Alexandr A.Shpilman ( )


Modulation Detector of "Axion (Spin) Field"


For detecting "axion fields" it is possible to take advantage of prospective inductive ability of a field of type 3 (see Physical properties of axion (spin) fields ), modulating its variable magnetic vector potential.

For modulation "axion fields" it is offered to use two E-type ferrite cores (E1, E3) with coils L1 and L3, reeled up as shown in Fig.1. This device contains a circuit which provides an alternating current which causes the varying magnetic fields of the coils L1.1 and L1.2 (including L3.1 and L3.2) to be summarized in the central branch of the core as shown in Fig. 2.

The detecting transformer, coils L2.1 and L2.2 (see Fig.3), is included in a constant current circuit, so that a magnetic ring forms on the periphery of the E-type ferrite core, E2 (see Fig.4). And the magnetic field in the central branch remains equal to zero.









In the offered project of the detector, the detecting transformer E2 settles down between modulating "axion fields" cores E1 and E3 (see Fig.5).




The electret screen S locks a beam "axion fields" (it is shown by yellow color on Fig.6) generator G increasing its density in the detector.




The variable electric current in coils L1 and L3 creates in windows of E-type ferrite cores (E1, E3) variable magnetic vector potential which switches a stream "axion fields" by turns through the top (see. Fig. 7) and the bottom windows (see Fig.8).





This stream, crossing the central branch of core E2, should excite in it a magnetic field and accordingly EMF an induction of an opposite orientation in coils L2.1 and L2.2, to measure which it will be possible in their "average" point of connection, on contact F (see Fig.3 and Fig.5).

In the offered variant of the project of the detector, on idea, it will be easiest to tuning out from noise and it is possible to apply the standard electronics used in radio receivers.


In the described design two interesting moments should be shown:

1) Coils "axion fields" can be similar to usual coils of an electric wire. At change of currents in modulating coils L1, L3 the longitudinal moment of a pulse of coils "axion fields" will change that can to cause occurrence EMF in coils L2 of the detector.

2) Passage of coils "axion fields" through core E2 will occur to delay relatively their passage through cores E1, E3.

Combination of these two moments, at the definite modulating frequency can induce EMF the double frequency in the detector. That considerably facilitates struggle against internal electric noise of the device.


At the further improvement of a design it is possible to pay attention, that only half of volume of coils "axion fields" is inside the detector, and other part is outside. Cooperates with the case and other constructive elements of the device. Therefore it is reasonable "to double" the detector, having chosen quadrupole a variant of ferrite cores.


On Fig.9 the ferrite core with four windows is shown. Two electric coils are connected consistently so, that at connection of their connection A and B to a source of a direct current in the core the magnetic field as shown in Fig.10 (lines by dark blue color) is induced. At such orientation of a magnetic field, coils "axion fields" (the cut is shown by circles of yellow color) leave the left two windows of the core and dive back into the right windows.










On an average point of two coils C relatively the pinouts A and B the variable voltage of such amplitude moves, that the magnetic stream is switched as is shown on Fig.11 and Fig.12. Thus coils "axion fields" concentrate that only in two top windows (Fig.11), or only in two bottom (Fig.12).


Such two modulating cores settle down as well as core E1 and E3 on Fig.5. The core and coils of the detector are carried out identically by the first, orientation of a magnetic field as on Fig. 10 and settles down as well as E2 on Fig.5. Unique difference that the useful signal induced by change of the longitudinal moment of a pulse is removed from an average point of two coils C "axion fields" and by moving of its coils to the next windows (in an ideal - the signal of the double frequency).


Apparently, the interturn capacity of coils of the detector will play an essential role in sensitivity of the device. In a case if working frequencies are beforehand known it is possible to bypass this problem having connected in parallel coils the electric condenser and having adjusted the turned out electric oscillatory contour in a resonance with a useful signal. In a research variant, at many unknown parameters, probably, the preliminary amplifier of a useful signal with small entrance resistance is meaningful to use.

There is one more problem, in ferrite usually there are residual magnetic fields which will interfere with moving of coils "axion fields" from one window of the core in another if the size of the longitudinal moment of a pulse "axion fields" is insufficient. This feature can be used in the detector for measurement of the longitudinal moment of a pulse "axion fields" setting slowly varying electric current of the sawtooth form (from an external source) through a pinouts of an average point of coils C, and tracing the moments of occurrence and disappearance of a useful signal.

In addition, it is probably desirable, on a conclusion of an average point of coils C to submit a high-frequency current dc magnetic biasing for align characteristics of ferrite (just as it is done in tape tape recorders).



At deenergizing an external source "axion fields" inside the detector it will not disappear completely. There will be an induced field. For "deleting" the last it is offered to capture a design from ferrite cores external electric coil Lc (see Fig.13). Strong which pulse magnetic field will be called force out coils "axion fields" from ferrite cores of the detector.


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