Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


Inductive Detector of "Axion (Spin) Field"


In the article "The Theory and Projects of Measuring of the "Axion Field"" a design of the magnetic detector "axion field" (AF) is described. We show an improved version of this detector below.

The design consists (see Fig.1, 2) from two leaden plates X1 and X2 with thickness 1 mm in form of letter γ. There is slot in the basis for installation of the magnetic detector M. The magnetic detector M also overlaps a gap slot in a leaden ring O.

The plates X1 and X2 are assembled in a package, which is shown on Fig.2. The plates are isolated from each other by dielectric pellicle D. It has thickness of ~0.5-1 mm.

Dielectric bobbins C with the electrical coil are mounted on plates X1 and X2. The coils use electrical current, so that inside coils a magnetic field Hc=50 ampere/meter is directed as shown by arrows in a Fig.1. The toroidal coils T with the core from one layer of an iron tape by thickness of 0.1 mm and width 8 put on these coils. The toroidal coils use electrical current, so that inside coils a magnetic field Ht=90 ampere/meter will be directed as shown by arrows in a Fig.1, 2 (if parameters of the iron core change, optimum Ht will be different also).





The plate X1 is connected to voltage +90-110V.

The plate O is connected to voltage 0V.

The plate X2 is connected to voltage -90-110V.

E - the cone from electret film with a positive volumetric charge. It is intended for reduction of induced AF in the iron shield F (see Fig.3).






Principle of Functioning


AF has a direction shown by an arrow A (see Fig.4, 5). AF will penetrate in dielectric D and leaden plates X1, X2. Electrical potential between plates separates components AF with different electrical pseudo-charge. A component with a negative pseudo-charge is run along positive plate X1, and a component with a positive pseudo-charge is run along negative plate X2. Then the components of AF are separated by a magnetic field Hc of electrical coils C along different branches of plates X (see Fig.4 and Fig.5). The toroidal coils concentrate AF in branches of plates X1 and X2.

The separated components of AF run from the ends of plates X and lock headily between themselves through the magnetic detector M.

(Usually the magnet moments of AF components are mutually compensated. In the described AF detector after partitioning of AF components they are joined again such a way that their magnet moments add. There is a magnetic field, which it is possible to measure by sensing magnetic detectors.)

Then AF penetrates into a leaden ring O. Thus, all the field is concentrated in small volume of ring O. The magnetic detector M is in slot of it.

Such the design of the AF detector will be more sensitivity, because it effectively uses AF penetrating in the AF detector.


The Induction AF Detector


High-sensitivity matnetometers are expensive and bulky devices. It is possible essentially reduce the size and cost of the device for measuring AF if to use equipment of modern radio reception and amplifications of weak electrical signals.

It is necessary to modulate AF sort four and use the inductive electrical coil of special design instead of the magnetic detector.


The Description of a Design





The design elements are similar to design of the magnetic AF detector sort X, but the double electrical coil I (see Fig.6) is placed in a shape of number “8” by copper wire (instead of magnetic detector). The coil is shown from the face end in Fig.7.

To manage the location of AF in the area of the coil I, the toroidal coil T2 is set up under leaden ring O on distance of 5-10 mm (see Fig.8).


Principle of Functioning


If to connect voltage to leading-out wire 1, 2 of coil I, the current in the coil will cause occurrence of magnetic field H of opposite orientation in the next cavities, as it is shown in Fig.7. This magnetic field will cause redistribution of AF between the next cavities of the coil I.

The delay in redistribution of AF can be used for resonant detecting of AF if to use the coil I in circuit regenerative receiver. It is the first variant of detecting.

The toroidal coil T2 operates the location of AF in area of the coil I. This coil also can be used for modulation of AF, which will cause occurrence of voltage of induction in the coil I. Induced voltage on leading-out wire 1, 2 is possible to amplify and use synchronous detecting for increasing electronic anticounter measures and sensitivity of detector. It will be the second variant of detecting.


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