rising warm air over the heated objects (stove, iron, soldering, etc.). Learning how to change its sight when you change the eye focus.

3) Look at the edge of objects or fingertips, by focusing on a few centimeters on the observed point. Naturally, the visible edge of the object somewhat blurred, but the aura that we can see stretches over a much greater distance. We repeat these observations in different lighting conditions. The most characteristic observation in bright sunlight and in the dim light.

4) Take a copper or aluminum wire thickness of 1-2 mm and a length of about 15 cm. Fold it in the form of the Greek letter gamma. Keep this figure with two fingers at the point of intersection of the wires. We can see the inside of a wire structure ghost film in bright sunlight, at a particular focusing view. We can see while the other is focused view - ghostly sequel wires at their ends. In the dim light we can see light dark stripes.

a) In the evening, before going to bed, lying in bed or just being in any convenient for you to pose, but it is desirable in the dim light, pull the front of the arm so that the hand was against the backdrop of the ceiling. Pull apart fingers and look in the direction of the hand. Try to keep your eyes do not actually fall on his fingers, and passed as if through them, and rested on the ceiling. Try to perceive the space directly in front of the fingertips. Focus on this space and for a while, see moving. But do not look at it, and through it - the ceiling. After a while, you will notice some change in space near the toes. Each change may be his. Someone sees something remotely resembling a colorless rays coming from the fingers, someone will like whitish lumps of fog, someone space near the toes subtly change color to become darker or lighter.

Try to move his fingers slightly and "play" these rays or spots. This is nothing else but your own energy body, which you can now see with their own eyes. Try to lengthen the energetic body of your hand, and you will see as "rays" to extend.

When you see the "energy body" of your hand clearly, try to reach out to them (namely the energy body, not the physical hand!) To your other hand. Touch it "energo-palm". Feelings are quite clear - because you have learned to imaginary hand to touch the objects. Here you touched my hand energy finger. Here we stroked her " energo-palm". This is carried out with yourself "energy" handshake.

5) A clear sunny day looking at the cloudless sky (but not in the sun). Changing the focus of view, tune to the vision flickering ghostly bubbles (you must "blink" and will be built on the specks on the mucosal surface of the eye). Examine how they are affected by the wind, blinking of the eyelids, our position in space, etc. Change eye focus, and concentration, trying to see something different, unusual. (Exercise is good to do on the beach, when nothing else to do).

6) Try to see the heterogeneity of the air in the room and outside the room.


Practical exercises for the development of passive vision-feeling for the disturbance in the aura


Perturbation in the aura:

We do these physical exercises in the dark. Our eyes are closed. We watch the movement of our body parts, especially the movement of our hands (palms). Therefore, we can easier to "see" the movement hand along the vertical plane coming diagonally from our temples. Then we may see a "vision" - like so many reflections of the movement of our hands in the shards of a broken mirror. We call this vision - "facet". If we have it, we have a lot of perception centers in our aura. Over time, our consciousness will bring together a set of "fragments-views" in a single picture. But after that you need to take into consideration in mind: we have seen in many respects depends on what we pay attention to what resonate.




Perhaps we hear in the silence of "tang in ears " (not Tinnitus). If your hearing is broken, you often hear only Tinnitus. The source of the "tang in ears " are not the biochemical processes. It has too high frequency vibrations. Our brain to pull away from its own electrical oscillations. Probably, it is the external signal for our brain. Perhaps " tang in ears" is due to our own aura vibration entirely.


1) Find a quiet place and listen to the "tang in ears". Try to catch – is it solid color or with a rich spectrum of this "sound".

2) Transferring the point of concentration of our attention and the "point of perception" to the deferent part of the body and out of the body and watching how the "ringing in the ears" is changing at the same time.

3) Moving the hands around your head, catching moments of change " tang in ears ".

4) You may to observe how the " tang in ears " is change from the time of day, position in space, if you come to the different people, etc.


The sense of harmony


When we enjoy the wonderful music, then we have no problem to find a fake sound. We do not need a model, a complex mathematical structure and rules to detect false sound. This sound simply "cuts" our hearing. We notice this disharmony at once, "immediately." Also we are able to feel the harmony and disharmony in our lives, but we use this opportunity in the whole volume rarely.

Let us remember the events of our lives. At first we feel uncomfortable often, and then try to analyze. But more often we observe the following sequence: a sense -> event -> analysis.




We get the information from the future. But at the moment when it is predicted the future becoming a reality, it can be transformed as matter is the dynamic and exists in over-time.

People can foresee the future themselves, or obtain information from the "thin worlds."

