Alexander A.Shpilman ( )



Discovery of magnetic monopole or DSS elements?


To Electrodynamics Laboratory "Proton-21" in Kiev since 1999 it is carry out about 10000 successful experiments on formation of a super dense condition of substance (a condition of an electron-nuclear collapse) and accompanying fundamental transformation of kernels with the help heavy-current the electronic driver in the system similar heavy-current high-voltage diode (see Fig.1).

S.V.Adamenko and V.I.Vysotsky write:


The repeated analysis of different types of radiation and products of the nuclear transformations accompanying processes of formation and the subsequent disintegration of a collapse, testifies that in the field of a collapse in the course of pulse self-compression of a target conditions (in particular, substance density), similar to what are characteristic for such astrophysical objects as white dwarfs and neutron stars are reached.


Fig.1. Relative positioning of basic elements of experimental installation




Fig.2. The image of fragments of a track on a surface of aluminium in around of 2 at different increase.

Fig.3. A series of four consistently increased pictures of the same fragment of a macrotrack on borders of a covering from aluminium on a silicon surface: a, b - the top view on the MDS-structure surface; c, d - a macrotrack input in volume of film SiO2. Being on between silicon and aluminium (side view). In last pictures the border between light and dark areas corresponds to border between silicon (below section border) and aluminium (above section border).


In these experiments were registered as "traditional" products of nuclear transformations ("normal" kernels with an abnormal isotope proportion, fast protons and deuton, rigid gamma radiation, etc.), and stable superheavy kernels with A> 270-300 and even with A> 400.

Besides, in a number of specially carry out experiments, results of very strong ordered thermo-mechanical influence on a surface of a multilayered target were registered. Which was removed from a zone of a collapse and is orientated perpendicularly to a direction on collapse area.  Results of this influence (the Fig.2,3 see) represent strictly periodic hollow macroscopical tracks (macrotracks) in volume and on a target surface. The origin of macrotracks cannot be identified with one of known particles. The analysis of characteristics of these macrotracks is more low made and studying of properties of particles (presumably, particles with a magnetic charge) which can form macrotracks is spent.


Problem of identification of a periodic hollow macrotrack


The relative positioning of basic elements of experimental apparatus is represented on fig. 1. Passage of a bunch in the form of strong pulse current J (t) between the cathode and the anode leads to occurrence of azimuthal magnetic field He (r). Under the influence of a pulse current in the anode the zone of a collapse of a part of substance of the anode is formed.

The multilayered target was from collapse area on distance nearby 10 cm.

It represented a part of standard structure metal-dielektrik-semiconductor (MDS), consisting of plate Si covered with thin layer SiO2 and thicker layer Al. The registered trace looked like a macroscopical hollow track (channel) in shape oscillated a trajectory with the constant period of L ~ 60 microns which periodically went deep into target volume through layer Al (and partly through SiO2) and there were on its surface, simultaneously making fluctuations with amplitude about 20 microns in parallel target surfaces. The total length of a continuous part of a track is equal L ~ 2000 microns, its width 3.5 microns, and a thickness - about 1.3 microns (it is approximately equal to a thickness of layer Al). On a surface of a target near places of a periodic exit of a track from volume fused and fallen asleep Al there is a small amount of the fallen asleep silicon. The direction of an axis of symmetry of a trajectory of the basic extensive a track consisting of two pieces, approximately corresponded to a direction of a vector of intensity of an azimuthal magnetic field of current He (r).

General view of a surface of MDS-structure with oscillated a track and separate fragments of a track on a surface and in volume Al, covering a substrate from Si, are presented on fig. 2-3.

From fig. 2 and 3 follows, that the track is present only at those spatially carried areas of a surface of a target (area 1 and 2) where there was an aluminum covering of a surface, and the track on two these areas was obvious continuation of movement of one not identified particle. At the same time in space between two areas with aluminium coverings any traces of interaction were absent. Let's notice, that the layer from Al is a paramagnetic, and other two layers of MDS-structure (Si and SiO2) - diamagnetics. Thus, strong thermo-mechanical influence took place only within a paramagnetic. This effect visually shows fig. 3 on which the entrance aperture of a track on a face surface of aluminum is visible. This essential circumstance will be considered further.

Let's spend an estimation of the minimum energy necessary for formation of a macrotrack.

 If to start with a configuration of a periodic track the volume and weight of the fused aluminium within a macrotrack are equal VAl ~ 10-8 sm3, MAl ~ ~ 2.7 õ 10-8 g.