Another option foresight is - a forecast of the future from the already known. It may be known as an individual man, as well as "thin worlds" with which the person is associated.

The third variant - is to get information about already occurred in this moment, but do not in the usual way. Clearly, this is not the foresight, but many people do not know it.




When we come home at evening, we push button switch in the hallway automatically. When we go, we is not controlling the operation of each muscle, too. This is natural.

Of course, we have a stereotypical mental-emotional reaction to events. We have a certain set of standard psychological conditions in which we are in a state of rest constantly (with the time they are printed, even in terms of our face). We look primarily one eye, doing the work mostly with one hand, etc.

In this conditions the researcher sees through habit what used to see, does not notice this errors, cannot think.


Style of thinking


Some people believe that they think by the words, others believe that thinking by images, next thinking by the concepts. But this is only the outward manifestation of the result. None of us picks up the moment thinking. Our mind is like a multi-dimensional hologram. The flow of information from the outside is like a laser illuminates, and we immediately obtain the "object" of understanding. The more subtle is hologram, the more clearly traced in detail the "object", the more nuances we can mention.

If we are not able to see enough the whole picture of the world clearly, then we split it into separate parts under study (this is the first stage of accumulation of errors). The smaller and rougher hologram of our mind, the smaller pieces have to split up. After studying the individual pieces (this is the second stage of accumulation of errors) comes the stage of logical analysis and synthesis (this is the third stage of accumulation of errors). Naturally, the synthesized picture of the world is different from the nature, and therefore it must come a time trying to collectively re-look at the world around and compare what he saw with our model. Unfortunately, usually this step is omitted entirely relying on the greatness of the modern science.

The effectiveness of our thinking can be increased significantly by clicking on the pulse, illuminated style of thinking (illumined mind).

Think of your most brilliant idea, it flashes for a moment, giving us an insight. Sometimes may be simultaneously erupt multivariate understanding how ... how branched lightning.

The interval between flashes of understanding, we usually fill with garbage - pronunciation of, the construction of images, etc. But we can avoid such filling. You can be in full "silence", effectively "silence". We can fully living moments of inspiration, and trying to increase the depth and breadth of penetration into the essence.




 Typically, a person has a feeling at first, and then he has thought and he begins the following steps. (But more: we have feeling-> Action -> thought.)

However, intuition is another thing. And we often say - "I feel that ...". What is this feeling? Probably it is some kind of foresight share (information from the future), and a significant proportion of triggering associative array hologram of our mind, our experience. But thus, as a rule, our mind does not form a clear image understanding. As a result, an intuitive flair is complemented doubt.


Knowledge – Understanding


Knowledge does no understanding normally. Knowledge replace the reality of its simplified model. Evidence is immersed in faith. So it is formed the bony structures in our thinking.

Knowledge – is a crutch necessary for small and rough hologram of our mind. It is necessary to recognize. And when we is developing, we should seek to penetrate the essence of things. None of us will not do this job.

The understand – is translates hologram formed in our minds, complementing the scope of our "I" multiply new area that allows you to freely live our "I" in the added area of some topics. It is available so far as understanding fully (translates hologram).


The development of emotional and sensual body


1) Listen to yourself. How do we feel? What do we feel that we want to drink? What are experiencing we sensations and any parts of our body?

2) We may laugh or get offended. But what kind do we have sensations and vibrations in any parts of our body? What do happens with our emotions, when we try to watch them?

3) Sometimes we have unpleasant feelings. Let's try to restrain, but not suppress them entirely. Let's watching its. When emotions begin to fade, try to keep in touch with its until its are exhausted completely. Our experiences will lose power over us after such felling.


Information reading


Copying personality


Sometimes we see our manifestation of a certain character traits and behavioral responses characteristic of our friends. And the close contrast with some extraordinary personalities do it evident particularly. This is common phenomenon. It is our ability to copy the people around us at all levels available to us. This way we learn and adapt to the world around us. This copying is adding the sides for us, and increases "crystal" of our integral personality.

The problem is that we copy the most easily and primitive at first time (especially trouble for children). Sometimes it is like contamination (mental, emotional, and some neurological diseases - contagious). How can we destroy this problem? We have the following variants:

1) we do not dive into a nasty public environment and avoid close contact with unpleasant people.

2) we do distance from unpleasant people. We do not delve into their problems. We do not identify ourselves with them.

3) we try to suppress in ourselves copied "negative" unwittingly. We do not give it to appear, and waiting until it dissipates. But, unfortunately, in this moment we have some fragments of "negative" structures in our aura. We feel discomfort.

4) we holding back our feelings, and give some to manifest "the negative" (in the emotional and sensual level). We allow to feel (without balance) it to the full depth. In this case, we may take another side of our nature. So we gaining valuable experience. Precisely for this reason this option is most preferable (if it reaches the inner strength). 


Development of external vision, feeling, information exchange


Work with the "bio-frames", pendulums, "the third eye", clairvoyance, clairaudience, "white small screen", etc., usually is illustrated like external structures of entities and individuals (resonant worlds) influence to human. These structures are not above or below person, no better and no worse people. They are differ from us in the level of perfection.

We need always save the critical perception during the information exchange with entities and personalities resonant worlds. We must save some level of doubt. All living body may err, but everybody should be able to find errors.

Absolute truth does not exist. There are only different points of view.

If you do not want to part with our beliefs, our faith, it is not necessary to read written below - is unlikely, it would benefit.

If we find ourselves in the position of the martyr, it means that we do something wrong. If we feel light and comfortable in the heart, then we are on the right path.


"Bio-frame", the pendulum


"Bio-frame" and the pendulum – these are arrows in the hands of people. They do not move themselves, they are driven by a man - his muscles. But this is not the manifestation of a certain mythical subconscious. This is a result of interaction with the "resonance worlds". This is the result of interaction with symbionts of these worlds, which live with us and within us constantly.

How does symbiont of "resonant worlds" affects the movement of the "bio-frame" and the pendulum? Is it managing directly by the reduction of our muscles? - Such as "an automatic writing" – is a rare phenomenon. It is simple to put a little bit to adjust our perception of hand position and tension of the muscles as feedback automatically, in addition to our consciousness, adjust the hand position (for "automatic writing"). That is, usually, symbiont only affects to our perception.

Symbiont "resonance of the Worlds" - is a kind of living entity. It is reasonable person often. It has its own the talents and shortcomings. And it did not God knows everything. Accordingly, we may to treat it like the people.


Guessing on beans, tea leaves and on playing cards


If we will look at the wall of the house muddy, clouds, a complex pattern, we may see the images of trees and shrubs, funny and scary faces, strange animals, etc .. Of course, there are not in reality. This is game of our associative imagination. It is largely dependent on our thoughts and moods.

We may correct the game of our associative imagination slightly, and in this case, we will see some "signs over" in placers beans, coffee grounds in the blot, position the hair matted fur, etc. Again, these "signs over" are the result of the intervention of the symbionts from "resonance of the worlds."


Sometimes, people get these "signs over" in other ways. For example, it may be muscle twitching, pain in certain parts of the body, etc. The general recommendation, a person should not welcome "signs" given by through the discomfort.

"Bio-frame", the pendulum, tarot cards, etc., all these are "crutches" to communicate with the "resonance of the world." If these are interest for you, you may to use more meaningful communication channels.




This is incorrect name denote verbal communication with individuals' resonance worlds "through the inner" pronunciation of "and the actual" hearing ".

You may directly "hear" it symbiont "of the resonance of the world", at the level at which we hear "ringing in the ears." But more often, it is a kind of pop-up "false memories" supposedly heard.

Symbiont’s "word” "of the resonance of the world", through the "inner pronunciation of" may be at a level of involuntary movement of the vocal cords, tongue, lips, and without it.

We need to be observant for the development of "clairaudience". We need observe, for example, suddenly pop phrases if these are not peculiar to us. But we do not try rapidly react to detected. We may watch it "corner of our eye." We may thinking "heard" slowly. The emotional surge can break the thin thread establishes a connection. If we do not like what is happening, we may act another way.




"Third Eye," clairvoyance, "white small screen", etc. - all of these are incorrect name of a kind of "broadcasting." Symbionts "resonance of the world" may do it with man.

Images appear before our mind's eye, just as we remember previously seen like a dream or reality. The "clairvoyance" does variations of different levels of vision. These may be a lot more than the "clairaudience".

We may relax, not to think about thing and catch unexpected images, fix its.



If person is a hypnotic sleep, he can remember past lives ... But the person may receive different memories of past lives, if he comes to different hypnotists and at different times. On this basis, we can do conclusion that the memory of past lives - is purely a patient fantasy. It is not reincarnation of soul.

If we wrong put the question, we get the wrong answer.

Christians respect the soul and spirit of man. These ones together with the biological brain form three components.

Yoga consider: human body consist of a biological body, etheric, astral, mental, causal, buddhi, etc.. That is we have seven components of our body.

Why did they decide that all of these components must be the same thing of the past? Do we have one "I"?

We may be one in the morning and others - in the evening. We are different in different situations - (especially noticeable with the use of alcohol).