Proceeding from specific thermal capacity C ~ 0.9 Dzh/g•grade and sizes of specific warmth of fusion AH ~ 30 Dzh/g aluminum, it is easy to define the minimum energy which is necessary for spending for heating and aluminum fusion in macrotrack volume:


QAl = (CAT + AH)MAl ~ 1.5 x 10-5 Dzh ~ 105 GeV. (1)


If to consider additional energy which has been spent for fusion and silicon emission, on heating of other (not fused) part of aluminium, and also on ionisation of all products in the field of a macrotrack the size of full energy can be estimated as Qtot ~ 2 õ 105 GeV. Specific allocation of energy appears extremely big, equal:


dQJdl = -Qtot/L ~ -106 GeV/cm. (2)


Let's notice, that results (1) and (2) it is very essential (in 106 times) differ from the data presented in work [1]. In this work it was informed on registration on a film of periodic tracks similar under the form with specific energy-release dW/dl ~ 1.5 GeV/cm. Authors have identified them with result of photoregistration of "strange" radiation which they connected with braking of Dirac monopole.

It will be more low shown, that simple braking of particles (including with a magnetic charge) is not capable to provide allocation of energy (1) and (2) and to provide the observable form of a track. There is a natural question on what particle could form such strictly ordered macroscopical track, having allocated thus very big energy?


Constant length of the period of fluctuations oscillated type trajectories of "a tractor trace" and identical character of damage of surface Al within all periods of a track testify that average forward speed of not identified particle along all trajectory was invariable. If to consider all features of a trajectory and very big energy-release which takes place at interaction of a particle with a target it is obvious, that formation of such trajectory can be connected with two scenarios:

1. With a target surface the particle having very big kinetic energy Wk which much more exceeded size Qtot and consequently the big allocation of energy dQ/dl did not influence neither on Wk, nor on character of movement of a particle and feature of its interaction with a target co-operated.

2. The particle had small speed v and rather small kinetic energy Wk, and registered very big allocation of energy and formation of a macroscopical track are connected by that the moving not identified particle stimulated course of energo-favourable nuclear reactions along a movement trajectory.


The first scenario is logically inconsistent and will not be co-ordinated with data of experiments. It is caused by that the particle with the big kinetic energy should have the big impulse. However it contradicts that the particle often and ranked changed a trajectory and a movement direction, and in one point has occurred very sharp (on a angle close to 180°) change of a direction of movement. Such character of movement corresponds to particles with small energy and a small impulse. But such particles cannot perform the big work on destruction of a surface of a target! Besides, such scenario does not explain absence of a track on a site of a surface pure Si, laying between two limited layers from Al, being on a surface of the general substrate from Si.

The second scenario is represented more proved, and we will consider it in details. Within the limits of this scenario follows, that the hypothetical particle, which interaction with a target forms a specific macrotrack, should satisfy to a number of requirements:

1. It should stimulate course of nuclear reactions with very big energy-release and local destruction of a target.

2. Specific energy-release, stimulated a particle, should be identical along all track.

3. She should not participate in nuclear reactions, i.e. should get to a zone of reaction and leave it in an invariable kind.

4. She should influence formation of the ordered trajectory.

5. Its movement should be a miscellaneous in paramagnetic and diamagnetic environments.

It is obvious, that such requirements do not allow to identify it with one of known neutral particles or particles with an electric charge. There are very much strong reasons to assume, that such features of interaction can be connected with movement of a particle with a magnetic charge (similar to one of versions Dirac monopole).

It is necessary to note one more circumstance. Proceeding from a macrotrack kind (the big number strictly periodic oscillations) can be made the conclusion that the size of an operating magnetic field throughout all direct trajectory (to a point of return reflexion in the top part fig.2) was approximately identical. It corresponds to that duration of formation of this part of a track was essentially less than full duration of an impulse of the current, equal T - 30-50 nanoseconds.

If this duration was comparable with T the period oscillations in the beginning and the track end would be essentially different. Proceeding from it it is possible to assume, that duration of formation of this part of a track in length L - 2 mm did not exceed T1 - 10 nanoseconds, and average longitudinal speed of movement hypothetical magnetic-charged particle was more than L/T1 - 2 x 107 cm/sec. The macrotrack going in the opposite direction from a point of a branching, has been caused, most likely, by reflexion from area of a local magnetic field, strong on size and directed to an opposite side in relation to a current field. The researches spent with use of an again-ionic mass spectrometer (SIMS), have found out presence at a vicinity of a point of turn of a macrotrack (in area with radius about 15-20 microns) a considerable quantity of the localised iron and cobalt. These data give the basis to assume, that in this place there was a small fragment magnetic-ordered domain structure (micromagnet) with the strong field which has reflected magnetic-charged a particle. Presence of an additional local magnetic field explains the further curvature of a trajectory of a macrotrack and change of its period oscillations, that is visible in the right bottom part fig.2á.