We have our integral "I". Our "I" like a lot of facets of the crystal, periodically they turn to the world its side, showing the world the brink of our character, our intellect, etc.. Our speech has even a description of the man - "a multi-faceted man," "versatile person". We feel and accept it intuitively, but a lot of people don’t understand this situation.


Components of the integral "I" – are a lot. Each component has its own history of incarnations. Each component in every embodiment of the integral has part of the "I" with a different set of copying and a memory incarnations of their neighbors. It is hard to imagine how many branches in the "root system" memories of past incarnations.

An important point: the memory of a certain past incarnation - is not just a set of pictures. We can see long-forgotten (blocked) the mental-mental illness. These are - vanity, greed, lust for power, etc. These are the most visible, obvious. And how many do not so obvious problems?

Therefore, we have not to intrude into the memory of past incarnations until we is not mature enough to recognize and solve internal problems.


Let us return to reincarnation.

The child already born with his character, he is not a blank sheet.

At the age 1.5-2 years old the child dramatically forgets the words that he had to learn and begin to learn speak again. In this moment, the child becomes aware of himself as a person, and he has the first childhood memories. Obviously, there is a very noticeable qualitative leap in the development of the child. This is the next incarnation 'I', it is essential of understand the "I".

Then we can notice the qualitative jumps in 4-5 years, 6-7, 9-10 years old and beyond. We can see to our integral "I" are added new ones constantly. (Probably, any “I” is decreased if it is not in demand.)

We have not do only the transformation of any "I". People often copies for themselves "I" of other people (including parents). Some person has such a problem occurs even, as he is very much apparent "transformation" under some of the people around him constantly.


When the person is dead, his integral "I" disintegrates gradually into fragments that differ in their layers "subtle worlds." So, we lose the "integrity" personality, versatility, versatility, decreases the level of awareness. The fragments have period, like long, gray, muddle-headed dream.

Some of these "I" keep their union through a mutual resonance, which is very valuable to their conscious existence. This is very important if these "I" save the union with all the "subtle planes" of the Earth. (this position we need have)




Sometimes the human may be connecting to nature of energy. It is named – egregor. In this case, the person has the transfer of a certain set of skills. Usually human is adding a new "I" in the integral "I" this person. Such implementation is often problematic in a healthy body. Because the person is deliberately weakened fasts, diets and other rites, other actions.




We can learn to feel our organs: the liver, stomach, intestines and etc. We can manage organs like hands, finding the unity, integrity. But some people prefer to say with own organs.  Naturally, he is not integrity person.

We can learn to feel the plants and animals, such as they are our extension. But we can animate our pets and get in the interaction agent. Naturally, we lose the unity with nature and the world around us.

For those who believe in God – may to live in God, to be one with him (while remaining independent person). We can get mediator, performing rituals, and saying prayers mentioning God everywhere, anywhere (in vain), removing God from ourselves, isolating ourselves from God (otherwise not be able to worship the treatment).




Our dreams may be reflection of internal processes and circumstances. It may be external circumstances or interference from outside.

Internal processes are information processing, accumulated during the previous days of wakefulness.

Internal circumstances – may be for example, developing the body of disease.

External circumstances - may be different. For example, the sleeping man was cold.

External interference - may be interaction with symbionts, entities / individuals and egregors "subtle worlds." Themes of such dreams usually differs on weekdays. For example, Sunday-Monday – is the information for the upcoming week. Tuesday-Wednesday – is testing dreams (examinations necessary to pass the time!).

Unusual, Information and Testing dreams often we have when meeting with new people and we moving to a different area.


Some moments of lucid dreaming:

Most full of dreams usually we see when we need to wake up. Therefore, if you want to remember your color dream, you need to wake up two hours before normal calls. (By this time usually ends "hard" phase of sleep.) You need stand up and walk during half an hour, take a break from sleep and go back to bed again. At this time you will look the most saturated most interesting dreams.

If you want to understand self-awareness in the dream, you need to look at your hands. If you want to increase picture clarity, you need to look at the reflection in the surrounding mirrors.

If you want to fly like bird, you do not necessary to try swing your arms. You necessary to try increase in size, for example, breathing heavily. At the same time, there is an interesting effect - your time is accelerating. If you sleep, participant of your dreams are reduced in size and stiffen as in "freeze frame ".

If you want to sink into the water, you need to shrink, decrease in size and become more dense.

We do not walk in our dream. We simply imagine where we want to be ("associative universe").

If you suddenly wake, but want to sleep again and to continue the interrupted dream, then you need to take the former position of the body as early and find an area of concentration of your attention in your aura where the action is your last dreams.




Translation of Irine Lis