The literature list

1. Urutskoev L.I., Niksonov V. I, Tsinoev V.T.//the Applied physics. 2000. ¹ 4. C. 83.



Authors obviously state doubts that the trace was left by a certain usual is high-energy particle.

Are not confident that a trace have left magnetic monopoles. Especially not clearly "very sharp (on a angle close to 180 °) change of a direction of movement" and "in a vicinity of a point of turn of a macrotrack (in area with radius about 15-20 microns) a considerable quantity of the localised iron and cobalt". If the unknown particle "stimulates course of nuclear reactions" why occurrence of new elements, "a considerable quantity of the localised iron and cobalt", is found out only in a point of turn of "track"? And the main thing why authors are assured what is a track, instead of a imprint? A habit tribute?

Also, "it is necessary to note one more circumstance. Proceeding from a macrotrack kind (the big number strictly periodic oscillations) can be made the conclusion that the size of an operating magnetic field throughout all direct trajectory (to a point of return reflexion in the top part fig.2) was approximately identical. It corresponds to that duration of formation of this part of a track was essentially less than full duration of an impulse of the current, equal T - 30-50 nanoseconds" - it is possible to assume that own magnetic field of "track" many times more than an external magnetic field, in zone of target installation. In last variant time characteristics can be essential others which can be defined on character fusion aluminium and adjoining silicon. (At times in 30-50 nanoseconds, it is possible to expect explosive evaporation, instead of fusion more likely.)


Let's make small deviation from a theme.

For much such indicative experiment is known:

 On a surface of the inclined thick sheet of copper or aluminium lower a constant magnet. Sliding of the last is strongly braked, and even there is an impression that the magnet nestles on conductor sheet more strongly. Similar experiment - a constant magnet throw in a vertical pipe from copper or aluminium.

Standard explanation - magnet movement Foucault's vortical currents brake. But the total mass electrons involved in vortical movement of many times less mass of a constant magnet is held back that. And then, what prevents to be displaced to an electronic whirlwind after a sliding magnet?

It is logical to assume that "free" electrons, in an electric conductor, actually are not free. There is a certain grid of electrowire bridges between atoms of a conductor, on which electrons move. This is grid adheres set of whirlwinds of currents of Foucault to a crystal lattice. But, experiment with replacement of continuous sheet of a conductor by sawdust, shows that braking of movement of a constant magnet becomes imperceptible. I.e. electrowire "bridges" between atoms of a conductor it not the local phenomenon. "Bridges" prove in macro-scales.

In the experiment shown in a Fig. 1, the strongest impulse of an electric current the copper conductor of the anode of the diode blows up. The product of emission of the explosion, fixed on a target (the Fig. 2), can and is that cluster atoms of a conductor with its two "bridges".

That I represent these bridges. Independently, electronic clouds of their atom cannot form. It is necessary to assume, that this display yet not studied certain properties of kernels of atoms. Thus there is a question - why presence at "cluster" two "bridges" is characteristic? Division occurs on certain their characteristic individual properties? On a spin, to the magnetic moment, an electric charge?

What do we know about an atom kernel? What does it consist of protons and neutrons, and those, in turn, consist of quarks? Instead of whether are these "bridges" of quark structures baryon display ?

Why "bridges" were obviously showed in similar experiment? Because the dense electronic stream has essentially increased their internal energy? The specific mass of "bridges" has increased and the total electric charge grasped of electron shas accordingly increased? And liberation of these grasped electrons, at disintegration of "bridges", caused aluminium fusing?


For the first time having seen an original V-shaped print in S.V.Adamenko and V.I.Vysotsky's article (the Fig. 2 see) at once there is an association with what it is necessary to deal in generators "axion fields". Approximately there correspond also the characteristic geometrical sizes. And occurrence of new chemical elements, for example, observed M. Sue Benford ("Probable Axion Detection via Consistent Radiographic Findings after Exposure to a Shpilman Axion Generator"). That is interesting, contact of an aluminium foil to a x-ray film was used.


How it is possible to check up conformity? On reaction of "bridges" to external magnetic vector potential?


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